Snow day

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Betty pov
Last night it snowed like hell, Juliet's kindergarten got cancelled so we decided to go sledging down a massive hill near our house, we invited Archie,Veronica and the twins as well. Jughead is helping Juliet get her gloves on while I'm making sure Brooklyn is wrapped up warm because I definitely don't want a sick 8 months old that would be torture.
** knock knock"
"Their here" Juliet says and she opens the door and Ethan walks over to me and falls in my arms because I'm kneeling on my knees
"Yay Ethan, you can walk" I say and give him a hug
"Yep he sure can, he doesn't stop moving" Veronica says as she flops down on the chair
"We try and get them to talk, we try and get them to say things like "mommy" "daddy" and things like that, they almost manage but not quite" Archie says as he picks up Brooklyn stopping her from knocking over a vase
"They are growing up so fast" I say and begging to tear up am so stand up
"Awww B" Veronica says as she hugs me
"Sorry I'm emotional, I'm on my period" I say giggling
"Can we just go please, there is a massive hill just waiting for me to sledge down" Juliet said
"Has she even been sledging before?" Veronica whispers to me
"Last year but it was to cold to stay out to long" I say
"Let's go then, Ronni can you get the boys" Archie said
"Why don't Jug and Archie take Juliet up to the hill, me and V will catch up when we have all the kids ready" I say
"Okay then let's go, juls your sledge is in the front yard" Jug says and they leave
"Peace at last" I say and relax until *crying* "ugh teething problems" I then sit up and walk over to Brooklyn crying her eyes out
"We don't get any peace these days" Veronica says as I'm trying to calm down Brooke
"I know, well I guess we better head up to the hill now" I say huffing
"At least you only have to push one kid up that hill" Veronica says as we put the kids in their strollers. We get to the hill and we see polly standing at the top with Archie and jug as juniper,Dagwood and Juliet all come sliding down the hill
"Auntie B !!" Jumpier shouts and runs to me
"Hey chum, how you doing?" I ask
"I'm fine, I gotta go and catch up with them" she says them runs
"Oh look, there is a bench at the top, we can sit down and the boys can stand because I don't know about you but my legs are tired" Veronica says as we start to walk up the hill. We reach the top and sit down with the strollers beside us
"Mommy, did you see that, I went really fast" Juliet came over and said
We spend ages there but after a while it starts to get a little cold so we all head back to mine and jugs for some homemade soup.
"Hmmmm, Betty this soup it so good" Archie says
"Thanks arch, it's my moms recipe" I say back cheerfully
"The twins look like they are enjoying their baby food" jughead said laughing because they were all covered
" yea they are but feeding two babies at the same time is hard" Veronica says looking at Archie
"What? They behave better with you" he replies
" Brooklyn is easy to feed, she's like her dad she loves her food, she can actually drink from a bottle herself so that's one task off my list" I say cleaning her up.
We all finish our food and we are sitting in the living room wile all the little ones crawl around the house but Juliet is watching them and playing with them making sure they don't get hurt or anything so us adults can chat
Im sorry it took so long to upload, I was busy. I won't be updating for a few day because I'm away for a cheer competition. :)

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