Chapter 21

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Selena POV


Ugh! Worst hangover ever! Why the hell did we go clubbing on a school night? Man I'm never drinking like that ever again. I felt something come up so I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. This is gonna be a long ass day.

Everyone seems to be in a crappy mood. Except Sophia, Box, and Dallas. "Y'all look terrible," Dallas laughed.

I groaned in pain. "Fuck you." Speed came over and I immediately tensed and felt embarrassed. Sophia showed us the video and I was so humiliated. Like I really gave this man a lap dance.

"Hey Dallas," a brown skin girl sat down at our table. She was cute I guess. But for some reason, I don't like her. I heard someone suck their teeth and saw Sophia was rolling her eyes and slightly mugging the girl. Well damn. What did I miss?

"Oh what's up?" he got this big ass smile on his face. I couldn't help but make a screw face. Why the hell is he so damn happy to see her? "Since when did you start going here?"

"I just transferred."

"Lord I have the biggest migraine ever," Maria came to the table. She went back home because she apparently forgot the headache medicine. Says the nurse always gave her weak stuff. "This damn medicine better hurry up and kick in."

"Gimme some," I whined.

"Puta gimme got shot." She stared at this new girl who was sitting in her seat. "Honey I don't know who you are and really don't care. You need to move that's my seat."

"No one was sitting here. Therefore it's fair game." This girl must be crazy for talking to Maria like that on a bad day.

"Hold the hell up-" Here we go. "Honey I'm giving you a-"

"Man Maria chill," Dallas said. "It's just a seat." We all looked at Dallas crazy. Does he not remember the first week of school thing?

Maria looked a bit shocked but covered it up with a mug. "Was I talking to you? I don't think so. Mind yours."

"You in a bad mood that's on you. I'm not your damn child so you're not going to be talking to me like I am."

Maria stared at him for a minute before turning and walking out. We looked at each other and got up to follow her. Our loyalty lies with Maria first Dallas second. He wants to act up in front of a new bitch then so be it. We just won't be around to stand for it.

Tyson POV


What in the hell? I was completely and utterly confused on what's going on. Dallas is acting up right now. He knows damn well how Maria gets down. Can you believe that after that argument this nigga is just sitting here flirting with this new girl? I mean she's bad and all but there's something off about her.

"Aye man let me talk to you for a minute," I interrupted their conversation. She looked annoyed and I really couldn't give a fuck. "That means you leave until we call you back."


"It's okay. I got something's to do anyway." Like a good little hoe she got up and left.

"What the fuck man?" Dallas said. "Why would you do some shit like that? That was rude as fuck."

I looked at him crazy. "And you acting out in front of that girl wasn't rude to Maria? Why the fuck are you picking a fight with her anyways? You know damn well that's been her seat since the first week of school. You should've told your hoe to move. All that wasn't necessary."

Trappers: A Sister's ProblemOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz