Chapter 43

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****Explicit Content****

Sophia POV


Boy I love the beach at night. It's so peaceful. It's even better when you have a whole section to yourself. Right now I'm laying on a blanket chilling with Chance.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?" I wondered.

"Not looking for one," he shrugged. "Aren't you supposed to be my girlfriend?"

"Boy please we broke up long time ago," I laughed.

"Whatever you cheated on me anyway." We play argued until Chase came up. "What's good bub?"

"You know them girls from the club? I'm about to go meet up with them."

"I'm in," he popped up. "You good?"

"I'm straight." They started walking down the beach. I pulled my knees close to my chest and just listened to the ocean. Memories of coming to the beach with Maria and papi came back to me.

Papi used to pick me up and let me sit on his shoulders and Maria was always irritating the body guards. We'd spend all day building sand castles, finding sea shells, and feeding the sea gulls. Afterwards we'd get ice cream.

Being with papi was always the best time ever. He was busy of course but he never neglected us. I miss him so much. He was the absolute best father a girl could ask for. I wish he was here now to hold me and tell me everything's going to be alright. Tell me to hold my head up and be happy. If only heaven allowed visitors. I just want to see his face one last time before I forget what he looks like.



"Man bye man," I hung up on Talia obsessive ass. She's pissed that I didn't bring her with me. She'll live.

"You good?" Tyson asked. Nakiya was asleep in their hut so he came to chill with me and Speed for a little while.

"Yeah man. Talia just irking the hell out of me."

"I've been meaning to ask you why you talking to her anyway. I thought you had a thing for Sophia."

"She's not my type," I shrugged.

Tyson looked at me like that was the dumbest thing he heard. "What's good fam?" Speed walked in.

"I'm glad you're here too. Sit. We're going to talk."

Tyson POV


These niggas are dumb as hell I swear. They're coming up with all types of excuses to not be with the one they want. They're just scare to admit where their hearts lie.

"Alright, I was going to let y'all figure this out on your own but you're being dumb as fuck right about now. Why the hell are y'all making up these bull shit ass excuses to not talk to the female you clearly want?" They just looked at each other for a minute.

"She isn't my type," Box said not looking at me. "Sophia is cool and all but I like my women...thicker?"

I glared at him. "You stupid motherfucker. Who gives a fuck about a damn type? You're out here being a complete dumb ass because Sophia doesn't have as much hips and ass as other girls. Who gives a fuck? That girl has more heart than any of them coke bottle bitches could ever have. You know what the fuck comes out of dating a girl simply because she looks good? You get a bitter baby momma who don't have shit else to do but ruin your fucking life." Box put his head down. "Nakiya wasn't the type of woman I liked either but look at us. We're having a baby and I'd absolutely kill for that girl. It's the ones you least expect that ends up being the best ones for you nigga."

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