Sickness and show night

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Betty Pov
I French braided Juliet's hair and told her to go downstairs and tell Jug to order the pizzas while me and Veronica get the little kids. The twins have travel cots in Brooklyn's room,we go in and turn on the nightlight, I carefully pick up Brooklyn and she lays her head on my shoulder, Veronica does the same to Cody,Archie come up and does the same with Ethan. We go downstairs as they start to wake up
"How is my sleepy princess feeling after her nap?" Jug comes over and rubs her back
"No" she complains and pushes him away
"Isn't she a feisty little one" he says
" I'm just glad the boys aren't as sassy as that when they wake up" Veronica said and the boys go off and play but Brooklyn won't leave my shoulder
"Mommy, I had a great idea, why don't me and the little ones out and a circus type thing like a talent show" Juliet comes through holding the twins' hands
"That's a great idea, boys do you want to be in a little show?" Archie says
"Yaaa!" They both shout
"What about you brooky, do you want to be in the show?" I ask
"No" she says
"Brooklyn might join in later, you guys go and practice in the living room while we sit in the kitchen.all the adults sit at the kitchen table. We tried to get Brooklyn in her high chair but she didn't want to let go of me
"Is she okay, her cheeks look a bit flushed" Veronica says worried
I put my hand on her head and cheeks
"She is like burning up a little" I say
"You feeling okay baby" Jughead asks
Brooklyn just shook her head
"Being sick on your birthday is the worse isn't it" Archie says
"She was fine during the party" I say confused
Brooklyn starts to make weird cooing noises
"She's away to be sick" I say and I run to the bathroom to let her be sick in the toilet,she finishes and starts to cry
"It's okay baby" I say and she puts her head back in my shoulder and I return to the kitchen
"That was a close one" Jug says
"Jug can you get the baby monitor that's in that cupboard and keep it beside you" I say
"Why?" He asks
"Because I'm gonna put her to her bed, we can't risk getting any of the others sick" I say and Brooklyn immediately starts crying and screaming
"Mama nooo!" She screams
"I'm sorry honey but your sick and sleep will make you better and we can't get any of the others sick" I say while I walk up the stairs, I get to her room and she is still screaming
Jughead pov
It sounds like Brooklyn is getting murdered up there but Betty is there trying to sooth her by talking I'm a quiet voice but it's not working
"Maybe she's hungry" Archie says
"Anything she eats will probably just come back up again"I say
"What about warm milk to try and get her to sleep" Veronica suggests
"That's a great idea" I hold down the button and say "Betts want some warm milk for her?" She replies with a shout down the stairs "yes please" she's obviously busy and can't hold down the button
I will do it" Veronica say and puts a bottle of milk in the microwave
"What's all that screaming about,it's hurting my ears" Juliet asks as she enters the kitchen
"Your sister is sick and doesn't want to let go of your mom" I say
"Great, a sleepless night for me" She says and leaves
"Shame but she's the one who wanted a sister" I say
"Okay the bottle is heated, I will go take it upstairs" Veronica says and leaves
Me and arch just listen through the monitor
"Thanks v, look brooky auntie got you some milk" Betty says it all goes quiet and we could just hear cooing. Veronica comes downstairs
"She's finally quiet and she is drinking the milk" Veronica says proudly
"Wonder how long this peace lasts" Archie says
"Now you feeling sleepy after that milk, shhh shhh it's okay I'm right here, I will put on a lullaby"we hear Betty through the monitor we then hear soothing music. After a few minutes Betty walks into the kitchen with the empty bottle
"Guess who just put a sick baby to bed"'she says happily
"That was great, I would of never been able to cope" Veronica says
"Let's just hope nothing wakes her up" she says and sits down
Half a hour later
Betty pov
The pizzas Arrived and we are al sitting on the floor of the living room but obviously Brooklyn is still sleeping
"Cody you enjoying that pizza?" I say because he was eating it so fast an it was all over his face
"Hey hey little man, show down on the pizza or else you will get a sore tummy" Archie says
"Where bookyn" Cody asks
"She is sick so she's sleeping" I say
"After the pizza we have to do our show" Juliet says
"Yaaaa" Ethan shouts
"Shhh, Brooklyn is sleeping" Veronica whispers furiously
"Sawy" he replies
We then hear fussing from the monitor
"I will get her this time" Jug said then walked upstairs
Seconds later we hear
"Emmm... Betts?" He says down the stairs
"Yea?" I say
"She was just sick all over her bed and her jammies" he says
"Ohhh Brooklyn" I sigh "be back soon"
I pass jug on the stairs and go up to her room
"Hey baby, I'm sorry your feeling yucky" I say and take her out of her crib, I change her onesie and put her bed sheets in the washing basket and put new ones on
I carry her down stairs
And grab the sick bowl from the pantry
"Hey guys, look who came to say hello" I say
Everyone was done the pizza and was sitting on the couches to watch the show
"Awww, my poor niece" Veronica pouts
"Let's get the show on the road" Juliet says and we all take our seats and be quiet
"Welcome to our talent show, we are trying our hardest so please listen and pay attention, no cameras because it's a one time show, thank you, first up is Ethan who will make the ball disappear, we clap
"Okay Ethan, make the ball disappear" Juliet says, Ethan throws the ball in to the corner
"Magic!" he says in a cute voice
"Wow that was a great act i want to know how to do that" Archie says
"Okay next up is Cody, who will be counting" Juliet says
" 1 2 3 4 5" He says struggling to pronounce the numbers
"Wow your so smart" I say
"Okay, next up is me also known as Juliet or juls, I will be showing some tumbling" she says and unfolds her gymnastics mat
"First up is a backwalkover, then a front walkover, cartwheel,handstand,forward and back roll, and for the grand finale a front handspring" she says and does the trick after each name
"Omg doesn't that hurt?" Veronica says
"No, I learned it all in cheerleading" she replies
"Thank you for watching our show" Juliet says and they hold hanged in the middle and bough
"Tank oo" Cody says
"Bye" Ethan said and they all disappear somewhere and we all clap and cheer
"Next up is Brooklyn for being able to scream the loudest" jughead says sarcastically
"Yea if she wasn't sick she probably would've been on the show for that" I say
"Arch can you pass me my phone it's on the table beside you?" I ask
"Yea sure" he goes to reach for it but he falls oh the chair
"Oh my god Archie.are you okay" jughead says holding in laughter
Brooklyn just starts laughing uncontrollably
"*gasps* you think that funny" I say in a baby voice
She just continues to laugh
We all just talk until it's time for bed, Archie and Veronica are staying at ours with the boys. We all go to bed but of course I get woken up multiple times through the night because Brooklyn was sick.

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