Chapter 23

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Maria POV


I was surrounded by darkness and could just feel something not right. Everyone had their guns ready and loaded. Tyson gave the signal and we all bust inside the house bussing caps. I break off from the rest and run down the hall, shooting everybody in sight. Where is he? I looked in every room until I came to the last door. I tried opening it but it was locked so I kicked it open and there he was. Dallas.

"Turn around!" he said. "It's a trap!" there was a gun to his head. I raised my gun to the person behind him.

"I knew you were nothing but trouble," I sneered.

Kenya smiled. "I know. You all did. Except this idiot. I thought thugs had a sixth sense for trouble and bull shit. Power of pussy works wonders." She giggled. "Now, drop your gun. Or Mr. Boss here gets it."

"Don't do it," Dallas said. "Just go Maria."

A part of me knew I should do just that. After all the bull shit I don't owe him anything. But something was stopping me from abandoning him. Maybe I'm just stupid. I sighed. And did as Kenya said. "Let him go."

"You two took somebody very important from me. It's only fair I return the favor." She pulled the trigger and Dallas's body fell to the ground. I stared in disbelief as tears rolled down my face. "Adios bitch." She had the gun aimed at me but the only thing I could do was look at Dallas. Look at his now lifeless body.

She did it. She pulled the trigger. She killed him. She killed Dallas. I shouldn't care but I do. And I know the reason why is because-BANG!!!

I sat straight up in bed panting and sweating. That dream was too real. I felt my face and felt it wet with tears. The pain I felt was real. I was really crying over that idiot. When Dallas said that to me I had to leave or I was in danger of having an episode. He made me regret ever trusting him. But what's done is done. I left to go to my 'happy place'. I had to get as far away from Dallas as possible. I had my phone off too because I needed some me time.

But now I'm having this bad feeling that something bad did or is going to happen. And that dream is a strong indication that I might be right. I turned my phone back on and had hundreds of missed calls, texts, and voicemail messages. I skipped every message that wasn't Dallas's. I must be a complete idiot for even being worried about his stupid ass.

"Maria," my heartached at the sound of raw emotion in his voice. "I'm...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about what I said and starting with you. Can you please call me back? I didn't mean anything I said. We're all worried about-oh shit!"!" I heard breaking glass and gun shots. This message was left over twelve hours ago. Before I could do anything else I got an incoming call from Tyson.


"What the fuck Maria?!!!" He went straight to yelling at me. "We're over here going crazy thinking you're fucking dead or some shit. Your sisters crying for you and spazzing out. Drew came over here crying and shit why would you leave me with these fuckers?"

"Tyson shut the hell up and listen to me bastard. When's the last time you talked to Dallas?"

"The day you left. He's called trying to apologize or some shit. But none of us wanted to hear it. Why?"

"Call him on threeway now."

"God. Leave for a week come back just as bossy." He clicked over and it was quiet for a while. "He ain't answer. You going to tell me what's up?"

"I have a feeling something bad happened. Check his place and tell everybody to go to the southside trap. I'll be there as soon as I can." I hung up and changed my clothes. Forever some bull shit happening.




I got to the trap in like three hours. I chose this one because it was closest. The way I was driving I'm surprised I didn't get stopped. All the cars were here which was good. I walked inside and I see people lazing about. "Oh hell nah! I leave for a week and y'all think y'all have time to relax? I'm in a bad fucking mood. I will shoot no questions asked."

Selena POV


"Oh hell nah! I leave for a week and y'all think y'all have time to relax? I'm in a bad fucking mood. I will shoot no questions asked." I heard Maria yell from the office. We took off running to her.

"Best friend!" Drew knocked us down and ran to be the first one to hug her. I think he forgot she's OUR sister.

"Hey hey hey, now get the fuck off me." She headed straight to the office. Well damn no hi, te amo, none of that? "Yes putas I'm back but we'll get to that later. Tyson, what'd you find?"

"I went to his place and it's fucked up. Windows broken, glass all over the ground, bullet holes everywhere. But Dallas ain't in there." Dallas? Why the hell are we looking for that ass?

"Wait what's going on?" Box jumped up.

"Dallas is in danger that's what's going on," Maria shook her head. "I have a feeling his favorite puta set him up."

"So?" I was pissed they even care. He made his choice. "We warned him and what does he do? Spits in our faces."

"Selena, regardless of how stupid he was Dallas is still part of the gang. I don't know what that means to you but to papi gang is equivalent to family if you got the right people. I admit I was and still am pissed about what happened but I'm not about to let him die."

"Why?" I glared. "He betrayed you Maria. He betrayed all of us. Why the fuck are we looking for him when he chose that skank over the gang?"

"Because I fucking said so Selena!" She yelled. "And if you have such a damn problem with it you can go the fuck home." I crossed my arms and sat back with a pout. Ole in love ass. Tyson's phone rang.

"What the fuck?!" He was breathing heavy and the vein in his neck was throbbing. Ooh that's a new kind of mad. Let me scoot over on this seat. "Yo someone robbed our fucking trap!"

"You serious?" everyone jumped up. Oh hell nah! That's my money they're playing with. "How?"

"I think Dallas showed Kenya too much. They took everything. Money, drugs, and killed most of our workers."

"Load up." We all ran to the cars. If it's not one thing it's another.

Dallas POV


Goddamn my head is killing me. My shoulders were hurting too from the position I was in. Everything that happened slowly started coming back. They were right. They were warning me about this girl and I didn't listen. Fuck I lost everybody for this girl.

"Hey baby," speaking of the devil. "Comfortable?"

"They were right," I shook my head. "My boys were right. Maria was right. You ain't nothing but trouble." God I felt so stupid.

"Yes baby. Everyone was right about me. Everyone knew I had something up my sleeve, except you. So blinded by pussy you couldn't even see it. And I thought you were the smart one."

"You conniving bitch."

She smiled. "Why thank you. I try. But to be honest, I didn't think my plan would work so...flawlessly. It was so easy to get you to turn on your friends. So easy to get you to trust me enough to have me at the trap all day everyday. But I can't take all the credit. You did a fabulous job yourself. I mean causing the Queen B herself to run off," she started laughing and applauding. "I mean even I didn't know it would go that far. You scared the litte bitch away and got your family to disown you for real. Now no one will come for you. It'll be me and you for hours on end until I kill you. Then I'll gut your friends like little bitty fishes."

"Has anyone ever told you you're coocoo for coco puffs?"

She giggled. "I wasn't always this way. That sort of thing happens when someone you love is mercilessly killed for no reason at all." She turned and walked out.

"Fuck!" Ifucked up big time. I would like to believe everyone noticed I'm gone and willcome looking for me. But I did them all dirty. They won't want anything to dowith me. I'm good as dead. "This is what I deserve. I brought this onmyself." I just killed all of my friends.

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