91- the big argument

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Veronica pov
I feel my blood boiling, I think these hormones are getting to me already
"Well Kevin I kinda needed to tell him off instead of him being a brat" I scold
"Woah sorry, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he replies
"Or the wrong persons bed" I whisper to myself
"What? I didnt hear you, what did you say?" Fangs says
"Doesn't matter" I say with sass
"Jeez who put you in a bad mood" Archie rolls his eyes
" GUYS! stop it I can hear yous all from upstairs, this is meant to be a fun vacation" Dagwood comes down with juniper
"Except from its not a vacation, you guys took us all here so we would be safe, G&G or gryphons and gargoyles isn't it?, why are we always in trouble? Why can't our lives be normal" Sophia scoffs
"H-how do you know about this" Cheryl Asks astonished
"Kids play it at school, fizzle rocks get sold in the cafeteria, I have played a few rounds, so has juls, isn't that right?" Sophia says looking at Juliet who has wide eyes, all the adults gasp with their jaws dropped
"I told you guys we should of warned the kids earlier instead of keeping it from them"Betty says
"You never said for me to do that and keep in mind your kid played it too!" I shout
"I told everyone one of you that the game was back and we should warn our kids and the schools, but nobody thought it was a good idea!" She says slightly raising her voice
"All our lives at at risk because your kids just had to play it didn't they" fangs says pointing and Cheryl,Toni,jughead and Betty
"I'm still hung up on that my kid took drugs and played a stupid game which involves suicide!" Jughead says
"Then keep up, this argument is real Teaaa" Kevin says clapping
"And it wasn't just me who took the stupid drugs! Our friend Mia gave them to the whole friend group and we ALL played it!" Juliet shouts
"Don't pin it all on Mia, you were the one who knew about them being drugs!" Sophia argues
"WHAT!" Basically everyone shouts
"So it is Juliet's fault!"Toni says angrily
"Juliet Alice fucking Jones, you knew they were drugs and you still decided to eat the candy!" Jughead says getting angry now
I see juniper close the living room door because that's where the little ones are watching a movie ( we are all in the kitchen standing around a table)
"Fun? Fun! ITS FUCKING DRUGS! Your not even 10 yet get a grip" sweetpea says rolling his eyes
"RIGHT ALL OF YOU! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH WITH THE ARGUING! I THINK WHAT ALL NEED IS A REMINDER, A REMINDER THAT SHOUTING AND SCREAMING ISNT THE WAY TO SOLVE SOMETHING, right Veronica I know something has obviously pissed you off but try not to take it out on Kevin, and fangs don't pin it all on the kids, sweet pea don't act all innocent now we all know you were a pill popper back in the day"fp says looking at the ones he is speaking to
"Archie we all get in bad moods so don't point it out, Toni it is most definitely not all Juliet's fault, Betty I'm sorry we never listened to you but hey it's a life lesson to never take fizzle Rocks, and boi I get that your mad but don't give her any reason to shout now can everyone go sort this out except from Sophia and Juliet, I need to speak to them" fp says
"You ain't my grandpa, so Juliet can stay but I ain't" Sophia says and leaves with the adults
Fp pov
"You did a really silly thing" I sigh
"I know.... I knew they were drugs once but I wasn't sure if the packet we got were but they turned out to be, the office called me down for a drug test and it was positive and they tried phoning home but mom luckily didn't answer so they called social services and they were gonna come to my house again but they never because they thought i took the drugs on accident thinking it was candy" Juliet explains with tears running down her face
"And now mom and dad are never gonna forgive me or trust me, what if they make me quit cheerleading and dance and they might not let me compete in pageants" Juliet starts rambling on and is breathing fast and panicking
"Hey hey, calm down follow my breathing" I say and she does and eventually is now breathing normally and not crying but the tears won't stop
"Okay so you know how Sophia said you knew they were drugs? Well you just told me 'I knew were drugs once but you never knew they still were' and maybe that will lighten them up a bit ayy, and Will make sure they don't make you quit" I reassure her
"Thanks papa fp your the best" she says them hugs me
"I think I might need a talk with my parents alone" she says
"Nah it's okay, I think we should just go through there and say something like.." I say and think
" I could say 'Look I'm sorry, it was a mistake but we all make them', and then I could point out a mistake they all have made, ' see and we can't be hung up on the little bad things when there is so much more we could be trying to solve like why is riverdale falling apart' was that good enough" Juliet says
"That was great, I wonder where you get that mind from" I laugh and we go through and everyone goes silent
"Thanks for making it awkward everyone it's not like I'm a monster or anything but ..... look I'm sorry, I made a mistake but we all make them.... all of you have committed crimes, from shoplifting when a teen right up to something like murder" I say and everyone gasps " see what I mean, you all know you have done these things but it's all in the past, I think we should put this all behind us, well the parts where me and Sophia do bad stuff" Juliet explains
"So your saying to just forget about this like it never happened?" Toni says
"Yea and if you guys continue to treat me and Sophia like it's our fault I will go straight to the police department and tell them every single detail of every single crime each and one of you have committed, your choice" Juliet shrugs with a evil smirk
Everyone including me is speechless
"e-e-i-i... what?" Betty is shocked
"You heard me, I get in on all the plan details and you guys stay out of prison, if anything or anyone does different you get getting your asses in jail" Juliet is still confident in the argument
"And where will you go if we are all in jail? Didn't think that one through did ya" fangs says
"Did I not? Really you think I'm that dumb? And grandpa is gonna be happy about this too, I might have found jellybean" Juliet says

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