Chapter 44

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****Explicit Content****

Speed POV


I think Box went to look for Sophia. If he's man enough to wife his girl I guess I should be too. I don't think Selena will even talk to a nigga after what I did. I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't either. I was basically calling her a hoe and saying I believe naysayers over her. Not only that but I'm sure I was the one that made her flip out that day for calling her a hoe and making her have those flash backs.

I was upset thinking that Selena was fucking around with everybody. She is mine and I didn't want no other nigga around her. I was afraid of what people would say if I dated a freshman but not anymore. I want Selena like something bad.  I'm not going to hide from this anymore. Selena is who I want. I should've known that a long time ago. Haven't fucked a hoe since we met. I'm always willing to put myself on the line for her. Yeah Selena is younger than what I typically go for and I use that as an excuse too often. But she's got respect for herself. She doesn't always wild out. She knows how to have fun. She's strong enough to put a smile on her face regardless of what happened to her. I walked up to the hut her and Sophia shared. Hopefully, she'll give me a second chance.

Selena POV


I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my head. I was already dressed for bed. All I needed was to blow dry my hair. I heard the shower running in Sophia's room so that means she's back and probably going to bed. I was on my way back to my room when there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked.


"Speed?" I haven't really had a full conversation with him ever since that spat we had. I opened the door and he stood there looking nervous. "What are you doing here?"

"Can you come with me so we can talk?" he asked while looking around nervously.

After completely ignoring me for an entire month now he wants to talk? "I'm just about to go to bed-"

"Please?" he looked like he really wants to talk about something important. I sighed before closing the door behind me. We started towards the boardwalk.

"What do you want to talk about?" he was quiet for a minute. I didn't come all the way out for him to be tongue tied.

"I-um-I owe you an apology." Bish whet? He's apologizing? Hell must be freezing over. "That day I called you out your name I was out of line. That wasn't me."

"You have a twin brother out there or something? If you do you need to tell him he's disrespectful." I know I'm being petty but he deserves it a little.

"Selena just listen to me please." I rolled my eyes and decided to let him talk. "I know I'm the reason you had that flashback. I know I made everything come rushing back to you. I should've controlled myself better but I didn't. I know I've been acting shady towards you but that's because I was scared. I was scared to give up the hoes and all the cred. I thought people would look at me differently for talking to a freshman. But at the same time I didn't want another nigga all up on you. It was unfair of me to think so but that's how I wanted it."

"I expected you to wait for me. Be there for whenever I'm ready to get my shit together and maybe be the rider I needed all the while. But I was asking for more than what I put in. I'm a selfish bastard I know that. You probably won't ever forgive me for this and I'll understand. You deserve someone like Chase who's helping you through this. But because of how selfish I am I won't let you go. You're mine Selena. And I'm not afraid to admit that. I'll start shooting niggas if they even look at you too long Chase included."

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