Party and 'the talk'

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Archie PoV
Me and betty panic and start looking around like mad
"BOO" Brooklyn shouts as she and Cody pop out from behind the sun lounger
"Shit" I whisper to myself
"Uncle chee said a bad word, uncle chee said a bad word" Brooklyn jumps about laughing
"I will give you two cookies if you don't tell anyone" I say
"Give me 4 and you have a deal" she says back
"Deal" I say quickly
"Good you found them" Betty says coming over from the trees
"Come on kids let's go join the party" I say and they follow us inside
"Finally we can do cake now!" Sophie says as we walk inside
"Uncle chee said a bad word!" Brooklyn says looking at me straight in the eyes
"Hey! You don't get your cookies then" I say back
"Is this Bribery I hear of?" Jughead laughs
"We all know she can't keep her mouth shut so we all agreed to not swear around her" Veronica playfully snacks Archie
"I'm hungry can we eat cake" Juliet wines
"Why are everyone's kids such moods, like Brooklyn coming out looking like a hot mess the other day I could caption that "me stumbling outa the club bathroom after throwing up" and Ethan's face looking at the cake could be "me staring at myself in the mirror after I do squats" because you know I do squats sometimes" Kevin says and we all laugh
Betty PoV
"Mommy says to mommy that she doesn't need to do squats because she already has a fat ass" Sophia says and we all try not to laugh because Cheryl will get mad at us
"Sophia grace blossom!  Never say that word ever again please" Cheryl says
"I be as well starve!" Juliet huffs
"I'm just coming" Toni shouts from the pantry
Suddenly the lights turn off Brooklyn quickly jumps into sweet peas arms
"Happy adoption day to you, happy adoption day to you,happy adoption day to Sophia happy adoption day to you" Toni songs and Sophie blows out the candles and we all cheer
"What's adoption day?" Brooklyn asks because she can't remember Sophie getting adopted, it wasn't long after the little ones birthday party,when she started living with Cheryl and toni
"Yea what is it?" Ethan asks and Cody ask aswell
"I don't really know how to explain to maybe Cheryl or Toni should" Veronica says
we all move to the moving room, adults on the sofas and kids on the floor eating our cake
"Well me and Toni can't have babies because we are both girls so we went to a foster home and the minute we saw Sophia we knew we wanted to take her to live with us" Cheryl says smiling
"Why can't two girls have a baby?" Cody asks we are giggle but the kids don't know what's going on well sophie and Juliet already has the talk it was funny because the boys all talked about hockey players trying to hit the right place, two people holding hand in a dark room and all that and eventually Toni and Cheryl had to tell them because I couldn't stop laughing
"Yea where do baby's come from anyway?" Brooklyn asks me and Veronica look at each other with wide eyes and everyone else laughs so hard
"I don't see why you guys are laughing you gotta tell them because my mom can't tell them because she keeps laughing" Juliet tells Jug and Archie
"YASS GIRL PREACH" Kevin says inbetween laugh
"Will you tell us uncle pea" Brooklyn gives him the puppy eyes
"Yea pea you should tell them" fangs says
"I can't resist the puppy eyes" sweets says
"It will work just give him a few more minutes she says evilly and continues to do puppy eyes
"Okay fine I will tell yous" he finally gives in
"This is gonna be good" me and Veronica smile at each other
"Okay so warning you will it be able to look at your parents the same after this" Sweetpea says
"What are you gonna do to my eyes?" Ethan exclaims
"Nothing it's just the though of this happening" sweet pea says
"Okay so do you know the difference between a boy and a girl?" He asks
"Yea, boys have a wiggly thing and girls don't " Cody says and we all laugh histerically
"Exactly, well when a girl and a boy love each other A LOT like I mean so much, they go into a room alone, and they go in bed together, they take their clothes off and a boys wiggly thing goes inside a girls private area, and sometimes they make weird noises like when your trying the get your jeans on you make noises, and thats how a baby gets in a girls tummy" sweet pea says and bursts out laughing
"That was actually better than I expected, can you tell this to the next baby?" I ask
"Ahaha nope, do you guys realise how hard it was to not say any dirty jokes I couldn't resist" he wines then sits down
"But how is the baby there?" Brooklyn asks still confused
"That's a girl talk for the ages around 8" I say and giggle
"Ha ha Juliet you get a special girl talk and I don't" Brooklyn teases
"Finally at last something i get that you don't already have" Juliet says
"I could watch them bicker all day" fangs sits back and watches
"Wait That not fair, sissy and Sophia gets a talk and I don't" Brooklyn wines
"Because We are older"Sophia says
"Why are we sitting and watching this? Are we bad parents and aunties and uncles for watching this?" Toni says
"Shut up Toni I'm loving the drama and there's tea getting spilt" Kevin shushes her
" dad tell Brooklyn that I'm right and she's wrong" Juliet says
"Umm sorry I zoned out for a minute" Jug says
"Brooklyn is saying that she should do the same things I do and I'm saying she can't because I'm 8 almost 9 may I add and your 3, so dad tell tell her I'm right and she's wrong" Juliet says
"Well I guess Juliet is right" Jug says
"HA told ya" she says
"Because Brooklyn can't to the same homework because she doesn't get any" he adds
"HA HA I don't get homework" Brooklyn says
"You shouldn't of said that it made it worse" I laugh
"Yea But who has straight A's? Oh yea thats right ME and who is the best in her cheer team? Aha me again, just face it I'm older and I will always be on top" Juliet argues back
"Woah.... sistah snapped" kevin exaggerates
" one thing of mine you won't get , my uncle pea" Brooklyn says
"He's my uncle aswell But you know you have him, I'm gonna be a big girl and let you win because I don't be bothered fighting today" Juliet says
"We definitely need some timeout rule or something" I say to Jug and he agrees

The life in riverdale  *finished*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang