Chapter 45

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Maria POV


Boy I woke up sore as hell. Dallas porn star ass fucked my shit up. The sex was bomb as fuck though. I got up to wash off but fell on the floor. "Dallas," I whined. Damn nigga done paralyzed me and shit.

"Dick got you paralyzed huh?" his ugly ass was smirking at me and shit.

"Fuck you," I huffed. "Help me to the bathroom." He picked me up and carried me to the already filled tub. It was filled with bubbles and he had all my products around the rim. "Awe thank you papi." I kissed his cheek as he helped me inside since a bitch was already naked.

He shook his head. "Crazy ass." The water stung a little but it was soothing. "I'll go get everybody up so we can go eat or whatever." He kissed my forehead and left. Lord thank you for this man right here.




Everyone was too lazy to walk to a restaurant so we decided to just stay on our side of the beach. That way we can relax in the sun and go swimming. The guys left to get some food and then Dallas is going to get Santi from my abuela's. Chance knows where they live so he'll be the guide for the guys. The girls and I are laying on the beach in our bikinis.

"You all look...different," Tanisha said. "Like you got DDS."

"The fuck is DDS?"

"Dick down syndrome." I bust out laughing when I heard that shit. This girl is something else. "So you did get the D?"

"Hell yeah," I laughed. "I don't know what got into Dallas last night but damn it was good as hell. We were at it for hours. But it wasn't like just sex. The way he was touching me. But once we got in the shower he went beast mode on me. Then back to the bed for like round four or five."

"Well damn y'all some bunny ass niggas." I laughed at that. "What about you two quiet ones?" I looked at Selena and Sophia who looked guilty.

"Who the hell did y'all fuck last night?" Selena isn't too much of shocker but Sophia?! She let someone take her V-card?! "Details now."

"Um," Sophia spoke up first. "Well Chance and I were on the beach-"

"You fucked Chance?!" we all said in unison. I should shoot his ass in the foot.

"No! Listen. We were talking for a minute and then he left to meet some girls. I was by myself for a little and then Box showed up. Things got heated and one thing led to another."

"Y'all fucked on the beach?" Damn even I'm not that bold to fuck out in public. Yet anyways.

"Well damn you're freaky," Tanisha laughed. "You didn't get sand-"

"No!" she covered her face. "We were on a blanket."

"Wait, doesn't Box have a girlfriend?" if this nigga thinks he's gonna smash and pass my sister he's got life fucked up.

"He said he wanted me and only me." Sophia looked genuinely happy and I didn't want to ruin that. But I will talk to Box about this. He better not be feeding her any fairytale shit.

"Okay your turn," I pointed to Selena. I already have an idea who it was. There was only but one other person it could be.

"Well, I had just got out the shower and was about to blow dry my hair when there was a knock on the door. Sophia was in the shower so I was kind of curious on who it could be. I opened the door and there Speed was. He wanted to talk so we went to the dock. He cleared up some stuff and I told him he had to work to get my forgiveness."

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