Naughty girl

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Sophia-8 (chonis adopted daughter)
Brooklyn- 3
Juliet- well behaved and sweet
Brooklyn-is terribly behaved but can still Be Sweet sometimes
Sophia -is like a mini Cheryl and her and Juliet are inseparable.
Cody- He is a little softy who loves to hug
Ethan-loves to run about and kick a ball
_____________________________ ( when Brooklyn speaks she struggles to say some of the words and she sometimes slurs them because she's 3 but I just typed what she says but maybe imagine she says them like a 3 years old)
Betty pov
"Girls come get your breakfast, oh and juls remember to bring your homework down" I shout up the stairs and they come running down and sit at the table
" mommy, I don't want this cereal" Brooklyn wines
"I'm sorry honey it's the only one we have" Jug says coming into the kitchen
"Morning to my 3 favourite girls" he says and kisses all out foreheads
"Ouch!, mom Brooklyn hit me" Juliet complained
"Brooklyn why did you hit your sister!" I said mad
"My little legs are to short to kick her" she replied taking a spoonful of cereal
" but why, you don't have any reason to" Jug said
"I just felt like hitting her, maybe it will make her prettier" Brooklyn says making a sassy face
"That's it young lady, as soon as your finished your breakfast your straight up to your room, no tv for the rest of the morning" I told her off and while I was saying that Cheryl walked in with Sophia
"Fine then, I didn't want to watch stupid tv anyway" Brooklyn shouted then walked upstairs. I just sighed
"SOPHIA!" Juliet says when she realises they are here
"Jug can you take Sophia and Juliet to school, I just don't feel like taking that terror to the school drop off when she act like this" I say pointing upstairs meaning Brooklyn
"Yea sure come on girls" he says then drives off with the girls
I start to tear up and then I sit down
"It's okay, tell me what's up and we can figure this out" Cheryl sits next to me
"It's just that, she's 3 and she acts like she's way older, the things she says and does makes me feel like she got it off of me because where else would she learn it from, I failed her, I failed at being the parent she needs, I feel so bad about shouting at her, I don't know what to do anymore" I spill my guts out to Cheryl and bust into tears
"Honey no, you don't put yourself down because she's being a little shit, she's just mature like Juliet was, you absolutely did not fail at being a parent your the strongest person I know, and don't feel bad about putting her in her place, I think she needed a good telling off, it might do her good, now let's just breathe and talk about the good things" Cheryl comforts me
"Thank you so much, I have no idea what I would do without you" I say and wipes my tears
"Can I go speak to her?" She asks I hesitate but say yes
Cheryl pov
I walk out of the kitchen and notice the front door is wide open "but jughead closed it" I think to myself then it finally hits me.
"Brooklyn's gone, she ran away out the front door" I say and we immediately go outside looking for her, since Veronica only lives a few houses down we figured she might of gone there we bang on the door and Veronica answers
"Hey guys, what's up?" She asks
"Is Brooklyn here" Betty asks worried
"Emm.. yea but why are you guys so worried, she said you guys knew she was here or I would if called you" Veronica says letting us in
"Nope She was being an absolute brat this Morning so she got sent to her room but when we were talking she ran out" Betty says rolling her eyes
"That little rascal, wait she's 3 and she did this herself ?" Archie says chipping because he was secretly listening
"Yep, I hate giving her into trouble-" Betty started
" if one of the boys did that, they would get their ass whooped" Veronica interrupts
"Same with Sophia, you can't always be the good parent" I agree
"I try and tell her off but it just doesn't feel right, I hate shouting at her and I definitely would not give her a smack" Betty says
"Just wait until she goes to kindergarten" Archie says
"Ohh I can't wait, principle meeting every fucking week" Betty says and smiles
"Let's call them down,shall we?" Cheryl says
"We shall, KIDS COME DOWNSTAIRS!" Veronica shouts and they come running downstairs
"Hi mommy, I'm tired" Brooklyn says and puts her hands up for Betty to pick her up
"Are you now? Maybe it's from all that shouting and running away" Betty says and puts Brooklyn on her hip she just nods and put her head on Betty's shoulder
"What do you have to say for yourself after all the commotion you made" Veronica said
"I'm sorry for hitting sissy" she says
"And for your shouting and running away making mommy scared? You sorry for those to" Betty asks
Brooklyn looks her I'm the eye and Says "I'm sorry"
"It's okay but NEVER run away again, okay?" She says
"Okay mommy, can I go play?" Brooklyn asks
"daddy is waiting at home for us" Betty says hesitant not wanting a scream match
"Okay, bye auntie ronnica, bye uncle chee, bye auntie sher, bye eetin, bye ody" she says waving with a smile
"Now your in a good mood"Veronica says and we all wave goodbye

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