Baby experts

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we are in the car driving to the Andrews household, Brooklyn wasn't really happy about being in her car seat in the middle of her nap but she fell asleep anyway. We ring the doorbell and we can hear the screaming already
"COME IN!" Veronica shouts
"Woah I need some earplugs"jughead said and covered his ears
"You help Archie and I will help Veronica, Juliet go watch tv in the living room wile dad and I help the babies " I say and head through to the kitchen
"Right, let's get this babies fed" jughead said and we pull chairs over to v and arch.  Veronica handed me Cody because in the hospital he would only settle for me and as soon as he noticed it was me he automatically stopped crying and let me feed him,halfway through I handed Cody to Veronica because he was drinking fine now but Ethan was still crying and having a fit
"Betty you take him, you seem to have a special way of calming them down" Archie said and I took Ethan but still had a fit
"Try Juliet then, she can try a talk to him"Archie said starting to get stressed
"Bro she is literally 5 but it's worth a shot, Juls!" Jughead said and Juliet came through and immediately went over to Ethan
"Since you have a E on your onesie you must be Ethan, please or cry, you have to drink your yummy milk and then you can sleep and dream about food or in your case you can dream about pulling peoples hair because that is what you do, oh and by the way I'm your cousin Juliet, I'm obviously a expert in babies because you stopped crying"Juliet said then I handed Archie Ethan. We stayed for a while talking about babies and Juliet talked about her boyfriend which jug wasn't happy about but Brooklyn got really fussy because she was tired and wanted her bed not a carrier
"We better go home now, everything is under control here but it's chaotic is our house" I say and look  at jughead
""What did you do jughead?"Veronica says concerned
"Umm I was trying to cook and the fire alarm went off and the it woke up Brooklyn from her nap" jughead said looking down and started to giggle
"Oh.. but at least you have 2 of the baby experts at your house"Archie said before we said out goodbyes

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