Chapter 47

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Selena POV


We all got back from our vacation early. When we touched American soil I already missed Puerto Rican beaches. I missed the fresh air, inviting vibe, live parties and all. Most importantly, I missed not having the drama but I get why we came back early. Dallas was getting worked up with all the disrespect that's been going on. Apparently, the situation went just where he thought it was going to go and now they were ready to kill.

After the plane ride we all went our separate ways to unpack and everything and then we'd meet up at the trap. I took a little longer because I took a lot of mini breaks just to text Speed.

"Come on Selena," Maria said going through her phone.

"You act like you're the only one who has a boyfriend waiting for them." Sophia looked so happy when she said that. I'm proud she's overcoming everything. It's amazing how drastically things changed for us.

Growing up we all had our little roles. Maria was the strong conservative one. She was the mother, father, brother, sister and best friend. She gave up everything for us. She was strict on us but not anymore. She's back to just being our sister who will do anything to protect us. After her last boyfriend I was sure she'd never think about starting new with someone. And then Dallas came around and she's claiming him the father of Santi. I hope he realizes just how much Maria loves him and won't fuck it up. Not just anyone can get that close to Maria.

Sophia was the real quiet and shy one. Our mother beat her self-esteem down bad. Sophia would be too ashamed to look herself in the mirror most days. Her insecurity was the fact she wasn't built like 'typical' black girls with the curves and bust and butt. She was so scared to open up her mouth she never had a boyfriend. Now she's got one of the hottest guys calling her wifey after a few days of dating.

I used jokes as a coping method. If I fixated on making others smile and laugh as well as myself I didn't have to think about what happened to me. I lived with nightmares and random flashbacks from those days in his house. Now when I smile it's genuine. I'd worked through my problems and can say I came out a better person. Not saying I'm completely over them which I'm not. That's a lot of trauma to work through and it can't be fixed or solved simply because I got some trust-worthy friends and a caring boyfriend. But I can say now it's better and knowing there are people out there who will listen to me when I need them to and care for me makes the pain numb.




We all arrived at the trap at the same time. No one knows that we're coming back early. Dallas thinks it was best to keep it that way. He didn't want them catching wind and trying to scramble and get everything done before we got here to set things straight.

"You can hear the brothers in there trying to get everybody to work," Bruce said. And he was right. We can hear all the commotion out here. We walked in and nobody noticed anything.

"Man y'all ain't nothing but a bunch of dick riders," one dude said.

"And y'all are a bunch of stupid ass niggas! What the fuck are you doing keeping the profits?! You got a death wish nigga? That's their money."

"They don't wanna pay us so I paid myself. You out here worried about motherfuckers who don't give a shit about you. They won't notice a little money anyway."

"Oh hell nah," Dallas said. Everyone turned around and the looks they gave made it seem like they were looking into the face of death. "What the fuck is this shit? I've been here for five minutes and ain't shit being done. You know how easy it is to take all y'all out?!"

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