Gummy bears with tracking devices

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Jughead pov
"Dad answer me!" I slightly raise my voice
"Boi don't raise your voice at me!" My dad responded
"Stop it you two! Your acting like 8 year olds, what is this all about anyway?" Betty says and we  both be quiet
"Penny escaped prison and left a Message saying she's out to get the girls and HE wasn't gonna tell me until the girls were at school, their lives are at risk!" I say and slights shout
"I was waiting until they were gone so they wouldn't hear all this arguing, they will be safe at school anyway!" My dad says frustrated
"Okay, when he was gonna tell us or if he was gonna tell us is the least of out worries now, we know about it and now we just got to make sure that bitch penny doesn't take our children one of them it will be the 3rd time she has taken her, we jus gotta figure out how we gonna fix this" Betty says and knocks some sense into us
"Now since you were acting like little kids you gotta end it acting like little kids, say sorry and hug it out" she says smirking
*sigh* "I'm sorry dad for shouting, I'm just really angry that someone wants to take my girls away" I say
"It's okay, and I should of told you as soon as I knew about it" he says and we hug and sit down
"Okay so now that's settled what do we do now?" I say
"Mommy look, it's princess pea" Juliet laughs and sweets comes through with a tiara and his makeup done but it was an actual mess
"" my dad gasps
Betty just tries to hold in her laugh but fails
"You could of just said no" I say laughing
"Emm... have you ever been invited to a princess tea party? Didn't think so, they  are quite fun actually, now let's go girls we have some tea to drink" he says and the girls leave
"I want something in return for this" he whisper shouts and leaves. My dad and Betty burst out laughing and I try not to but it's pretty funny.
"It's a message from a unknown number"
You better keep your precious little girls safe, if we can't get them we will hunt down all your friends kids and take them until we reach yours,   fhope they have fun at their last princess tea party, hug and kisses Penny xx
"I have an idea" Betty says
"Wow, that quick?" My dad says
"Okay so, we get everyone here and tell them what's going on and then we all go to a motel or something" Betty says
"That could work, let's do it, I will text on the group chat for them to come here
~ group chat~

Jughead- it's urgent, come to our ASAP and bring all your kids

Cheryl- okay be there soon

Veronica- we are just coming

Kevin- OMG im just coming

"Okay that's the all coming" I say
"Mommy, why does penny want to take us away?" Juliet said in a small voice standing at the door
"How long have you been standing there?" Betty says and Juliet sits on her lap
"Long enough to know that Penny is out to get us and we have to go away" she says with tears
"Hey, it's gonna be okay, we will not let them take you, your sister or anyone okay, your safe don't worry" I say and wipe her tears away
"Why dont you guys pack while I keep the kids busy with Sweetpea" my dad says and me and Betty go start packing
~time skip~
"We are all here what's so urgent" Cheryl says as we are all standing around the kitchen table
Me and Betty tell them everything and about the plan
"Jug Betty is it okay if all the kids stay here and all of us to home and pack because you guys have already packed and it will be quicker?" Toni asked
"Yea sure that's fine, I will make them some  lunch aswell" Betty says
They all leave
**10 mins later**
"Uncle jug!, Auntie B!, come quick" we hear Cody shout. Me and Betty rush through to the living room to see that.......Brooklyn was sick
"Oh you guys scared us, we thought it was something worse" I say gasping
"Aww my poor baby, it's okay" Betty says and she picks up Brooklyn who is crying
"I will go get some tissues" Juliet says
"Get me some of the dettol spray aswell please" I shout through
"I wonder what made her sick?" I say to myself
"I might know, this big girl comes everyday and gives Brooklyn a gummy bear, the big girl says they are special ones, she said "if you eat these, I will know where you are....... go give you more gummies of course" then she goes away" Ethan says
"Did this big girl have blond hair and was wearing kinda scary clothes" I ask trying to explain the best I can to the boys
"Yep And she said not to tell you or.... something bad will happen, oh no I don't want to get hurt" Cody says getting upset
"It's okay, I won't let anything happen to you guys ever, this lady is just crazy" I say and Juliet comes back and I start cleaning up the sick
"So the lady is crazy like auntie Betty when she has to much mommy juice?" Cody says
"Mommy juice?, oh yea but a little crazier" I say and chuckle a little
"That's Brooklyn all cleaned up and the others are on their way" Betty says and Brooklyn is on her hip with her head tucked into Betty's neck
"Can all of you go put your shoes on please, Juliet will help you if you can't remember what foot is left and right, we are leaving soon" I say and they leave and Juliet is making sure Brooklyn is okay
"Brooklyn has a tracker inside of her" I say coldly
"Jug, what are you talking about?" Betty replies
I tell her everything
"We can't just leave her, she's a target" Betty says
"But wouldn't of the tracker came out already?, in her sick or another way"I say
"Probably not, Penny is smart and probably used the ones that stay in your body until.... they are taken out" she says worried

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