Chapter 28

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3 months later


Maria POV


Damn does time fly. Dallas and I are still just friends. He hangs around the gang more than the hoes and is always around me and Santi. He's forever kidnapping my baby and going somewhere. Those two have become very close and I guess it's cute or whatever. He's been doing what he said he would do. He's almost always buying Santi clothes, matching outfits, taking us out, just being there.

Tyson got himself a girl named Nakiya (Na-kee-ya) but we call her Kiya. She's cool peoples. She actually compliments him well. She's a pretty brown skin girl that's quiet but fierce. Tyson was trying to fuck and duck her but she put that ass in place and now he will not leave her alone. They're cute. Drew is still Drew unfortunately.

I'm still the same chica from the beginning. I'm doing me and only me. Selena got herself a car and Sophia drives hers more often now. We still go the same places it's just now they have separate lives and do other things. Mostly Selena though.

Tyson POV


It's crazy how I was just saying I was happy being single and now I'm in a whole ass relationship. Like I really wasn't looking to anybody until Kiya little ass popped up. She's kind of crazy but nothing like me and my twin. She actually mixes in well with the group and that's a plus for us especially if you make it pass Maria. The crazy thing about it is she's not the type of girl I go for but I'm completely obsessed with her nonetheless.

Speed POV


I'm still the same old me. Selena is on her own selling drugs so I don't see her unless we're at lunch or the whole gang is together. I still like her but I'm not ready to settle down, not with a freshman at least. She's still only fourteen and I'm eighteen. I have all the time in the world before getting into a commited relationship and it won't be with someone so young. But that's all really.

Selena POV


Yes I finally got a car! I can go to parties and fuck it up. But I think the thing with me and Speed is over. He barely talks to me and vice versa. I guess I'm not too surprised. He's always made it a point to point out the age difference between us or just the slight mention of how much younger I am then him. Wasn't like it was anything serious to begin with. I'm cool with it. It is what it is.

Dallas POV


I've been on my shit these past few months. I've been proving to Maria I want to be there for her and Santi everyday. I call all the time checking on my family. I spend most of my time over there to the point I'm practically moved in. I take them out all the time. I still haven't been able to wife Maria up. Officially we're not together but I'm with her all the time so it's not like niggas have a chance to come up to her. So our little arrangement works for now.



Really I'm like Speed. I don't talk to Sophia unless necessary. I'm not trying to settle down right now. She's a cool girl don't get me wrong it's just not the time for me. She's not the type of girl I'd normally go for anyway. I know the kiss kind of complicated things between us so I don't want to give her the wrong idea and decided to steer clear of that.

Sophia POV


Life isn't bad but itisn't particularly good either. I asked Box about the kiss and he says it was amistake and he wasn't ready to settle down. Okay cool. But I've seen the typeof girls he's always with. Big boobs, big butts and a little waist. I admit I'mon the slim side with no butt whatsoever and that's been a big insecurity forme. I have a high metabolism so it's hard for me to gain weight. I've beenpicked on for not having a black girl shape and I think that's the real reasonBox doesn't like me. It's irritating because I have so much more to offer thanmy shape but whatever. It was just one kiss anyway. I'll find someone else.

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