Babies? Also fp drunk? Again? Never !

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"Oh..nothings wrong your babies are fine" the doctor said
"Oh thank go-wait did you say babies as in more than one" Veronica said
"Yes V,look your having twins" I said before I hugged Veronica
"Congratulations,you can come back in 1 month to find out the gender's" the doctor said and then handed Veronica the sonogram of her babies
"OMG,they are so small,I love them" Veronica said as she pulled her shirt down and hugged me


Jughead POV

"Juliet please sit still so I can do you hair" I said as I tried to brush all the knots out of her hair
"Ouch" Juliet screamed
How does Betty make this look so easy. I managed in the end but it was all loose and had some little bumps but doesn't matter she's 4 she won't care
"Okay your fine let's go" I said as I grab my keys
"Can you put my seat in the front please ?" Juliet asked me as she takes my hand
"Yea sure sweetie,But don't tell mom because that's her seat okay" I said bad lifted her into the car
"I promise,LETS GOOOO" Juliet says
We arrived at the bar and Juliet jumped out of the car and ran ahead of me but stopped at the door
"Come on I want to see auntie Cheryl" Juliet says and pulled me in
"Jones,your here and Hey Juliet" sweet pea said and gave her a high five
"Juliet is that you,why didn't you come to me first"FP said and came down the stairs
"Grandpa" Juliet says and jumps into his arms
"Hey I told you I hate that word,remember call me FP"
"Oops I forgot" she says
"Juls come to aunt Cheryl" Cheryl says
"Cher (pronounced as "sher" it's her nick name Juliet gave her" I missed you" Juliet says and walks up to her
"What happened to your hair?? It's all messy" Cheryl said shocked
"Daddy tried to do a ponytail like mom does it but he is horrible at hair" Juliet says laughing
"Come here and I will fix it,just like your mom does it"

Toni POV

As Cheryl is doing Juliet's hair and chatting to her I see jughead shouting on the phone but you can hardly hear him because of everybody talking so I can up with an idea to keep juls entertained while jughead was obviously doing something important
"Hey juls,how about I show you how to serve a drink behind the counter,because only special people get to go behind there"I ask
"Yes Yes But don't tell daddy,he won't like it" Juliet said whispering
"Okay let's go" I say
"Hey topaz can I get a pint of beer ?" Sweet pea asked and walked up to the counter
"Sure but we have a new part time employee here today" I said and Juliet topped up but she had to stand on a chair because she was to small
"Mini jones,what you doing back there and what will your dad say" Sweet pea said
"He doesn't know and never will do what do you want ?" Juliet says and makes us laugh
"Okay juls do you just press this button and the drink will come out" I said
Juliet successfully made a pint of beer but I did the money because I don't think she knows how to do math that well yet
" thanks mini jones your awesome" sweets walked away

Sweet pea POV

I saw Juliet walk back out from behind the counter over the Cheryl so I thought this was the perfect time to talk to her
"Juliet come over here I wanna chat" I said
"Sure uncle pea" Juliet says making me smile I love it when she calls me that.i had to life her into one of the chairs (they are like the stools at bars obv)
"What do you want to talk about" Juliet asked putting her hands on the table
"Do you want to become a serpent?" I asked her
"Yes yes yes yes yes I do so much,I'm turning 5 and that's what I want for my present" Juliet says
"That's is brave if you,being a serpent is a big responsibility but you dk get this cool jacket" I say bad take a sip of my drink
"I know I poured that drink but what is it and what does it taste like ?" Juliet asked me
"It's a adult drink" fangs buttedin and sat down
But before we could say another word
"Juliet we are going home now" !!" Jughead said quite sternly
I lifted Juliet off the seat carried her over to Jug
"What's wring Jones ?"
Jughead covered Juliet's ears and said
"My dad is really drunk and starting fights so I am taking Juliet to Alice's house and coming back

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