Chapter 51

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Dallas POV


Today is my son's second birthday. We're having the party at Maria's house because this is closer to where most of the kids live. She invited the kids and their parents from Santi's daycare.

"Maria relax," I told her. She's been freaking out all day because someone lost one of the party games. She decided to have a Boss Baby theme party because Santi likes the show and movie apparently.

"I'm going to shoot somebody," she fumed. She's been threatening people all day. She's going a bit overboard because this'll be the first time she can celebrate his birthday right and she wants it perfect.

"It's okay Maria," Tanisha laughed. "They're having fun without the game." Which is true. They are playing on the play set outside, the bouncy house, and in the pool. The hell they need some games for? They have everything they need right here.

"Okay I'm calm," she breathed. We have on matching Boss Baby outfits today. Maria said we should and at first I wasn't for it but now I am because this was fly as fuck. "I know y'all ain't got Drew on my grill." We laughed as she ran to stop him.

"Maria is the craziest person I've ever met," Chance said. We all agreed.

"But I love her nonetheless," I grinned.

"We all do," Tyson nodded. We probably wouldn't be the way we are if it wasn't for Maria. But can't tell her that before her head gets any bigger.

Sophia POV


The party was going great. The parents mingled, the kids were playing games and hocked up on candy and sweets just running around. Santi was looking so cute in his outfit.

"I forgot the presents in the car," Keion said getting up.

"I'll go get it. I left my charger in the car anyway." The party would be over in a while so we're going to open up the presents and then call it a day.

I snuck away from the party to go get Santi's things. There were so many cars out here I almost forgot what car was his. I went to the passenger side of Keion's car to get my charger first and then to the trunk for Santi's gifts. I hate to see Keion when he has his own kid. He bought a lot of shit for Santi. I grabbed what I could from the trunk and made my way back to the party. I heard a loud bang and felt something pierce my back. I let out a scream before falling and hitting the cement hard.

Maria POV


We were about to open presents since Santi had a lot of shit and the kids were coming down from their sugar highs. "Where's Sophia?" I asked Box. He was about to say something when we heard gunshots way too close for comfort. Everyone started grabbing kids and ducking for cover. Before too long it stopped and you could hear a car pulling off. I heard a scream that sounded way too familiar. "Where the hell is my sister?!"

Box was the first up and out the door. We were right behind him. "Sophia!" He was holding onto what looked like her lifeless body. I froze in my spot. "We have to get her to the hospital!" He picked her up bridal style and ran to his car.

"Maria!" Selena was tugging on me. "We have to go." They dragged me to the car. We were hitting NASCAR speed all the way there.

We pulled up to the hospital and ran inside. Box was rocking back and forth in a seat in the waiting room. "Where is she?"

"They just prepped her for emergency surgery. She lost so much blood man." He sounded ready to cry. It was too late for me and Selena. We were bawling our eyes out.

"It's okay baby," Kyng hugged me tight.

"I can't lose my sister," I cried.

"You won't I promise baby."

Chance POV


Damn man. Shit just got so bad so quick. Sophia in the hospital fighting for her life? That shouldn't be in the same sentence. I took care of Santi because Dallas was busy with Maria and Speed was with Selena.

"Mami," he cried. Maria calmed down and came to get him.

"Man this is fucked up," I told Chase. "If Sophia doesn't make it man-"

"Don't say that. She'll make it." That's what I'm praying for. "You think it was him?"

"I hope not," I said.

We've been sitting in this hospital for hours. No word on her condition or anything. Jay finally came out the back. "Aye man what's going on?" we walked up to him.

"Something went wrong and she lost a lot of blood. We need a blood transfusion if we want her to make it through the night. Who's willing to donate some blood?" we all stepped up. They separated us to test who's a match.

Maria POV


I've been fighting this feeling for so long. I can feel it taking over me. It's getting bad so bad. "Breathe Maria," Chance stood behind me. He's one of the few who's seen me at my worst. "It's gonna be alright. Jay said the best chance is a family member."

"I know," I tried breathing through this but it wasn't working. "Chance I can't breathe." It was like having an episode and panic attack all at the same time.

"We need some oxygen," he told a nurse. They ran off and came back with an oxygen tank. They hooked me up and I was starting to feel a little better.

"What happened?" Kyng came to check on me.

"This is the only way to keep her calm. That and sedate her but we're not trying to go that far." After what felt like forever Jay came back. "So?"

"We have a match." Thank god. "Selena, you're her full blood sibling so only you can give blood."

"I'll do it," she said. The nurse led her off somewhere.

"Can you tell us how she is?" Box asked.

"The bullet is stuck dangerously close to her spinal cord. One wrong move and we could paralyze her. Not only that but she's suffering from a head injury. My guess is when she hit her head on the concrete it shook her brain."

"Will the blood transfusion help?" I asked.

"We're prepping her for-"

"Cold blue! Cold blue!" Someone ran around yelling. Selena came back looking scared.

"What's going on?" Box asked.

"Sophia," she mumbled with tears rolling down her face. "S-She had a seizure a-and..." She started crying. "Her heart stopped." Everything just stopped. My sister is going to die.

And that my lovely readers concludes the first installment in the Trappers series. I hope you all liked it! I ask you all pay attention to announcements I post because that's where I'll be giving you all updates on when the next book will begin publishing and all future notifications for now on. So have that turned on and the rest of you follow me so you can well informed. Until next time!

PSA: No spoilers rr! The second book is going through a pretty big change as well so there maybe some new twists and turns. Do not give anything away!

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