Sorting the problem

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Jughead pov
It's been about a month since the drinking thing happened. Lily was able to go home a week after she was born but Riley had to stay there until last night which was a month, we were lucky because the doctors said she has to stay there at least 2 months but we managed to get her home she needs medication every 12 hours do we give it to her 8PM and 8AM and she needs to be breast fed because it gives she more strength, she's as fragile as a piece of glass, lily is just so moody she has this bitch face and she's only a month old!
"Juliet can you go get the door" I say from upstairs
"It's grandma and papa FP" she says I get up from my desk and go downstairs
"Hey Jug, where's brooke?" My dad asks
"She's at the doctors with Betty she wanted to go with the babies" I say putting on the kettle and we all go to the living room
"Why aren't you there?" Alice asked me
"Because we haven't bought a big enough car yet so we all agreed me and Juliet would stay" I say
"Jug if you need money for a car, I could give you some" my dad says
"Daddy has to work a lot so we have food on our table, I heard him talking about it yesterday" Juliet says
"Juliet go upstairs I need to talk to your grandparents alone" I say and she leaves
"Jug if you need money we can help" Alice says
"No we don't need money I have it all under control" I say
"You never came home for two nights because you had to work extra hours last week" Juliet says coming back through
"Juliet! I told you to go upstairs, do what your told" I say slightly raising my voice
She actually goes upstairs now
"What were you saying about not needing help?" Alice says
"That was one time and for the last time we DONT Need help and the last thing I need right now is for you guys to be here telling me what I need to do to raise my family" I say getting angry
"You obviously haven't slept and you have been running on coffee because do you really think I don't check the worms cameras? Believe me I have seen those hospital bills that you guys have to pay and they aren't exactly cheap, so we are trying to do you a favour"'my dad says
"I'm gonna go see Juliet and let you guys talk" Alice says
"What's really going on with you"' my dad says
"Hospital bills are through the roof,the babies wake up like every 2 hours so me and Betty get no sleep, the babies are double the work because theres two of them,kids have school and cheer and shit, me and Betty have like no time to chill we are always either cooking or cleaning or to bust with a kid and just to top it all off Brooklyn wont fucking eat" I say trying not to cry but my emotions get the better of me and a few tears drop down
My dad pulls me into a hug
"Jug im your dad, I know how you feel, let me help" he says I just shake my head
"No I don't want help, it just meant I can't provide for my family, I let them down I let myself down" I say sitting back down
"No it doesn't asking for help is better that letting yourself get sleep deprived, starved and stuff same with Betty, she will understand and she will probably say that you guys need help as well because she has always had OCD about keeping the house clean but I see than she hasn't had the time" my dad says
"Emmm yea we haven't had time to clean and all that or do dishes" I say embarrassed
"And what did you say about Brooklyn?" He asks
"She won't eat, she doesn't want to, we tell her stuff like "if you don't eat you don't get any candy" and stuff like "you don't eat this you don't get to watch tv" or don't get to go play or you don't get to leave the table until you eat, but she still doesn't, she will drink stuff tho so me and Betty have been like blending vegetables together and saying it's a milkshake and she drinks it but it's not healthy to just be eating fruit and veg and you can't exactly blend pizza so we don't know what to do, we even took her to pops, she didn't want anything, she had a melt down because we told her she needed food, this has been going on for about 5 days, the human can last 3 weeks without food" I I say
"I will talk sense into her she will listen to me" He says
"I doubt it, Sweetpea has been here several times but she doesn't listen, I'm gonna have a few words with her when she gets home" I say
"How about I make you a deal, Me Alice and Juliet will have some grandparent and grand daughter time and will clean the house start making supper before Betty and 3 of the kids come home while you go shower and have a nap, and maybe after you will agree on my money offer" my dad says I think for a few minutes
"Okay, But this is a one time thing to get the jones house back on track" I say and go upstairs. I gave a nice long shower and go to my bed, I forgot how good sleep is
Fp pov
Alice is cleaning the kitchen and I'm cleaning the living room and when I say clean I mean vacuum cleaners, mopping the floors, sleeping, dusting, sorting out cupboards, putting stuff where it's meant to be and if we have time we will go grocery shopping, Juliet is cleaning dishes because she can sort out her room until it is vacuumed and dusted

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