Where did this attitude come from

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Betty POV
It was Juliet's first day of kindergarten, I was in the kitchen packing her lunch when she was arguing with jughead about getting a pet.
"Guys,time to g.... juls you look so cute,
I can't believe your going to school" I said
"Thanks But I don't want to look cute, I want to look cool because I'm going to be a serpent and gang members aren't cute" she answered back with sass
"W-what has gotten into you lately?,you have to stop this behaviour" juggie said
"But its.. not..FAIR!" Juliet says as she runs up into her room
"Jug.. she's 5, she is meant to be this kind sweet innocent little girl, but ever since we found out about the baby she has been acting like she's older, being sassy, shouting and.. god.. she want to be apart of the gang" I said as is sit down
"Betty calm down, stress isn't good for the baby, now I will go upstairs and try and talk to her, Okay?" Jughead said
"Okay, I will make sure everything is packed" I say

Jughead POV

I go upstairs and knock on her bedroom door
"What do you want?" She says
"I just want to talk" I say opening the door
"I want to wear black, not a grey jumper" she starts but I interrupted
"Right, you have to stop this horrible nonsense. You can be a serpent if you want but you have to wait for everyone approval but you have to start acting your age" I say it doesn't sound like I'm talking to a 5 year old but she understands
" fine, in sorry for acting the way I did" she said and gave me a hug
"Thank you, But go and say your sorry to mommy" I say
"Okay" She says and happily skipped along. I have no idea what got into her
"I'm sorry mommy, I will wear this and I will wait until I'm allowed to be a serpent" she said to Betty
"It's okay baby but we have to learn how to keep that anger in, now let's go to school" Betty and juls Both squealed
"And when your away at school, me and mom will do our college at home on the computer" I say

Betty POV

We are in the car on our way to the school. I look in the mirror and I see that Juliet in the back with tears rolling down her face.
"What's wrong hunny?" I ask concerned
"M-m-my head it sore" she manages to stutter out before breaking down into floods of tears
"Well we are here now" Jug said
I got out the car and opened Juliet's door but she was still sitting in tears, i felt her head to see if she was burning up or anything. I would say she was about the normal temperature
"Here have some water" I hand her a bottle of water
"It's still sore" she complains
"First it was your tummy now it's your head" jughead said
"Maybe she should miss school today then" I say
"Nooo, I'm going to school, I feel better" Juliet says and gets out her seat
"Okay?? Just tell the teacher is you don't feel well okay" Jug said
We walk into the gates and there's heaps of kids, this one little girl was standing alone
"Hey juls, go talk to that girl over there" I say
"She is all alone, I will go over" Juliet says

3rd person POV

Juliet goes over to the girl
"Hi, I'm Juliet what your name ?" Juliet says confidently
"I-I'm Bella" the girl says shyly
"There's no need to be shy, I'm here to be your friend, want to come and play a game with me?" Juliet says
"Okay, I love to play the game tig and tag"Bella says
"Same as me, I play it with my uncle pea and uncle fangs" Juliet says
As soon as Betty and jughead see Juliet playing with her new friend they go over and say goodbye
"Hi juls, the teacher is away to come out so we are gonna go now, hope you have an awesome first day" Betty says
"Thank you and meet my new friends Bella" Juliet says
"Oh, hi Bella"jughead says nervously

Betty POV
I noticed Jug was being awkward around Bella, why?. We got in the car and drove home
"Jug, why were you nervous around Bella?" I ask him
"*sighs* Bella is a Malachi's daughter, if they become friends and her parents find out we are Juliet's parents that will make it easier for the ghoulies to come and get us" jughead replied
"I-I-I I'm actually shocked, they have a daughter, she will probably get brought up to act like them and all the other parents must be thinking "oh my god why are they letting their child play with a ghoulie" ughhh I just wish that stupid gang will leave us alone" I say getting mad
"Don't worry it's not good for the baby and i will make sure they don't touch juls" Jug said as he starts to drive

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