Chapter 33

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Maria POV


"Hurry y'all asses up," I told Sophia and Selena. We got home late last night and now we're late for school.

"Can't we stay home?" Selena complained.

"No. You know how many days we've already missed? I bet the damn teachers forgot we go there. Now bring your ass." They groaned and got in the car. This day is going to drag on. "Stay out of trouble putas." I walked in my first period class all types of late.

"Ms. Hernandez," this old hag sneered. This bitch don't like nobody I swear. And she's racist as fuck. Her ugly ass look like the British nanny with the three moles. Whatever that ugly hoe name is.

"Ms. Smith," I gave her the same look and attitude.

"Why are you late?"

"Because I wasn't on time," I answered smartly. Some people snickered. I'm known for my snappy comebacks to these rude ass fuckers here. Teachers and students alike. Trust me, my mouth holds back for none.

"Don't get smart missy," I made my way to my seat.

"Trusty hunty, I've been smart. Like you've been bitchy."

"Disrespectful illegal immigrant. All of you unwanted pests need to go back to where you came from. You're what's wrong with this world. That attitude you bring here everyday is just like you all. The same ones with bad attitudes are the same ones who sit at home popping out babies after babies and living off of MY taxes because you don't have the common decency to get a job."

This lady got me fucked up. I really was going to be nice and try not to start no shit today but this bitch just got me hot. "Today I thought I'd be good but I guess that's just a dream. First off bitch, don't ever come for me you racist piece of shit. And to reiterate I'm PUERTO RICAN. Meaning I was born in a territory of the United States. Do you understand that much? Meaning I'm not illegal. Did you forget the part in history where YOUR people came from across the same damn ocean as the rest of us? Did you forget the slaughtering of the REAL natives of this land? This land doesn't belong to any of you so what right do you have to tell us to leave? You IGNORANT WHITE people kill me with that. Go outside of a home depot and you'll see Hispanics begging for WORK. Go in the city and you'll see a white person begging for money. Honey we ARE NOT the same. Hispanics, blacks, all minorities built this fucking country. This country is a land of immigrants. So if you have a problem with us being here then take your high mighty ass back across that ocean to where YOU came from."

Everyone was clapping and cheering. I held my hand up because I was not done with her. "You're a teacher, an educator. You're supposed to be the extension of our support system as we get older. I've been here less than a year and I see how you treat your minority students. If you hate your job then it's about time you retire. You're supposed to ensure we have the confidence to follow our dreams. You expect me or anyone to respect a bigoted racist like you when you look at us like we're the lowliest scum on the Earth? Well guess what honey, enjoy sitting on your high horse now because sooner rather than later you'll be the bottom feeder. While you're wasting away in life everyone here will be soaring miles above you. Those who are so used to being at the top will fall harder than those who've been at the bottom. And I can't wait to see the day that you fall."

Her face was a deep shade of red as everyone got riled up. "Say goodbye to your diploma," she spat. "With the amount of days you've missed I'm sure your possibilities were slim anyway. You will never be shit just like everyone in this damn zoo. You all are nothing but animals that deserve to be put down."

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