Inviting over the christmas guests

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Betty POV
I woke up to Brooklyn wanting fed. I was walking down the stairs when I heard rustling from the living room, I Went to see what it was and I was shocked, it was Juliet looking for her presents under the tree
"Juliet Alice Jones, what do you think you are doing!!" I said standing in the doorway
"Can I not just get one of my presents now, please please please" she begged
"No absolutely not, Christmas isn't until tomorrow, now come on I will make breakfast" I say and she followed me to the kitchen
"Why are you up so early ?" I ask while I put toast in the toaster
"I'm to excited I can't sleep" she replied
But before o could say anything jug walked down the stairs
"What is happening, its 4 in the morning" he says and gives me a kiss then takes the baby from me then sits down
"I was thinking, since Brooklyn is quite a long and hard to pronounce name we should give her a nick name like Brooke" I said and gave Juliet her breakfast then took a sip of my coffee
"That's a good idea because Juliet is juls then Brooklyn is Brooke" Jug says
" can Toni and Cheryl Come over to stay because they don't have much family except from us" Juliet says
"That's a great idea juls, I will call them when I'm done my coffee" I say
**on the phone with Cheryl**
Betty- Hey Cheryl we were wondering since you and Toni don't have family you guys wanted to stay over at our house then spend Christmas with us?
Cheryl- oh my, yes we would love to, we will be there after supper
Betty- okay that time is great, oh, and remember it will be quite chaotic on Christmas, Juliet is away to burst with excitement
Cheryl- Okay I will warn Toni
** off the phone **
"So I guess they are coming now" Jug said rolling his eyes
"Oh come on, being the only boy can't be that bad" I say
"It is that bad, but since they are coming over Can sweets and fangs come to?" Jughead said
"Yes yes yes please mommy" Juliet said begging
"Yea sure, we will need more food tho" I replied
"Pops pops" Juliet said jumping up and down
"Pops sound delicious, I will go call sweets and fangs
"Juliet can you please get dressed,your clothes are on you floor and when your done brush your teeth" I say as I cradle little Brooke back to sleep as it was only 5 in the morning
I call the boys and they said they could stay over, thank god, I definitely did not want to be the only man there.
Once we are all ready, we head to the park, it's only 7 in the morning, life with kids is just great
"Come on guys let's go" Juliet said running about
"Hold On sweetie, just gotta get your sister in her stroller then we can leave" I hear Betty say
"Come here juls, let me help you zip up your jacket because it's cold outside" I say kneeling down to her size
"You have to be cozy because it's winter" Juliet says them hoes and tells Betty
Finally we get out the door and head to the park, luckily it's just a few minutes away from our house. It's just a small park with a couple swings, slide, roundabout and a climbing frame, so that means that no one goes there often so it's just us
"Yay we are here!" Juliet says before she runs through the gates
"Let's sit on that bench over there" I say pointing to a bench in the corner of the fencing. Me and Betty are just sitting watching Juliet play and have fun but also pushing the stroller back and forth to keep Brooklyn calm
"Daddy,can you push me,please?!" Juls shouts from the swings, I walk over and start to push her
"Higher higher" Juliet says between giggles
But time flies when your having fun, it was now 9 o'clock
"Jug, I just got a text saying that my mom and your dad are coming round at 10, so we better go"

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