Chapter 13

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Selena POV


"So they're all coming over?" I asked Maria. I'm surprised she agreed to let them over.

"Pretty much." She was putting her hair up in a messy bun. We don't have much time before everyone showed up so we all took our showers early. "I tried threatening them but they're still coming. Fucking dicks."

I chuckled. She's crazy. "Maria be real, you like Dallas don't you? And don't lie. We saw the hickey. Can't blame being high on that one."

She hesitated before sighing. "Yeah. I tried not liking him but it's hard. The idiot is persistent. I'm trying to learn to trust him and he's making me like him instead. Asshole."

"Isn't liking him kind of like you trusting him?" Sophia asked.

I shook my head. "You can like somebody before you trust them."

"Exactly," Maria said. "It's just not the right time for all of that."

"When will be the right time? We moved away to have a life right? We had to give up daddy's house and moved to the other side of the country almost. I think we deserve a little fun."

"And by fun do you mean me letting y'all off the leash?"

"Yes. I mean I understand you're trying to do what papi would want but you're our SISTER and a damn good one. As crazy as you are you're supposed to be the one to help us get ready for dates and be up waiting to hear what happened.with us."

She sighed. "I know you want freedom Selena and I try giving you as much as possible. I just know we're not out of the woodwork yet. But I guess you're right. I know I have to act more like a sister but we have no parents left. I'm not stopping you two from living your lives. I just want you two to be careful."

"We also want YOU to live a life too Maria," Sophia said. "If anyone deserves happiness it's you." I nodded in agreement.

She smiled at us. "Thanks guys. It's not the same with me you know. It'll take me a little while before I can do that." We nodded sadly knowing what she means. "And since you're talking about dating, who are you crushing on Selena?"

All attention was on me. Thank god someone was knocking at the door. "I'll get it!" I jumped up and ran downstairs. All I know is Sophia bet not snitch or I'll snitch on her. "Hey y'all." These dudes had over night bags and all like damn they pack quick.

"Hey Selena," they all piled inside. Maria and Sophia came downstairs. "So where we all staying?"

Sophia POV


This is going to be the weirdest sleepover ever. I've never slept in the same house with a bunch of random dudes before. Well, I guess they're not considered 'random'. I don't know about Selena and Maria but I'm nervous as hell. "Selena and Sophia agreed to bunk together and give two of y'all a room to share. The screen room has a pull out couch and the living room is big enough for two of y'all."

"That's gay for niggas to share beds," Drew smacked his lips. "Let's do it like this. Dallas and Maria bunk together, Sophia and Box, Selena and Speed, I get my own room and Tyson can take the couch."

"I'm cool with the couch," Tyson said sitting down.

"Drew you don't run shit so don't even think about it," Maria said.

"I mean it is a better idea," Dallas said.

"You're just trying to get in Maria's bed," Selena teased. Dallas sucked his teeth.

Trappers: A Sister's Problemजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें