Play area

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Veronica pov
Me and Betty thought it would a great idea to take all the kids to a massive indoor play area so they can get all their energy out. Me and Archie got Ethan and Cody in the car and drive to the jones' house, we go inside and see Brooklyn,Juliet and Sophia watching tv while betty French pleats their hair one by one
"Hey guys" I say as we sit down
"Hi auntie V" Juliet says
"I'm so sorry we are running late" Betty says
"It's okay, we don't have to be there until 4 anyway" I say
"Okay girls your hair is done, you clothes are on your beds, Brooklyn if you need help just shout" Betty says and the girls run upstairs
"Did Sophia stay over or something?" Archie asks
"Yea, Cheryl and Toni are away for 2 days so Sophia got dropped at ours" Betty says
"Mommy I need help" we hear Brooklyn shout
"Just coming" She says then runs upstairs
"Betty is so busy, shes looking after three girls and one of them is the biggest trouble maker I know" I sigh
"Yea I know I feel sorry for her , where is Jug" Archie says
"He's in the pantry sorting something" Betty comes downstairs with all three girls in matching clothes- black leggings, yellow t-shirt and converse
"Hurry up daddy, were waiting" Juliet shouts
"I'm right here,let's go" Jug says and we split into cars
The Andrews car- Betty,Veronica,3 little ones
The Jones car-Sophia,Juliet,jughead,Archie
"boys I want you to be on your best behaviour okay" I say
"Okay mamma" they say
"Same with you Brooklyn, you gotta behave,no arguing, no hitting, or you'll be coming straight home with me while everyone is still having fun,okay" Betty says
"I be good" Brooklyn smiles
*half an hour later*
Betty pov
We finally arrived but the little ones are asleep, I gently stroke Brooklyn's cheek
"We're here baby, you ready to have lots of fun" I say in a soothing voice and take her out of her car seat. Once were all in we just made it in time for out slot, we sit down at our table and the kids take off their shoes and are away at the speed of light
"Woah, they disappeared fast" jughead says
"I'm just scared for Brooklyn, she's so tiny she's gonna get lost" Archie says
"The boys aren't much bigger than her but yea she likes to run away sometimes so she definitely gonna get lost" I say laughing
"I just hoping no one gets hurt because that would be a nightmare especially if it was Sophia, her parents aren't even in town" Veronica says worried
"No one will get hurt, it's fine" jughead reassuring is
"But see if one of the kids get stuck at the top of the slide or something,I ain't going in there to get them down" I say
"Neither am i" jughead agrees
"My muscles are not getting through those tubes, sorry ronni but your going up" Archie says hugging her
"Great, let's just hope they don't get stuck then" Veronica says and I just smirk to myself
"What you smiling at?" Archie asks me
"I just remembered, Brooklyn is terrified of slides" I say giggling
"Oh my god I told you that child is evil, she's out to get me I swear" Veronica answers
"Hey, dont talk about my sweet angel like that" Jug laughs sarcastically because she ain't no angel.
We have been here for almost 2 hours so it's soon time to go home
"I'm surprised we haven't seen any of the kids yet" I say and then here comes Brooklyn of all kids
"Mommy,I tired" she says rubbing her eyes
"You have like twenty minutes left, don't you want to go play?" I say looking at my watch
"No,I want to stay with you, I'm to tired" she says and I lift her onto my knee, she quickly falls asleep
"Yea so as I was saying none of the kids have needed anything, that like never happens" I say
"I know,it's kinda nice" Veronica says
"But this little one can't stay away from her mom for that long "I say looking down at the sleeping child
We talk about other stuff until it's time to go
"How me meant to tell the kids it's time to go" jughead asks we all just look at ronni
"Can't we just shout their names and hopefully they come down?" She says
"They probably won't hear us it's a massive play area V" I exclaimed
"Fine I'll go up, I already know where about the boys are" she says and takes off her shoes then we see her climbing up ladder going through tunnels and finally she gets to the boys, they slide down the slide and come over
"2 down 2 to go" she says but Juliet and Sophia managed to get here themselves
"Okay kids get your shoes on" Archie says but I just carry Brooklyn's shoes because she's sleeping on my shoulder.
"Daddy, my tooth hurts" Juliet says then points to the sore tooth
"I'm not a dentist but I'm definitely sure You have a wobbly tooth" he says wobbling it
"Oh no, do I have to go to the dentist" she says frightened
"No Honey, all your teeth are baby ones right now but when there ready they fall out and adult teeth grow in" Veronica says
" I will have a gap in my teeth" she laughs and we head back home

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