Archie problem

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️

Veronica pov
It is now around supper time, I have dropped the boys off at my moms and I'm waiting for Archie to get home now, I'm getting a little nervous, I have fp hidden in the bushes just in case something happenes, not trying to say her abusive or anything but I'm literally away to break up with him and take his kids away, but we do take turns obvs I'm not a monster, oh oh he's home

"Hey babe" he says I just stand with my arms crossed
"Hi Archibald" I reply
"What's up?" He asks innocently
"What's up? You really ask that we let's start form the beginning, YOU ARE TEXTING AND SHAGGING OTHER GIRLS!" I shout
"Come on ronni that was before Connor was even thought about like almost two years ago!" He says softly
"That doesn't matter! Oh and also since you got to throw your dick about probably passing your STDS, I  may have fooled around once or twice and then Connor was conceived, not by you but by reggie mantle who has bigger muscles, bigger dick also a bigger heart!" I scream
"Connor isn't mine? Well look who's the liar now! You need a serious punishment" he says
"Get out! I will drop your stuff at your dads tomorrow, we're over, I will text you the details about the arrangements for the boys"I say crying at the last part
"What do you mean arrangements? I don't want them anymore they are your responsibility and I ain't leaving" He says getting closer to me pulling tick tape out his pocket from work
"Archie what are you doing!"I ask stepping back
"Whatever I want" he says evilly and tackles me to the ground, I have duck take on my mouth and my wrists are tied together, he has pinned me down tears streaming down my face, he's to strong and I have just given up, he has now removed my trousers and panties and I'm lying but naked in my front hall
"You ain't wet for daddy? To bad it's gonna hurt a lot now" he says before thrusting himself right into me it hurt like a bitch and I'm kinda bleeding now because that's what happens when your getting raped. I scream as he continues to push his only 7 inch dick in me
"You like that you slut" he spits I shake my head
"You better like it next time" he says and pulls out of me and walks out, leaving me tied up I cry and cry
5 mins later fp bursts through the door after he sees me he turns the other wa and helps me get untied and pull my pants up
"I will take you to bettys" he says basically carrying me

Betty swings the door open and I fall into her arms, she just stands there swaying side to side trying to calm me down, fp is in the kitchen where the kids ( and juniper and Dagwood) are eating supper. I have calmed down now but I'm still shaking
"V What happened?" Betty takes me to her and jugs bed room and we sit on the bed
I just play the recording I recorded with my phone but when it gets to the certain part Betty pauses it and turn my phone off because she knows what was away to happen
"Oh my god I'm so sorry V, he can't hurt you anymore, he will pay for what he has done I promise" she says
"I am not letting him ruin your life, you and the boys can stay her for how long you want because I don't want you going back to that house and relive the memories" she comforts me
"Me and the boys will move in with reggie, I have already talked to him about it, well I better get going, I gotta pic the boys up" I say sobbing and standing up
"V are you crazy your not stepping a food out that door tonight, you are having supper and sleeping here tonight, I'm making sure your okay" Betty says taking my hand and we walk down the stairs
"Auntie V I didn't know you were coming round" Brooklyn says cheerfully
"It was a surprise for me too but I'm here" I say sniffling
"Come sit down V have some supper" jug says
"Oh I couldn't, there won't be enough" I say sitting down
"Don't be silly, have something to eat all of us are having full plates tonight, we talked things through and our family probables are gone" Juliet smiles
"That's good" I smile
"This chicken pie is amazing who made this?" Fp says moaning
"Mommy made it, shes good at cooking" Brooklyn says
"Thank you guys it took like notice to make" Betty blushes
"The twins are missing out big time" Dagwood says laughing
"Well only 1 or 2 more years and they will be able to stay up for supper, two mor mouths to feed" betty sighs rolling her eyes
"What do they eat right now?" Juniper asks
"Well they have milk and breakfast in the morning and they have like crisps through the day and at lunch they have some baby food and before their bed they get a cracker and milk" jug laughs at the last part
"A cracker?" I ask giggling
"Yea the actually eat crackers before bed" betty laughs
"All I hear before they go upstairs is 'kaka kaka' because they can't say it properly" Juliet laughs
"Is auntie V sleeping over?" Brooklyn asks
"Yea I am and tomorrow I need to speak to everyone about something really important, if it's okay that everyone comes round" I say
"Yep no problem, I will go put it on the group chat" Jughead says
"Mommy I wee wee" lily comes through
"Oh go to potty then" Betty says
"I didn't know they were training already?" Fp says
"There not so why is she here" Juliet says
"Wee wee in bed" she says stretching
"Oh okay then let's get you cleaned up and back to bed then, did you wake up your sister?" Betty says getting spare baby wipes from the cupboard
"Sister who?" Lily asks
"Oh yea you have more than one, is Riley awake" Betty laughs
"Ya she want play" lily jumps up and down
"Oh jeez this is gonna take a while" betty says then leaves the room
"I'm gonna need like 4 bottles of milk......each" Betty adds
Jughead just sighs and makes the bottles
"Don't they sleep with nappy's or pull ups on because they are like 2" juniper asks
"Yea but Betty read online to put your kids in nothing but a long t-shirt and apparently makes them sleep better and 'avoids rashes' or something can't remember" Jughead says air quoting
"Ahh I see" Dagwood replies
"Mom has even tried to cook us healthy meals because of this 'how to parent good' book" Brooklyn rolls her eyes
"Yes I heard about that I was gonna buy it and see some tips to see if they change anything or make things easier" I say
"Do not buy it! It's a load or garbage, I thought my kids were getting brought up the right way but apparently not" Jughead says We all look at him with confused looks
"Well my kids were getting brought up semi properly then" he corrects himself
"You got that one right and also will you please turn my texts and calls back on, I'm sick of just texting trough snapchat and insta dms, and also I need to call you and mom when I go out" Juliet wines
"Those things don't bother you it's just because you want to call Cole mantle oooooo" Brooklyn teases
As soon as I heard that name I froze shit what am I gonna do it will break their hearts that they are gonna be sort of cousins
"Shit it little gremlin" Juliet snaps back
"Make me troll" Brooklyn says they just give eachother death stares and bury out in floors of anger at eachother and start to bicker over god knows what
"Girls quit it!" Jughead shouts as he leaves to go upstairs with the bottles
"Your getting it next time" Juliet mumbles
"Juliet do not talk to your sister like that!" Fp scolds
"Shouldn't she get in trouble too? Or is it jsut because I'm older or because of her anger issues? You know what I don't care I'm done, goodnight everyone because you won't be seeing me again tonight" she says storming out upstairs
"Well juniper you see why brothers are better?" Dagwood says
"Guess so" juniper says
Juliet really likes Cole, what am I gonna do

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