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Sweetpea pov
After we pulled them apart, they were petty bashed up so me,jughead,Toni and Cheryl took Brooklyn to the living room with one of the medical boxes while Betty,Veronica,Kevin and fangs took Juliet into the kitchen with the other medical box. Archie stayed outside with the rest of the kids
"Owwww, that hurt" Brooklyn screams and kicks while I try and clean the cut on her head
"Brooklyn stop kicking, you have did enough of that already" jughead says
"You don't have cut before" she says
"You keep on thinking that, I have many scars from when I was a teen, trying to keep people out of danger and I'm really disappointed in you right now so please be quiet and let him fix you up" jughead says before leaving the room
"I'm sorry uncle pea" she says giving me that puppy eyes
"It's okay baby, just let me clan you up and you mom might want to talk to you"
I say sympathetically
"Auntie TT, can I sit on your lap to make it less sore"
"Sure, if it makes you feel better" Toni jumps up on the counter and Brooklyn sits on her knee
Betty Pov
"I'm sorry mommy, I didn't mean to trigger her anger, she started the fight, I don't want to get in trouble, don't be mad,please" Juliet is crying so hard you can barely understand her
"Shh shh, calm down baby, I'm not mad, calm down, breath" I hug her trying to get her to calm down
"It's okay girl, no one is gonna get really angry at you" Kevin says
Juliet finally stops crying, I'm cleaning her injuries, Veronica is brushing the nots out he hair, Kevin is complaining about some fashion magazine which make us all laugh and fangs went to help archie
"Okay so, when you are done and Brooklyn has calmed down a little can me and daddy talk with you two?" I ask
"Yea, But I'm sreally sorry for blurting out Brooklyn's disorder, I know you and daddy wanted to tell people another way but I ruined it" She says sad
"It's okay, me and daddy just wanted everyone to know I'm a more better way than it ending in a fight" I say
"Now,that's you done Sophia should still be out in the garden but don't worry Brooklyn is upstairs in the bedroom having some cool down time" I say and she hops off the counter and runs away
Me,Veronica and Kevin walk lot to see all the adults sitting talking
"Hey guys, what took you so long?" Archie asks
"Juliet was having a complete breakdown , her hair had a million nots in it" Veronica says
"Well we had to physically barricade the door until Brooklyn calmed down and now she should be fine, I could go get her?" Cheryl says
"Don't get her yet, me and jug have some explaining to do" I say
"We do?" Jug says
"About her IED"I say and he immediately understands
"So Brooklyn was diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder or IED, it's when a person is characterised by sudden episodes of unwarranted anger. The disorder is typified by hostility, impulsivity, and recurrent aggressive outbursts.its when people with IED "explode" into a rage without a reason" I explain and everyone looks at us with sad expressions
"Guys don't look at us like that, it's okay, she's fine and happy, it's a little bit stressful for us but as long as she's happy and not fighting her siblings it's okay" Jug says
"Wait hold up.... siblings? as in Betty is pregnant?"Kevin squeals
I just face palm because me and jug wanted to keep it a secret
"Jug, we weren't meant to tell them yet" I say chuckling
Everyone gasps and hugs us
"O-M-G, this is so exciting!" Veronica says
"Congrats guys" Toni and Cheryl say at the same time
"Girl, you gotta stop hoeing a round, you gonna turn into a thot soon" Kevin says and squeezes me so tight
"Thanks Kev, and I Appreciate your thoughts on me being pregnant" I giggle
"Who's pregnant?" Sophia asks as her and the kids stand behind us, even Brooklyn
"Things just keep on getting out the wrong way today" Jug says
"Well, Juliet and Brooklyn will be having a sibling and the rest of you will be having another little cousin" I smile
Juliet and Sophia are excited but the 3 little ones are a bit confused
"Auntie B has a baby in her tummy" Veronica says to Cody and Ethan
"What that mean?" Brooklyn is confused
"It means that in 9 months you and Juliet will have a baby sister or brother" Sweetpea says
Juliet and Sophia scream and hug me
"Baby in tummy?, you still skinny" Brooklyn says
"The baby is gonna grow big in my tummy" I'm still trying to explain
"Let's just say mommy won't be skinny in 5 months, but she will still look flawless" Kevin says
"Brooklyn, mommy's having a baby, we will have a brother or sister, it's exciting" Juliet says trying to get it through Brooklyn's head
"Ohhhh now I get it, I'm happy but I'm still angry at her" Brooklyn frowns and points at juls
"Here we go, look I'm sorry, I crossed the line but so did you,and I'm gonna be the bigger person here and say.... I'm sorry" Juliet mumbles the last part
"Hmmm, what did you say I can't hear you" jughead says obviously knowing what she says
"I'm sorry and I love you" Juliet says
"Much better, what do you have to say for yourself Brooke" Jug head says smiling
"Don't call me Brooke it's Brooklyn and... im sorry and I love you and I like the baby" Brooklyn says
"Like?" Everyone says
"I can't love someone I haven't got to know yet" Brooklyn says
"My new life motto" Kevin says and we all laugh
"Now let's order pizza and have a great night" Sweetpea says and we all cheer

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