Chapter 17

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Speed POV     


We were waiting on somebody to let us know what happened. Sophia was upstairs taking care of her nephew. Selena was in the living room trying to remain calm I guess. Box and I kept walking around the house making sure nothing happens. I heard screaming and took off running to Selena. "What happened?!" Selena was talking fast Spanish on the phone. "Selena!"

"They're at the hospital. Maria is fine but Dallas got shot," she said in one breath. "We have to go now."

Box will probably give Sophia a lift so Selena and I ran to my car. I was speeding the entire way there. I was swerving in and out of lanes, running red lights and all. We pulled up to the hospital in five minutes with Box and Sophia right behind us. We ran inside looking for Maria and the gang.

Drew POV


Lord Maria looks terrible but I'm not going to say anything. She looks ready to kill at any moment. The nurses and doctor were too afraid to even approach her. They thought she was going to attack them or something. But I did see that doctor staring at Maria's goodies so she might have a reason to want to attack him. I almost stabbed him with that damn pen he kept clicking.

"Maria what the hell?" some other doctor nigga came in looking pissed. "What happened to you?"

"I got kidnapped don't lose your top Jay."

"Maria you left to get away from this shit. What if you died?" Wait she did what now? Get away from what?

"Jay I'm not feeling well right now. I suggest you back the hell up. You know how I get. I will not be liable for my actions."

"You need to take your medicine"

"You need to get the hell out of my face Jay! I'm not in the fucking mood." He turned and walked out. Well damn Maria is being mean to everybody.


"I suggest you shut the fuck up before I snap on you too." And that's exactly what I did. I'll be damned if I let her play me all kinds of way. I maybe crazy but I'm not dumb. Right now she reminds me of Tyson when he's ready to blow. Speaking of the devil, Tyson walks in and hands Maria his jacket to cover herself. "Is he okay? Did they tell you anything?"

"Nah not yet." The rest of the gang came in and now only time will tell. Maria was humming something while her sisters rubbed her leg. The doctor finally came in. "What's up with our friend?"

"The bullet went straight through and it didn't hit any major organs. He had to get a few stitches but he's fine. As for you Ms. Hernandez. Your injuries are a bit more troubling. You have three fractured ribs and a slight concussion. You'll have to be admitted overnight."

"So we can see him?" She nodded and we all left to go to his room.

"My nigga, my nigga!" I walked in the room hype as hell. Maria smacked my head. "Damn bastard," I rubbed where she hit.

"What's up y'all?" he showed us love. "Maria you good?" She nodded.

"Thank god you're alright. Now I can hurt your ass. Who told you to jump in front of a bullet with no vest on?"

He sucked his teeth. "Be happy I like you enough to save your mean ass." She couldn't even say anything back. Haha! Got that ass on hush.

Maria POV


God I should strangle his black ass. Everyone stayed a little while longer. I should slap these two for bringing Santi without a car seat but I know they were just worried. "We'll come get y'all tomorrow," Tyson said leading everyone out. I was about to go to my room when Dallas pulled me back on the bed. This time, I didn't hit him.

"What nigga?"

"Stay with me?" he pouted and I just laughed at his dumb ass. "You know you want to," he wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

I chuckled a bit. "How do you figure?"

He smirked cockily at me. "I heard that you were crying over me." I blushed and looked away while he laughed. "Look at you, blushing and shit."

"Fuck you," I laughed.

"Anytime," he smirked. I rolled my eyes at him. He's so irksome. "I heard you were fussing with someone name Jay. Who's that?"

"Someone I met a long time ago. He's our doctor and he's mad I got myself in trouble."

"Your doctor normally yells at you?"

"He's more than a doctor. He's my friend. I helped him get a jump start in his career and he babysits Santi a lot. He was there for everything."

"You jump started his career?" I chewed my lip nervously before nodding. "Another piece of your past I can't know about huh?" He sighed. "It seems the longer I know you, the less I learn about you."

"I know you're getting tired of me," I muttered.

"Nah," he sighed. "I understand."

"Do you really?" I turned to face him. "Do you really understand or are you just saying that?" He shrugged indifferently.

"The more I don't know, the more confusing everything is. I want to know about your past but I get why you don't want to talk about it. I can wait until you trust me with it."

I felt guilty. Dallas just risked his life for me and I still can't find it to tell him about my past. He's been so patient with me. He deserves to know something. "I met him through my dad," I mumbled. He looked at me in surprise I guess since I'm actually saying something. "He was still just a med student back then before my dad...recruited him. I guess my dad was the one who really jump started his career. We've been friends for as long as I can remember."

He nodded. "What did you mean when you said you wouldn't be liable for your actions?"

"I'm only telling you this because I want you to be prepared and not get caught off guard. Remember when we were telling you about my anger problems?" he nodded. "The main reason everyone keeps pushing me to take my medicine is not only because I flip very easily. They're more worried about when I zone completely out. It's like something comes over me. It's almost like another me takes over."

"So this other you is dangerous?"

"Very. It's like I have no conscience, no soul. There's relatively no stopping me."

"What's it like?"

I shrugged. "It's like sleeping. No out of body experience. I don't know what happens until someone tells me. The last time it happened I woke up in a pool of someone's blood."

"You know who's?" I nodded. "Who was it?"

I sighed. "Someone I used to consider my best friend." He rubbed my back. I don't talk about it or her. But it felt good to talk about something from my past. "Thanks for saving me and all. Even though you're a dummy for jumping in front of that bullet with no protection."

He chuckled as I leaned back into his chest. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I have one more question though."

"Hm?" I mumbled as I began drifting off to sleep.

"If Jay worked for your dad, does that mean he worked for a hospital or something?"

"No," I mumbled. "Why do you think I know so much about the life you live?" And with that, I was out like a light.

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