Archie cant handle a dirty diaper

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betty pov

a few months past and fp was out of the hospital. i'm currently making Juliet's lunch while she tells me about the dream she had last nigh

" so your telling me that a purple alien tried to steal your burger so you just ate it whole  but in the end it wasn't a actual burger it was made out of mud?" I said
"Yep, it was a weird dream" Juliet said nodding her head
"Okay, your bag is all packed so let's go" I say
"Can I pease sit in the front with you?" Juliet asks
"Sorry honey but your sister has a check up today so daddy is coming in the car to" I reply
"Brooklyn had a hard time letting daddy dress her today that's why we took so long but we got there in the end" jughead says carrying cooing
"It's okay daddy, I don't really want to go to kindergarten today" Juliet says as we all walk out the door
"What why?" I ask surprised
"Because auntie v and uncle arch are coming round, I heard you and daddy talking about it last night" she says climbing into the car
"Well sometimes the adults need some time alone just to chat about things you won't understand" I say as I get in the car
"Let's go because arch and Veronica are coming soon" jughead says as he starts to drive
Juliet is dropped off at school and we speed back to our house because we got a text saying they were leaving their house and we still had to put some snacks out and clean a little. After I tidy most of the house and leave some bowls with crisps and some biscuits out I hear the bell ring and I hear crying so I quickly open the door and see Veronica trying to calm down one of the babies
"Hey guys come in" I say
"Hey Betty Thank you for having us round" Archie says
"Even tho I don't see why you would let us come over when we always just make a racket" Veronica says chuckling wile bouncing up and down still trying to get Ethan to stop crying
"Our house isn't always so peaceful either" jughead says walking down the stairs after he changed Brooklyn
" we don't mind and anyway we need so adult time" I say and I sit on the couch across from Veronica
"So the boys are doing something in the kitchen let's have some girl talk" she  says
"Omg yass I miss this, ever since all three of the babies arrived we haven't had time to talk" I say
"Oh speaking of babies, how is lite Brooklyn?" Veronica says

"she has her 6 month check up later on this afternoon" i say sighing

"oh my shes 6 months already, the boys are 10 months next week and they can crawl and stand up when holding something,they grow up so fast" veronica said but before i could answer Cody crawled in the room and headed over to the coffee table which had burning  hot mugs full of coffee on it

"oh hey there little munchkin, did you come to say hi to your favorite auntie"i say picking him up and tickling his tummy

"he is just  everywhere,you cant get away from him,has Brooklyn started to crawl yet?" veronica says curious

"she crawls a little but  then she just rolls onto her back and she eats baby food but also we have been trying some fruit like raspberries because she started teething last week" i say rolling my eyes

" aww poor thing, the twins have a few teeth but they didn't do much harm because they don't cry as often just when they want something" veronica says as i put cody back on the floor so he can explore

"well your lucky, Brooklyn just screams and  has a meltdown because her teeth are sore" Jughead says as he carries Brooklyn as she chews on a teething ring

" emm.... veronica where is the diaper bag because Ethan just exploded in his new trousers" Archie says as he holds the giggling baby in front of him

"i don't think i saw you guys come in with one but you can use some of brooklyn's diapers" i say

"thanks Betty" Archie says gagging

we were listening and laughing at Archie because we could here him gagging from the upstairs bathroom until Cody lets out a loud scream then giggles

"oh my why do all of our babies have such loudmouths"jugheads says

after Archie comes back from his 'traumatizing' experience we just chat about adult stuff  until we had to go to the doctors for Brooklyn's check up

"we gotta go to the doctors before we pick juls up from kindergarten, wait....wheres Brooklyn" i say looking around the room

"omg she must of crawled somewhere without us knowing" Archie said worried

"arch calm down she couldn't of gone far she cant crawl properly yet, well it seems like she can now"i say ans stand up to go and find her

"where would sh-" jughead started but got interrupted by a loud bang followed by crying

i quickly went through to the kitchen and see that she managed to open the cupboard full of pots and pans so that made a pot fall out which probably gave her a scare so she is screaming as she sits on the floor

"oh baby itsokay,did you get a fright" i pick her up and bring her to the living room and sit her on the floor  she can play with the twins

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