Chapter 24

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Maria POV


The place was a wreck by the time we got to the trap. They did kill a good bit of people. Some working boys and some hoes. They're easy to replace. There's always someone willing to make some cash. But all this money and product is a completely different story. This hoe is definitely going to die for this.

"He was so stuck on rat pussy he got us all fucked up," Speed shook his head. I headed upstairs to the office. They were all right behind me. I pulled up the video feed from the day before during the robbery. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for any clues on where we can find them." We watched the video. It was pretty gruesome. "That tattoo looks familiar." I paused the video and tried to zoom in. "Call Chase," I handed my phone to Sophia and she did. "We need a computer whiz on this." It took almost an hour and right now I'm scared as fuck. Dallas could be dead right now. "Chase I need you to make it easier to see that picture."

"I gotchu." He went right to work. He blew it up and made the picture much more viewable. I had a feeling that was the tattoo.

"Sisqo," Tyson said.

"But we torched that dude," Drew said.

"It's his people," I said. "We have to find them."

"I can do that," Chase said. "If you know someone in that gang with a phone and they haven't turned it off I can pin point their exact location."

"Kenya," Sophia said. "We don't have her number."

"Here's Dallas phone," Tyson said. "But it's locked." Chase did some things to it and in no time at all he was in the phone. "Or not." It took five minutes but he finally gave us something.

"Her phone is still on and this is where she is." It looked like she wasn't far from Sisqo's main trap. Probably the one we went to do the deal the day I got shot.

"Damn man you sure you don't wanna work for us?" Drew said amazed.

"If my boss even knew I was talking to y'all I'd be dead. I'm good bruh. But you have my number if you need anything else." He got up and left.

"So what now?" Selena asked.

"You two," I pointed at her and Sophia. "You're going home, we'll handle this." They looked ready to disagree. "Look I don't care to hear what you have to say. This is too dangerous I'm not putting y'all in the line of fire. Do as I said and go home. Santi needs someone." They didn't say anything.

"Dallas almost made you have an episode. Why are you really trying to save him?" Sophia asked.

"Not now Sophia." I know why I just can't admit it. "Everyone else suit up."

Dallas POV


I'm ready to get this over with. I don't want to die but I'm not about to stay someone's punching bag. Kenya is getting a kick out of this shit. Maria was right about her being a hoe. She gets one of the guys to come in here and beat my ass and then fucks him right there.

"Awe baby you look so down," she tried to touch me. "You not having a good time? I'm having a blast. Seeing you get what you deserve is such a turn on."

"I ain't even do shit to your crazy thot ass."

"You still haven't figured it out? You really are dumb. You took someone very important away from me. It's only right you pay with your life. And your friends' lives." Out of nowhere there were gun shots. "What the fuck?" she got on her walkie talkie. "The fuck is going on up there?"

"They're here! Dallas's set!" That's all I needed to hear.

"Looks like your plan tanked," I grinned at her. She glared at me before grabbing some tape and putting it over my mouth.

"Oh I'll kill you. Just sooner rather than later."

Maria POV


They had a lot more than we expected considering we slaughtered the lot of them. Even though they did take out a good bit of people in our set we still overpowered them in man power. "I'm going for Dallas," I told Box since he was closest to me.

"Aye be careful," he told me.

I nodded and went down a hallway. There was nobody down here. I snuck and came to some stairs. I had to watch my back and front on this one. "Papi give me the strength," I prayed. I kicked the door opened and aimed my gun around the room. Dallas was tied to a chair. He was fucked up. He looked surprised and relieved to see me. "You okay?" he nodded. Tape was over his mouth.  I slowly walked in the room making sure to look everywhere. "She in here?" he shook his head. I took the tape off his mouth.

"You shouldn't have come. She's trying to kill all of us."

"Who isn't?" I picked the lock on his handcuffs. He was in so much pain. He dropped down to the floor. "You okay?"

"My right shoulder." I sat him up and took off the bullet proof vest. "Keep it on. You'll be protected."

"I'll be fine." It took a minute but I was able to construct a sling for his arm to relax his shoulder. I helped him off the floor and put his body weight on me.

"I'm so sorry about everything," he said. "You didn't deserve any of that."

"Even me?" the puta came in with her gun aimed at us.

"We didn't even do anything to your crazy ass."

"You really are stupid aren't you?" she giggled. "No matter. This is his justice."

"Your crazy thot ass created war for Sisqo's ass? You're the stupid one," I told her. "And by the way I killed him. Nobody else." I can see she was shaking. Good. "You wanna know how he died? It was fun too. Watching him cry for mercy. Beg for forgiveness. I cut, burned, and peeled every part of his body. Do you want to know where it's at now?"

"You bitch! You killed my brother!" I pushed Dallas out the way and dived to the ground. I shot at her and she shot at me. Her limp body fell to the ground. A sudden pain started hitting me.

"Maria?! Maria! Please stay with me." Dallas looked scared. I heard footsteps coming towards us. "I told you to keep the vest on."

"We've got to get her to the hospital now," I heard Tyson say. I felt myself being lifted up. Everything hurt and all I wanted to do was sleep. "Maria stay with us."

"Maria listen to me," I hear Dallas's voice. "Don't go to sleep. You hear me? Stay awake. Please Maria."

"Dallas," I murmured as my head rolled to the side. "I...I-"

"Don't talk," hesaid. "Save your energy. We're almost there alright? Just stay with me please."I could hear him but it was hard because I was falling deeper and deeper intothe darkness. I heard murmurs that eventually faded into the background beforeI fell into it's spell.

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