G&G talk + bughead teaaa

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Betty Pov
Riley turned out to be okay but she still has the flue, we asked the doctor about her just learning how to roll over before she had her seizure and they said it was fine,she got released two days after the tragedy happened, me,Jug and fp are chilling in fps living room but the kids are in the bedrooms,  since Riley is sick she has been really clingy and she just wants to be on me at all times, on the other hand lily is on the floor playing and crawling all over the place, I am sitting on the couch back against the side and my legs across jugs lap ( ____/  that's her body shape but her back is more slanted that that) I had to sit in a weird way because Riley would not leave my chest which she is currently lying on
"Riley, you couldn't get any closer to my face if you tried" I say as she tries to move closer, she just giggles and lays her head on my shoulder
"Okay the whole reason we are here is because we have a biggg problem" jughead says
"G&G is back and the past could repeat its self" fp says
"I say we drop every single kid at daycare or a baby sitter and all of us adults will talk about this" Jug suggests
"No chance, I'm not giving our kids to a stranger who could be a fizzle Rock crackhead" I exclaim
"What else can we do then, they can't know about any of this" jughead argues, I sit up an Cross my legs still sitting agains the side of the chair
"I think it would be good if juniper,Dagwood,Sophia and Juliet know about it because what if Juliet and Sophia go to the park it something and see people playing it and what if those people invite them to play the game" i argue back
"But what if it put them in danger by knowing" jughead is starting to get agitated
"Then not knowing makes them an easy target, if we ever have to go away for a few weeks again at least they know it would be for their safety" the argument is getting pretty heated now
"And what about Brooklyn and the boys huh? Are they gonna know to, what if it scared them" he says slightly raising his voice startling riley and lily
"They aren't even 4 yet, they don't go to parks themselves! If they ever do they are with Juliet and Sophia so that's why they need to know and what about juniper and Dagwood? They haven't been in Riverdale since they came here on holiday when they were 7"I say back getting slightly less calm than I was before
"You two stop it! I agree with Betty, the older ones should get informed in what's happening, the littler ones should get informed on little details like telling them not to play a game if someone asks them and don't take candy if someone offers them at preschool or anything because that is putting a few precautions in place but we need to get rid of the game once and for all" fp says snapping up out the argument
"Emm.. dad, when juniper was talking g to me and Betty she told us the storey you told her and I just wanted you to know.... I'm sorry I never told you this..... on Christmas Eve 3 years ago.... mom called me saying she was coming to Riverdale..... she never did that's why I never told you" Jug confesses, it's silent for a while
"Wait.... I'm sorry to say this but what if Gladys brought the drugs to Riverdale like she did when we were teens" I say
"It's a possibility but I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet" Jug says
"Never mind the drugs, who's the gargoyle King" fp says
"I think we should split into groups, group 1 finds out who's making drugs, group 2 finds out who's selling them group 3 will find out who the gargoyles King is" I suggest
"Why don't we do one thing at a time, destroy all drugs then go after the King because you can't play without the drugs which make you hallucinate" jughead says
"While we are finding out who is making the drugs more people will die so if we split up it saves more lives" I say
"Doesn't make sense but what ever floats your boat" Jug says rolling his eyes
"No let's just do it your way" I say annoyed
"If you want to do it your way we can" he says getting agitated again
"Nope, Do it your way" I say giving up
He just rolls his eyes, fp looks back and forth between me and Jug squinting his eyes
"What's going on between you two" he says
"Nothing" Jug says quickly,I just roll my eyes and put Riley on the floor with sone toys
"Come on, spill" fp says not letting it go
"Mommy and daddy argue last night, daddy sleep on couch" Brooklyn says coming out the kitchen with a packet of crisps
"Thank you buba, now go upstairs and don't come down until I tell you" fp says sweetly and she leaves, he them turns to us with a look on his face
"What did you guys argue about?" He asks
"Doesn't matter, we are gonna talk about it tonight" I say
"Whenever you guys "talk" it ends up with me having another grandchild or a screaming match so I'm gonna make you say it right here right now" he says sternly
"Me,Cheryl,Toni,Veronica and Kevin all think we should put the kids in beauty pageants" I say
"So they asked all the girl and they all said yes except from juniper, who in God's name thinks that kids should sit there and get her hair done, make up done and dress up to go get judged" jughead says raising his voice at certain bits in the sentence
"Doesn't that cost a lot of money?"fp asks
"Yes it sure does and that another reason I don't want my girls doing them, doesn't matter about Sophia her moms can decide on their own"jughead huffs
"I can get a job too" I say trying to get him on my side
"Can we please just talk about this when we get home" Jug says getting angry
"I want you's to talk about it now, and you will, I'm gonna go get brooke and see what she thinks" fp says them leaves the room to shout on our girls
"Why did you tell him" Jug says scold me
"I told him? If it want for you being all moody, he wouldn't of suspected a thing" I argue back
"So now it's all my fault?" He argues
"Stop arguing, I now have the princess's with us and she's gonna say her opinion" fp comes back In
"I want to be princess" Brooklyn says
"Yep I want to do pageants
"So you want to dress up and be a princess in a competition?" I say brrakingvit down for Brooklyn and she nods
"Unbelievable, I now live a cheerleader who is also a dancer who happens to compete in pageants, Brooklyn is also wanting to dress up and get judged and two babies who already give me attitude" jughead huffs and rolls his eyes
"But you love me and sissy's and mommy" Brooklyn says smiling
"I guess I do" Jug says rolling his eyes
"Only joking I love you's all more than I love food" Jug says
"That's a lot" Brooklyn says raising her eyebrows and walking out
"Okay so they are doing pageants end of.....love you and I'm sorry for being a dick....it's supper time we should go to pops because I can't be bothered cooking" jughead says like he's reading a list
"Love you too Jug... let's go get food I'm starving" I say and lean over and kiss him
"Okayyyy, that's enough PDA there is little children in the room" fp says picking up the babies and covering their eyes, I just giggle and pull away
"Do I need to take the kids tonight? Because they don't need to be hearing their parents having make up sex because that's where Juliet cape in the picture" FPexclaims
My jaw drops i look at him with wide eyes
" FP! I thought you turned PG after Juliet was born, this is your words 'I FP Jones swear to be PG from now on so I don't accidentally teach my grandchild any dirty words' and you lived up to your word until now" I laugh

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