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Betty POV

We park the car outside our house,Juliet was now awake and we opened our door and.......
"SURPRISE" all the serpents shout
"Wow,what is this" jughead asked all surprised
"It's Juliet's very own get well soon party,serpent edition" Cheryl answered
"What makes it,so special that it's serpent edition" Juliet asked while she hugged Cheryl (Cheryl and toni are basically Juliet's auntie)
"Because only serpents are allowed at this party because we all know serpents love to party" Cheryl said and everyone cheered
"But I'm not a serpent" everyone stayed quiet for a few second "yet.....I'm not a serpent yet" Juliet said and everyone cheered even louder than before
Me and jug went upstairs to chance because we were still in the same clothes from yesterday
"How old do you have to be to join the serpents,jug" I asked I'm a soft voice
"Well,you have to be a decent age to be able to fight and over 15 but if your serpent by blood you can join at any age but the child and the parents must approve of them joining before we make them a official serpent,why do you ask" jughead said as he sat next to me on the bed
"Because Juliet's 5th Birthday next week and she really wants to join....but I don't think I'm ready for her to,I was alright with her joining but after her getting kidnapped..I'm just not sure anymore" I said
"We can talk about this later because there's a party going on downstairs and a house full of gang members are not a good mix if there isn't anyone there keep things in order,and because our daughter is down there with a bunch of drunk people" jughead said making us both laugh

It was a great night,everyone had a awesome time.soon enough everyone started to leave but sweets,fangs,Toni and Cheryl all stayed for longer and chatted
"Sooo Juliet * hiccup* do you remember all that serpent stuff I told you ?" Sweet pea says clearly drunk
"Yep *yawn* I'm definitely gonna be a serpent when I'm old enough " Juliet said almost falling asleep because it was now 1:30 AM
"Good because we have a feeling you will be good at being a serpent because you are very smart and brave" Toni said
"Ohhh shit,oops sorry Juliet,I just remembered I have so much college work to catch up on" jughead said
"Oh yea,you guys do college online now because you couldn't find a babysitter for Juliet,man we really have to find a nick name for you because there's topaz,sweets,Jones and of your gonna be a serpent you need a nick name" fangs said trying to think of a name
"what about little J * hiccup* because of little because she's little and J for jones" sweet pea said almost falling over but jughead caught him
"We can talk about college and think of name another day because it's getting late and sweet pea is drunk at its highest level" I said giggling
They all left and we put Juliet to bed.I change into my pjs and lay in bed waiting for jug but I fell asleep before he even got into the bedroom

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