Chapter 29

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Chance in mm 😍😍

Dallas POV


"Please ma," I begged. I gave her the sad puppy dog eyes too.

She sucked her teeth. "Fine Dallas." She got up and went upstairs. I can hear her saying something in Spanish. I've been here so much and so long I can pick up when she's talking shit.

"Stop talking shit."

"Jodete puto," she yelled back. "Give me money," she came back down ready to go. I gave her my black card. "If someone breaks, cracks, scratches, or dirty anything I'm kicking your ass."

"It's just going to be the goons and people from the empire. No hoes or nothing." She nodded and walked out. I just convinced Maria to have a small kick back at her place. Might as well. There wasn't anything else to do. Plus we always host shit in my crib and now I can use someone else's. Santi is with the doctor guy, Jay. We met and we're cool. I went on facebook, twitter, instagram, and snapchat to spread the word.

Kickback at my sexy Latina place. If you don't rock with us don't show up. Leave the drama where it's at. Only the realest come in. Today at 5.

I know I just completely lied to Maria but she should know I wasn't going to invite niggas one by one. Hell nah too much work. I texted my boys to let them know to come by and set up. I called the DJ and he's on his way. I'm glad this nigga on my payroll. We never really plan our kickbacks or parties. They always happen that day. Too much trouble to hire a DJ. I just call my goon and he drops whatever he's doing and comes to a job.

"I'm going to fuck you up Dallas," Maria came in the house mad as hell.

"What?" I played innocent.

"Why the hell did you put that shit on the net? Motherfuckers are trying to RSVP now." I just smiled at her. "Puto. Go get the bags."

"Well damn Maria." She was stacked the fuck up with groceries. How the hell she get all this in an hour? Luckily, my boys pulled up so they can help with this shit.

Sophia POV


Well my plans have officially changed. Maria is having a kickback at the house. Dallas must've convinced her because I doubt she'd have one otherwise. I wonder when they'll start dating officially.

"Maria's having a party so I have to go," I told him.

"Oh word? Let me come with ya. I ain't got shit to do today." I shrugged. What harm could come out of it right? I know Maria would probably be happy as hell.



This kickback is going to be jack. Maria's place is in the perfect place for it. It's in a quiet neighborhood so we can turn up for however long we want. It just started and it's already live.

"Canon ball!" Drew jumped inside the pool. This dumb ass can't even swim. "Help! I'm drowning!"

"You dumb motherfucker," Maria shook her head. "Maybe if you drown you'll learn not to do no dumb shit like that again." He was making such a big deal splashing around and yelling. He got a random hoe by the head and tried to use her as a floaty.

"My hair!" she screamed. "You're ruining my hair! Stop it!"

"Honey those lend-mies you got from you cousin's baby momma was ruined before you put em in your head. Weave so stiff I thought it was drift wood." We were dying. Drew on some other shit. He stood up in the pool and walked out.

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