Major serpent buissines

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Betty pov
Today is Brooklyn and the twins first day in preschool, Veronica and Archie decided to put the boys in later so they would be in the same class as Brooklyn, she couldn't go until she was potty trained which she is now,I'm just not sure how she's gonna react to the whole situation
"Morning mommy" Juliet says coming downstairs rubbing her eyes
"Morning, cereal or toast?" I ask kissing her on the forehead
"Can I please get toast, Brooklyn wants toast to, daddy is trying to get her out of bed" she says giggling a little
"You are you excited to go back to school after a fun Easter holidays?" I say buttering the toast
"Yep, we are doing imaginary writing today, and I already have lots of ideas to write about" she says excitedly
"Morning mommy" Brooklyn says in a tired voice still holding her stuffed bunny
"Morning honey, you looking forward for preschool?" I ask happily putting their toast in front of them
"Mmmhhhh" She nods and takes a bite of toast
I just sip my coffee and continue to make Juliet's packed lunch, Brooklyn gets lunch there because she's there from 11:00-1:00, it's better to get her up early so she ain't grumpy going to school
"And how are my three favourite girls doing on this wonderful morning" Jug asks all cheery
" I'm too tired" Brooklyn says and rubs her eyes
"I'm excited to go to school, I'm gonna get dressed now" Juliet says
"I'm good, oh and Juliet your clothes are on your dresser, brush your teeth and come down to get your hair done" I say
"Morning jones family!" FP says coming in with sweet pea behind him
"You guys are early, we don't meet for another hour" Jug says confused
"We came early so we could help if you needed any" fp says kinda tilting his head towards Brooklyn
"I'm too tired, I can't walk or do anything" Brooklyn moans
"Yea But, if you get dressed and brush your teeth, you could maybe fit in a few episodes of Sofia the first and still make it to school on time" I say trying to Persuade her
"I can't walk up the stairs, my legs are to tired... daddy, can you please carry me" she says putting her hands out
"Okay sure, but remember dummies are for nighttime only" Jug says and takes the dummy away
"It is night time, I'm tired and at nighttime you get tired" she says
"Nope, it morning and you gotta get dressed and ready for school, so you can learn and play with friends" Jug says and goes upstairs
"Tea? Coffee? Juice box?" I ask giggling
" two coffees please Betty" fp says
"I don't think she ready for preschool, she's to small she will get trampled on by other kids, I think she should stay home all safe and out of harms way" Sweetpea says worrying
"Don't be silly sweets, yea she's smaller and lighter than the average 3 year old is but it's the law, a child has the right to and education and hey I'm all for it, being kid free for 3 hours is like a holiday at the moment" I say giving them their coffee
"Betts!,she won't sit still to get her socks on, I need help" Jug shouts down stairs and it's followed by giggling
"He can't do anything" Juliet says and sits down
"I will go help your sister then come down and do your hair" I say and run upstairs
Sweet pea pov
I give Juliet my "signature look"
"I know that look, what do you want"she asks me putting her hands on her hips
"You joining the gang?" I ask
"I was gonna join on my 5th birthday but I think we forgot, i got a jacket for Christmas like 2 years ago so I think I already am" she replies brushing her hair
"And you stabbed someone" fp mumbles under his breath
"Wait... I don't really remember that, did I actually stab someone?" She asks horrified
"You don't remember?, you were saving fp and you stabbed someone" I say
"....... I'm turning into grandpa Hal" she whispers to herself with tears rolling down her face
"Juls, how do you know about him?" Fp asks her concerned
"I heard mommy and daddy talking about him, mommy was really sad because he was dangerous" she said fiddling with her hands "I'm just like him....I'm a murderer"
"No you are not juls!, he was horrible man, you are the complete opposite of him" I say sternly but stay calm
"Thanks guys,maybe Brooklyn could join the gang to, win she's older obviously" Juliet says
"She's kinda scary, one minute she is all calm and the next shes having a complete melt down while kicking and screaming" she adds
"Uncle pea!" Brooklyn shouts while running into my arm
"Speak of the devil" fp says
"Hiya pal, how you doing?" I ask
"I'm in the mood for trouble" she laughs evilly
"You can't cause trouble at school, the teachers will call mom and she won't be happy, I got sent home my first day or kindergarten and daddy was mad" Juliet says
"Yep, I was really mad at you that day" jughead says coming through and sitting in a chair
"And you, your not getting off the hook easily this time, their will be no fighting and mischief at school okay?" He says pointing his finger at Brooklyn
"Juliet come on I need to do your hair, you said you wanted French pleats" Betty says
"Okay I'm coming"Juliet says happily
"She really enjoys school doesn't she" I say
"Yea she does but I heard that it's boring" Brooklyn says snuggling into my chest
"Oi missy, don't get too comfy because your going to school, wether you like it or not" fp says
"Finally you speak, I was wondering why you were so quiet"jughead says concerned
"Yea... just some major serpent Business that needs fixed ASAP, that's why I arranged this meeting" fp says scratching the back of his neck
"Ooo, serpent stuff, I think I should stay of school and help you guys out" Juliet says winking
"What are the serpents?" Brooklyn asks
"Nothing you need to know about until your older and juls you are not staying off school because of serpent stuff unless your in danger" Jug says
"Emm... Jug, they kinda are in trouble, Penny escaped and left a message on her cell that she was coming for the girls" fp says quietly
"What what!, so you were gonna tell me this after u sent them to school?" Jug says getting angry
"Come in girls lets go play while daddy,mommy and papa have a chat" I say leading them out and meeting Betty in the coridor
"Your gonna want to go in there, I will stay and play with the girls" I say to Betty
"Thanks sweets" she says then rushes out
"Let's have a princess tea party" Juliet squeals
What have I got myself into

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