Chapter 7

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Selena POV


We all blacked out for a good minute before coming back to reality. I was kicking this bitch in the head when Speed picked me up. Her face was fucked up. Her left eye was swollen shut and her nose was bloody. Sophia was thrown over Box's shoulder. She was yelling and dragging the other friend by her hair. Her face was swollen. Maria on the other hand is a different story. It took Dallas, Tyson, and Drew to break up the fight with Tamia. Maria was yelling and cursing in Spanish. Tamia's already fucked up face looked like your worst nightmare times ten.

"You stupid bitches messed with the right sisters," Maria yelled getting out of her Spanish rant.

"Take them in the house!" I heard Dallas yell. The party was officially over. And I was having the time of my life. Speed did me like Box did Sophia and carried us into the house. Maria was being dragged by Tyson and Drew because she kept trying to go back for Tamia.

"When I see that bitch Imma beat her head in the cement," Maria was pacing the room we were locked in. Yeah they literally threw us into a random room and locked the door from the outside. Sophia was in the bathroom checking herself for any bruises. "These hoes been getting out of control I swear Imma kill that bitch."

"No se calmara María. Esos azadas no vale la pena. (No calm down Maria. Those hoes ain't worth it.)"

"Me estoy poniendo enfermo y cansado de ellos jugando con nosotros. Quieren ver el otro lado de mí. Ellas no me conocen. Voy a matar a todos ellas azadas. Mi papá corrió mierda. Puedo matarlos sin un segundo pensamiento y ocultar sus cuerpos nunca se encontraron. (I'm getting sick and tired of them fucking with us.  They wanna see the other side of me. They don't know me. I'll kill all of them hoes. My daddy ran shit. I can kill them without a second thought and hide their bodies to never be found.)" She sat down and her leg started shaking. She was trying to calm herself down. This Maria I can handle. She's scary yeah but she's not to 100 yet. Once she gets quiet, run as fast as you can and as far as you can.

"It's okay Maria," Sophia came and sat on the other side of her. "We showed them. They won't fuck with us anymore."

"Hoes are like mosquitos. No matter how many times you swat them away they'll be back." We hugged each other like we normally do. Maria hummed a tune to calm herself down.

Speed POV


Damn that fight was something serious. They didn't even fight for a full minute but they handled Tamia and her little squad. I mean I knew Maria got hands and I sort of guessed Selena could handle her own. Sophia was a complete surprise though. She was always the quiet one trying to keep the peace.

It took us fifteen minutes to kick everybody out. Tamia just had to ruin the peace. "Man you need to do something about Tamia," I told Dallas. We can't keep breaking up their fights.

"Don't you think I know that?" Dallas was the most aggravated. He hated when people act up in his house. "I seriously believe Maria is going to end up killing her one day. You see how she looked? Tamia couldn't even walk."

"I didn't think her sisters could fight like her," Tyson said. "For a youngin Selena can really throw em."

"Sophia got hands too," Box said. "She so quiet and shit you would've never known."

"I'm even more terrified of Maria," Drew said. "Y'all see she punch the hell out of me? And she slapped Tyson, twice!" Everybody knows how crazy Tyson is, literally. Ole boy is bipolar. He takes medicine so he ain't that bad but he's still crazy.

"That shit hurt like a bitch too," he rubbed his jaw. "Since everyone's gone we should let them out."

"I don't know man," Drew said hesitating. This nigga scared for real? "What if Maria spaz on us?"

"Bring your scary ass on," Dallas said getting up.

Drew POV


The devil is a liar if they think Imma go anywhere near Maria while she's mad. The only other person who scares me this bad is Tyson's crazy ass. While they went to unlock the door I hid on the stairs away from the swing zone. I'm too sexy to be abused.

"Y'all good?" Dallas asked. I peaked to see if they looked calm.

"Yeah," they said. Maria was the first to walk out. I flinched when she saw me. "What the fuck is your scary ass doing on the stairs?"

"Staying away from your crazy ass." She raised her eyebrow at me. She smirked. "Aye don't you dare." I knew that look. Tyson gave me the same look when I thought he was going to kill me. She took off running up the stairs. "Help! Pineapples! Police!" I ran up the stairs and into the nearest room. I locked the door behind me.

"Best friend!" Maria was laughing. Oh hell nah. This crazy girl done snapped or some shit. She started banging on the door. "Drew! Come out best friend."

"Get your crazy ass away from me you damn demon! Help! Police!" The knob started turning. Damn she knows how to pick locks? Time to go. I ran into the bathroom and locked that door. I went to the window and broke it out.

"Nigga did you just break my shit?!" I heard Dallas banging on the door. Shit you ain't about to fool a fool. I'm not opening that door. "Drew get your simple ass out the bathroom."

"Fuck y'all! Y'all working with her crazy ass." This is going to hurt since I'm like fifteen feet from the ground. I can live with a sprained ankle. I jumped out the window and landed on my side. All the air left my body for a minute that felt like hours. I got up and ran to my car. Fuck this! I will make it to the sequel!

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