Betty is sick

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Veronica pov
*3 months later*

"ETHAN STOP TORMENTING YOUR BROTHER! IM GONNA START COUNTING IN A MINUTE" I shout at Ethan because he is always messing with Cody and it has gotten on my nerves
It's early in the morning before pre school, I am just making their breakfast while they play because they are already dressed and their hair is brushed
"Boys breakfast is ready"
They sit and eat their toast as I drink my coffee
"I'm gonna play with the cars today" Ethan says
"I'm gonna play with the dinosaurs" Cody says
"Remember you don't just play, your learn aswell" I remind them
"Yea we are learning the ABC's" Cody says
"That's good, now your auntie Betty should be here soon so quickly brush your teeth" I say and they run upstairs
*ding dong*
"Come in!" I say because I know it's Betty
"Veronica I don't know what to do" jughead says coming in with a hair brush in his hand
"What do you mean? Where's B?" I ask
"Mommy's feeling like shit today so she in bed today" Brooklyn says
"Brooklyn rose jones! I told you not to say bad words" jughead says stressing out
"Here, you go make yourself a cup of tea while I sort out the girls" I say
"Thanks your a life saver and I'm late for my shift at the bar" he says
"Right so what have you girl done this morning" I say brushing the knots out Juliet's hair
"We have had breakfast, we got dressed even tho mommy forgot to lay out our clothes but I helped Brooklyn with my fashion sense, we have brushes out teeth and we have our bags we just need our hair done because daddy doesn't brush it properly" Juliet says
"Okay, I will just put your guys hair in a high ponytail and we should be good to go because they boys are just brushing their teeth" I say
The boys come down stairs, we head to pre school, Jug goes to work and I just chill at home

Betty Pov

Today I am feeling the shittiest I have ever felt. I'm gonna stay in bed all day because my stomach hurts when I walk, i have some water, fruit, some pain killers, books and I am watching tv I'm my bed. The pain comes and goes but it's really bad, I don't want to stress Jug and any of my friends anymore than I have already so I'm gonna call my mom
On the phone
"Mom can you please come round ?"
"Sure honey, any reason?"
" im in pain, I feel sick, I can't walk it's really sore, I'm alone and I'm scared something happens so I want someone here and I don't want to stress any of my friends or jug out so I called you, I really need you"
"I'm on my way, I'm literally almost there I was at the shops, can you manage to answer the door or is it unlocked?"
"It's locked but I think I can manage"
"Okay, thanks for calling me I'm outside"

Alice pov

I knock on the door and like 10 mins later Betty answers the door looking so pale and sick, she's in a sports bra and shorts
"Aww baby" I pull her into a hug and she busts out crying on my shoulder
"Let's get you back to bed and some nice warm chicken soup" I say and I help her up the stairs into her and jugs bed
"Mom, I'm not that big for being 7 months, should I be worried?" She asks, indeed her bump was quite small which is concerning
"It's probably gonna be okay, stop worrying it's putting stress on the baby, just relax and I will be back" I say
"No mom don't leave I feel light headed" Betty says before she passes out
I quickly run over to her and pull the covers off to reveal a puddle of blood
I panic and call 911
The paramedics arrive and get Betty in the back of an ambulance she's still unconscious, I'm sitting in the back with her with two other paramedics. They rush her into surgery and I'm left crying in the waiting room, I decide to call jughead to let him know
On the phone
"Jug come quick Betty's in hospital! No time to explain"
"Shit shit, dad! Come with me I will explain on the way!"
Jughead then hangs up
I sit patiently for them
"Alice what happened?" Fp bursts through the doors
"She wasn't feeling good as you know, she called me because she didn't want to be alone just in case something happened so she answered the door, I got her back upstairs and I was away to leave the room to make some soup and she said don't go I feel light headed then She fainted and i pulled the covers off and there was blood lots of it so without hesitation i called 911" I break down on FPS shoulder because I'm in the middle of the two
"I knew something wasn't right but she insisted she was okay and that I went to work, I shouldn't have left" Jug says and it's his head in his hands
"It's not your fault, you had the girls to get to school and Betty has always been a stubborn one, I'm just glad she called Alice or god knows what would of happened" fp  says
A hours passes by and we are getting impatient
"I'm gonna ask at reception how long this bloody takes" Jug says and gets up

Jug pov

I can't believe this is happening Betty is fighting for her and the babies life and for all
I know I can't do anything
"Hello, do you have any idea how long Elizabeth Jones will be in surgery for?" I ask the desk lady
"They has to do an emergency c-section and she was only 7 months which is 2 months early she went in about 1 and a half ago so I would say about another hour or so" she says
"Okay thanks"
It's currently 12 o'clock and pee school finishes at 1 Juliet went into school at 11 because it was easier to take both kids at the same time, I text Veronica what happened and that she needs to pick the girls up from school she knows the times and stuff so all that sorted all I need to know if the love of my life is okay

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