Chapter 41

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Spring break!!!

Dallas POV


Man this plane just landed and your boy is already turnt. Nothing but bathing suits, hot sun, and warm waters. Santi was bouncing all over the place. Maria couldn't go an entire week without him so instead of leaving him with Jade and Jay he came with us.

"Turn up!" Drew jumped off the plane and yelled at the top of his lungs. Maria smacked the hell out of him.

"Act like you got some sense." We all got into our cabs and headed to the beach. I looked at the sights and could already tell we're going to have some fun.

"Aye babe, what's up first?" I actually wanted to go out and look around.

"After we get settled in I'm taking Santi, Selena and Sophia to my abuela's. They don't know about Santi so this is going to be his first time meeting his roots blood family."

"So you got family out here?" she nodded. "Well I'm coming with you. I want to see your roots too."

"You sure papi?"

"I'm positive mami." She smiled a little. It took us thirty minutes to get to the beach. It was way too late in the game to get one or two of those big ass beach houses so we had to go for a couple two bedroom bungalows. It's cool because they had just enough for all of us and we're all set up on our own private section of the beach. We were right by everything too. Strip malls, spas, clubs, cabanas and all. We pulled up to our part of the beach.

"This is nice," Chase said. It really was and to have them all in one place was cool. Luckily my ass wasn't the only one paying so we all split costs. I think getting the bungalows were better than getting one big ass house that way we wouldn't be on top of each other. Everyone had privacy.

"So who's rooming with who?" Tyson asked once we had all our stuff out the cabs. Yeah we never did talk about the rooming situation.

"Y'all already know me, Maria and Santi got our own thing set up. Y'all can figure out what y'all are comfortable with. Two people can go into each one."

After some debating, we finally came to an agreement everyone was happy with. Maria, Santi, and I will have a bungalow to ourselves. Tyson and Kiya will have one of their own as well. Sophia and Selena will room together, Chance and Chase, Speed and Box, and finally Tanisha and Drew will share the last house. "Y'all be ready in fifteen minutes. The cab is gonna take us to our abuela's."

Maria POV


Being back in papi's home was refreshing and needed. I can't wait to see mi famalia. It's been way too long. Most of everyone was sleeping so it wasn't hard to get away. "Mami!" Santi said. "I hungry."

"You got anyhing for him to eat?" I asked Dallas. He gave me a bag of chips Santi can snack on. I'm so glad to have Dallas around because I always forget to pack a snack for Santi. He sure can eat. The whole ride there Dallas kept him preoccupied by playing with him. We pulled up into this nice neighborhood. Papi originally wanted them to move to the states with us but abuela loved it in Puerto Rico so he just moved them into a nicer neighborhood. I told the cab driver to stop once we got in front of the house. We all climbed out and Dallas paid the man. "Y'all ready?" they nodded. I was nervous about this. I want the little bit of family we have to accept Santi and Dallas.

I led the way up the stairs and knocked on the door. You could hear abuela going off on somebody. Had to be my one of my uncles. Abuela opened the door. "Maria?" her accent was thick. She looked at Sophia and Selena in shock. When she saw Santi she broke down crying. "Is it really you?"

"Sí abuela," I hugged her. We had our little reunion and then I stepped to the side to introduce Santi and Dallas. "Este es mi novio, Kyng y nuestro hijo Santi." Abuela hugged them both and ushered us inside.

Sophia POV


It's been forever since we've been to abuela's house. It feels good to be back. Our uncles are here too. Papi was the oldest out of three boys. The youngest is just in his twenties, not much older than Chance. He's my favorite because he's fun. My other uncle doesn't like us and I have no idea why.

"Felipe," I jumped on him. He laughed and hugged me back.

"Mi sobrina," he kissed my head. He hugged Selena and Maria. Our other uncle just stared at us like we invaded his space. "Who's this?" he looked at Dallas and Santi.

"My boyfriend and Santiago." Felipe stared at Santi.

"He looks like Julio." It was quiet for a few seconds. We stayed almost all day catching up with some of our family members. They immediately took a liking to Santi and Dallas. The only thing that would've made this even better is if papi was here. "What's wrong?" Felipe found me sitting on the back porch by myself.

"A lot on my mind."

"Like?" I explained everything I was feeling since we moved. I told him about Box and all. "Sobrina, In all honesty if he doesn't see you for the beautiful person you are that's his lost. But if you really like this guy don't be scared to tell him. Don't be scared to open up to anybody. The worst thing that can happen is he doesn't feel the same. He's not the only guy out there." I nodded and decided to listen to him. He's never steered me wrong before.

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