Shes having a seizure

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Fp pov
Its raining today, the kids slept over at mine last night so i said Betty and Jug could stay for supper when they came to pick them up. Instead of going through adoption Juniper and Dagwood have decided to move into mine since they have rooms and Alice had some of their stuff dropped off here so they feel at home,and I enrolled them into Riverdale elementary and they start on Monday,Brooklyn In is preschool,Juliet is in 4th grade and juniper and Dagwood are in 6th grade.

I would say I'm handling this babysitting thing pretty good
Brooklyn is watching tinker bell on her iPad in the living room, juliet is at the kitchen table putting together some Lego she got for her birthday, the twins are having tummy time in their play mat on the floor, Dagwood is in the living room on his xbox, juniper is playing with the twins and sometimes helping Juliet if she needs help while I make supper
"Fp, what will I call you since we have moved in and you basically look after us and are you sure we are okay to stay here?" Juniper asks while she sits on the counter
"Well I don't know what you wanna call me, and yes I'm sure you can stay here as long as you guys want, I had a daughter her name Is jellybean, she got taken away by her mother but she moved back in when she was 11 but she got taken away just after Juliet was born because I fell off the wagon again, she is like 20 years old now, I really wish I got to raid her but I never and it's my fault, it's an absolute pleasure that I get to look after you two" i say with tears in my eyes
"I'm sorry... and it's a delight to have a home and a carer so great" she says and runs off

About 10 later Betty and Jug come and we are all eating supper
"This is good sausages and mash" Juliet says with a mouth full
"It is, can you make this another time" Dagwood asks
"Yea sure anything to make you guys happy" I say
"So are you guys liking staying with fp?" Betty says feeding one of the twins a spoonful of baby food
"Yea its better having a man in the house rather than my mom" Dagwood says
"Yea fp had better this past 3 days than my mom has been for the last 5 years also Auntie Betty and uncle Jug i ness to talk to you after" juniper says
"Mom Brooklyn has her iPad at the table" Juliet exclaims lo
"Thought she was being quiet, Brooklyn what did I say about iPads while we are eating supper?" Jughead tells her and she passes him the iPad
"But I'm bored" She them complains l
"You can't get bored when your eating, your pjugheads daughter" I say
"I want candy!" She replies
" dont make me start counting, stop shouting and eat your supper or you wont get any candy" Betty tells her
"The iPad has went to sleep so you can't get it anyway so you can eat your supper while it's sleeping and it might be awake after" jughead says she then starts to eat
"iPad went to sleep?" I whisper
"It's what we say when she has to put the iPad away, works every time " Juliet whispers back
"Do we have to wear uniforms to school?" Dagwood asks screwing up his face
"no you get to wear your own clothes, Unless they changed it since you guys went" I say looking at Betty and Jug
"nah they didn't change it, you can wear your own clothes" Betty says
"Thank god, I'm not wearing any of those blazers or school trousers and especially the shoes" Dagwood says
"I wouldn't mind wearing a school uniform, the skirts,v neck vests, blazers, school shoes and the ties, even tho I would rather my own clothes" juniper says getting excited
"We are complete opposites, how are related or even weirder how are we twins" Dagwood says and we all laugh
"Lily and Riley are starting to be different aswell" Juliet says then let's lily chew on her finger
"But their look the same" Brooklyn says
"Yea But Riley loves to laugh and get cuddles  but lily loves to roll and crawl which she learned yesterday, she is definitely gonna be walking by age of 1" jughead says
"nooooo...she will be able to follow me" Brooklyn wines
"You mean them?there's two of them" juniper asks, Juliet went to say something but Betty and Jug shake their heads secretly
"Betty,Jug I can see you, Juliet you have to tell us now,why did Brooklyn only mean one baby" I say sternly. Betty and Jug sigh putting their heads in their hands
"Riley can't crawl yet,she can't even rollover my mom and dad are gonna ask the doctor about it tomorrow because apparently it's quite concerning"Juliet says and we all look at Betty and jug
"What do you mean she can't rollover , they are meant to be able to do that at 4-5 months and they are 8 months, Juliet could walk at their age" I say angry
"Can we please do this while the kids aren't staring at me" jughead says
"Kids why don't you go finish what you were doing before supper was ready, Juliet and juniper since you have nothing to do you can teach Riley to rollover since she can't and also keep an eye on lily"I say and they leave and close the kitchen door
"So What she can't rollover  yet she's probably a late developer it happens, we are going to the doctor tomorrow it's no big deal" Jug explains
"Yea But shes 8 months old! You are meant to do that at half her age, why didn't you take her when she was like 6 or 7 why wait until she was 8 months! It's really concerning" I say angry at them
"We only did research on it last night" Betty says staying calm
"Only last night? If lily could do it and she couldn't maybe you could of looked it up earlier! What if it's something harmful towards her" I say slightly less angry
"We know it could be harmful but we are getting it checked tomorrow, and we didn't think much of it that's why we never looked it up earlier" betty says
"Why you getting so angry dad?" Jughead asks me
"....... it's just because.... ever since Alice left, I want to be the best grandparent I can be since I'm the only one they have, so if one them isn't doing well It upsets me and I get angry that I couldn't prevent that" I say and Betty stands up, I stand up and also and she hugs me
We get Interupted by Juliet and juniper coming in scared to death
"Riley is having a seizure!" Juliet shouts and we all run to the living room and see the heart breaking sight
"I know what to do, I studied it after Betty has hers" I say and pick up the shaking baby
"1- place the baby on its tummy on a flat soft surface such as a bed . 2- place baby on tummy or side.  3-make sure she is breathing properly... she is.  You can't place anything in their mouth furring this. 4- wipe their mouth.  5- check the time... okay it's 6:30. If the seizure doesn't stop between 3-5 minuets or she doesn't regain full consciousness call 911 immediately" I say while doing the actions I turn to the doorway and see Betty crying into jugheads chest and him having tears in his eyes, the kids look scared to death
"Okay tell me what happened" I ask juniper
"They were lying on her mat and we were playing, she rolled into her back and we were excited but then she went all stiff and her eyes rolled back and she started shaking, im sorry this happened on my watch" juniper says while crying and having g a breakdown
"I have 911 on speed dial just in case we have to call, now why don't you kids go back to playing and plus you left the other baby alone" jughead says and they all rush through but we stay in the bedroom
"I'm scared juggie, what if u have an illness and  passed my seizures to her" Betty cries
"Baby you never passed your seizes to her, you had a seizure because of the water due to drugs which are gone by 10 years and they are never coming back" jug kisses her head  as she cries on his chest
"It's been..... 7 minuets call 911!" I say checking my watch
"Betty come here" I say and she hugs me as jughead calls them
"Hello I need an ambulance my 8 month old is having a seizure and it has lasted 8 minuets now, the house is 14 sweetwater manor, hurry!" Jughead says tears rolling down his face
"The hospital is only two minuets away so they should be here soon" Betty says wiping tears
"Let's go get ready to go then" I day and  we go get all our shoes on and the ambulance takes riley away, she is still having her seizure, we race after the ambulance.

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