Who let him out

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jughead pov

the Andrews family left so me and Betty could go to the doctors with Brooklyn. we arrive and check in, we are now waiting for our name to be called,Brooklyn started to get fussy so Betty put her on the floor so she could crawl but she didn't get that far before our name was called so i swooped her up and she giggled. we followed the doctor to a room

"so how is little Brooklyn rose jones doing?" doctor Kelly asked tapping Brooklyn's nose

"she is doing fine, she has one or two teeth coming through and she just learned to crawl" Betty said smiling at me

"good good, now i know no one likes shots but are you gonna be a good girl" Mrs Kelly asked as she gets the tiny needle out

"fgfnfebf hhg" Brooklyn gurgled

" i take that as a yes, okay 1...2...3" Mrs Kelly counted down then gave the unsettled baby the shot

Brooklyn burst into tears and started kicking her legs
"It's okay, it's all over now" i said giving her to Betty
"Well Brooklyn didn't take that as well as Juliet did" nurse Kelly said "oh and how is Juliet doing, I haven't saw her in ages " she added
"She doing fine, haven't had any attitude in a while, she isn't behaving at school tho" Betty said rolling her eyes
"She will get over it and hopefully the sweet Juliet comes back" nurse jelly said guiding us out the door

"oh, we gotta hurry and pick her up, thanks doctor" i said looking at my watch

"bye, see you next time" doctor Kelly said then walked off

we drive to the school and Juliet comes running to us crying

she hugs my leg until i pick her up

"whats up bug ?" i ask her

" the scary man is here at my school and he is my best friend Bella's dad" Juliet manages to choke out before bursting into more tears

" lets just go home and we will sort it out there,okay" Betty said

"okay" Juliet said wiping her tears

the drive home was quiet so all you could here was Brooklyn cooing in the back. we arrive home,Juliet and brooklyn were watching peppa pig in the living room wile me and Betty sit in the kitchen
"I'm away to call Kevin and ask why Malachi is out of jail" Betty said cutting the silence

Betty Pov
*on the phone*
Betty- "Hey Kev"
Kevin- "Hey Betts, what's up"
Betty- "well, we were picking up Juliet from kindergarten and we saw that Malachi was there also picking up his daughter which happens to be Juliet's best friend"
Kevin- "oh yea... I forgot to tell you.... he got released until there is more evidence because apparently that since there was only me that was called to the scene that isn't enough proof"
Betty- "But He did kidnap Juliet, she was beaten up and was taken into the hospital"
Kevin- "i know and I told them that and I saw it with my own eyes but apparently the police force is more trustworthy than it was when we were teenagers"
Betty- "Wait, what if there is proof"
Kevin- "what are you thinking of Nancy drew"
Betty-" So you know how they left a massive and deep cut on Juliet's thigh?"
Kevin- "Yea, it looked pretty deep, that's definitely gonna leave a scar"
Betty- " exactly!!, theres are proof, the massive scar... but wait, I don't really want Juliet to get involved with the court and stuff"
Kevin- "it's up to you, it would almost definitely put him back behind bars"
Betty- "I will see how Jug feels about the situation then I will get back to you "
Kevin- Okay bye, tell the kids I said hi, oh and also jug"
* off the phone*
I told Jug and he was okay with it if I was but we were gonna make sure Juliet was wanting to do it to
"Hey jules, So you know how we saw the scary man today? He was let out of prison, so we were wondering if you wanted to help us put him back in jail so he can't hurt you again" I said slowly and clear so she can understand more
"I don't want him to hurt me, uncle kev will take him won't he?" She said
"Yea but we need to to help us" jughead said
"Okay, I don't want to see him again" she says then went back to the tv
"Why does so much shit happen to our perfect family, why can't trouble leave us alone" jughead says sighing
"Jug, you can swear in front of the kids! And I don't know why this stuff happens to us" I replied

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