She can write stories

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Betty POV
I was sitting in the living room talking to FP and my mom, jughead was at work, Brooklyn was crawling playing with toys in the floor and I have no idea where Juliet is, she is somewhere in the house.
"How have you been doing ?" My mum asks
"I have been fine, I'm really busy tho, I wake up ,get ready, get Juliet ready for kindergarten, wake Brooklyn up, drive to kindergarten, come back make Brooklyn breakfast and get her ready, chill for a while, eat lunch, pick Juliet up, get Juliet ready for cheerleading practice, drop her off l, come back, start making supper, Jug comes home and looks after Brooklyn while I pick up juls, we all eat supper, all have showers, kids go to bed, I watch some Netflix with jug then we sleep, and it repeats but Juliet only goes to cheer practice on Wednesdays and sundays" I say and sigh
"Wow, that's a lot, if you ever need help just call me or your mom" FP says
"I don't want to disturb you guys and I'm fine,its pretty easy when you get the hang of it" I say back
"I don't care if you feel like your disturbing us, we would do anything for our sweet grandchildren" my mom says and Juliet comes in
"Mommy, if my teddy is cold, can I put her in the microwave?" Juliet asks
"No, that would be a mistake" I say thinking what has she done
"Mommy?" She says and put her head down
"Yes ?" I say confused
"I made a mistake" she says and as soon as she finishes her sentence my mom quickly runs to the kitchen, we all follow her but I leave Brooklyn on the floor. My mom quickly take the teddy bear out of the microwave before it could catch fire, Brooklyn starts crying so i go and sort her out while my mom makes sure everything is okay in the kitchen
Alice POV
"What have you got to say for yourself?" I ask and I cross my arms
"I'm sorry" she says but shrugs her shoulders
"Doesn't seem like you mean it, say it again" FP says
"I'm sorry that I put my teddy in the microwave" she says and starts to tear up
"Awww it's okay juls, we all make mistakes" FP kneels down to her size and gives her a hug, she bursts out crying
"I'm sorry but you are gonna have to go to your room just to think about what you done, I know you didn't know I was bad, I'm not and or anything but please go to your room" i say and point to the stairs
"Okay grandma" She sighs and goes upstairs
"She just wanted attention, didn't you Brooklyn" Betty comes through talking in a baby voice
"Come to grandma" I say as Betty hands me the baby
"Where is Juliet?" Betty asks
"I sent her to her room, but I did it in a nice way because she told me she was sorry so I just said she had to go up to think and all that" I say
"Oh okay, emmm.. would you guys mind if I pop in the shower quickly?" Betty asks
"Yea sure take as long as you want we don't mind" FP says
Betty pov
I hop for a shower, but I can hear Brooklyn having a complete melt down so I will just make it a quick one, I finish in the shower, throw my wet hair is a quick but neat bun and chuck on black leggings and one of jughead's jumpers and head down stairs. I go into the living room and as soon Brooklyn sees me she stops crying and puts her arms out for me to hold her, I take her out of my mums arm and kiss her head
"She just missed her mommy" fp said
"Oh look at the time it's been so long, Juliet is so quiet we forgot she was up there" My mom gasps
"A quiet Juliet is never a good sign " I say and they follow me upstairs and see that there is paper all down the hall
"Juliet?" I say
"Oh hi mommy" she walks out of her room
"What is all this?" My mom asks
"It's all the stories I have written" she says picking them up
"You wrote all these stories today " I ask tearing up
"No, I wrote in my spare time and sometimes when I'm meant to be in bed" she says looking down
"she looks like Betty but she has always had jughead's personality" I hear my mum whisper
"I'm in the middle of writing a story about our family, but it's okay if you don't want me to write because it's weird" she says wiping tears
"Honey... it's not weird, it's great, your just like your father, what do you write with?" I say letting Brooklyn crawl about and Juliet jumps into my arms
"I type my stories on your computer and print them out them I have to staple them together so I know what story it is" she says
"Hey, I thought my computer was lost but now I know that's it's in your room late at night" I say and boop her nose
"Shes Literally five years old and she has better grammar and spelling than I did at 10, she can actually write stories I can barely string two sentences together, I said the same to Jug, it's incredible" fp says
"Mommy, when's supper gonna be ready?" Juliet asks
"I'm away to make it, you gotta be patient" I say and put her down
"I think thats our cue to leave" my mom says
We go to the door, Brooklyn on my hip
"Bye grandma and papa fp" Juliet's waves and they give her a kiss
"Bye guys come again soon, say goodbye Brooklyn" I said waving
"Blahhblahhblahhhgfff" Brooklyn attempts to speak
"Your almost there Brooky just speak a little less alien and your be there, bye guys" fp says and they leave

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