Aftermath of a stabbing

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"Toni take Juliet and wash her hands MAKE SURE ALL BLOOD IS GONE!!" I say carrying Juliet in and I put her down
"Move come on chop chop" I say nudging Toni so she can take Juliet to the sink
"Why does Juliet have blood on her?" Cheryl asked me seriously
"Well one of the ghoulies were creeping up a group of serpents trying to save FP so Juliet ran out the woods jumped on his back so he got a fright and fell to the ground and... she... stabbed him" I say making sure to be quiet on the last part
"SHE WHAT!!, how did she even get a knife?" Cheryl asks furiously
"I-i don't know, maybe she saw jughead put her  knife up high but she managed to reach it" I say shrugging
"She could of really hurt herself, OMG I need to check her for any cuts" Cheryl says then rushes off to see to juls
"Should I call Betty?" I ask
"Definitely not, if she finds out she will make sure Juliet doesn't get to join the serpents, ever" Toni says emphasising some words
"She's gonna find out soon enough and yea betty will be kinda held back on juls joining but she is just being a good mom, she will be a little mad that her kid stabbed and almost killed someone but she will come round so it's either tell her what actually happened right now or let someone else tell her later on" Cheryl says lifting juls off the counter and taking her little serpent jacket off
"Erm.... I will call her right now but I'm gonna change it a bit.. I will say that the ghoulie tried to hurt her and she stabbed him" I say trying to think
"Mommy says you have to always tell the truth" juls says making a sassy face
"Well this is about someone getting stabbed not a missing cookie so that stupid rule doesn't count in this situation, and get that look off your face" I say lashing out by accident
"Okayyyy, I'm not gonna help you when you get caught" Juliet say turning round and flicking her hair
I go and call Betty
Sweetpea-"Hey Betty, I have good and bad news"
Betty- "oh okay?, tell me the good news first"
Sweep pea- "We found fp and jughead is taking him to the hospital right now"
Betty- "and the bad news?"
Sweet pea-" well erm.... Juliet kinda stabbed someone"
Betty- " SHE DID WHAT?!!!"
Sweet pea-" it was self defence and I don't think he died"
Betty- "you don't think he died Is that meant to make the situation any better, where the fuck did the get the knife anyway?"
"I used the knife with my name on it... here I put it in my pocket" Juliet says because she heard Betty screaming down the phone
Sweet pea- " she going the knife we gave her for her Christmas, jug tried to hide it but she obviously found it"
Betty- "Okay, I am calm now, so let me get this straight, my 5 year old daughter stabbed someone with a knife that has her name on it and also her dad tried to hide it on the fridge of all places? I thought he was smarter than that"
Sweet pea- "sooooo your not angry anymore?"
Betty- " no as long as it was self defence and not just randomly stabbing someone"
Sweet pea- "Yea of course and Juliet is fine also she is blood free so there is no tracing it back to her if he did die"
Betty- Okay Thanks I got to go now Brooklyn seems to not take a nap, bye"
*betty hangs up*
"Uncle pea, did I do a bad thing" Juliet asks as I sit on the couch next to her
"No, you did a good thing, you protected your grandpa, you see that guy was gonna try and hurt him even more but you saved your grandpa" I say reassuring her and lifting her onto my lap
"Okay, I'm glad I stabbed him then, oh and he doesn't like the word grandpa he thinks he is to young so I call him papa fp" she says
"Oh, well he isn't telling the truth because he isn't young he is very old" I say making her laugh
"Okay you two goofballs, how about a drink?" Toni says
"Sure, I will have a pint of beer, Juliet do you want a tiny bit of alcohol in you apple juice??" I say
"Daddy says I can't have alcohol until I'm 18 but hey I'm 5 that's close enough" she says then jump off and heads behind the counter to help Toni
"Oh my god I absolutely love her attitude and the way she thinks" I say chuckling
"When ever uncle Kev is able to babysit me we watch mean girls and we gossip about people oh and he gives me advice on how to handle the bitches at school" she says and we all gasp
"Juliet Alice Jones, you are not allowed to say bad words, go sit in that corner" Cheryl says
"Come on Cher it was only one and keep it between us I told her she can swear if her parents aren't around"I say
"She probably learned it from Kevin and here are your drinks" Toni says
"Nope, I leaned it from mommy, she was on the phone to grandma and she screamed *clears throat* PISS OFF YOU FUCKING BITCH, and that is the story how I told mom she had to go time out" Juliet said and took a sip of her juice
"You like it ?" Cheryl asks with a moody face
"Yea I love apple juice with alcohol, what's wrong auntie Cher cher" Juliet replies looking concerned
"It's something I can't tell you, it's for your own safety" Cheryl replies
"I'm drunk I won't remember anything, oooooo I wanna dance" Juliet says and runs off dancing as Toni turns on music
"Toni how much alcohol did you put in that because she finished the whole lot" I ask
"You really thing I would give her alcohol after she just stabbed someone, I just pretended I did because i thought it would be funny" Toni says giggling as we watch Juliet dance like nobody's watching

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