Behaviour rules

665 13 1

Betty PoV
The day finished with me and Veronica pitting lice treatment In all the kids hair
"What is lice?" Juliet asks
"Little bugs that get passed around and get in your hair" I say putting the spray in her hair
"Ewww that's disgusting" she says disgusted
"Let's get yall ready for chilling out because Brooklyn is sleeping on the bathroom floor right now" Cheryl laughs
"She's like her dad, loves to sleep"Veronica says rolling her eyes
"I will take her to bed" Juliet says picking her up
"Okay be careful tho" I say helping Cheryl clean up
"I'm thinking we should get some rules in place" Veronica says
"Yea I saw this video it was like if you say 1 it means for them to stop and they won't get in trouble but if they carry on say 2 and that's a warning and a telling off but 3 is a consequence like getting time out or something" I suggest
"That a good idea" Toni says
"Okay So after they get ready for bed, we will have a meeting in the living room everyone except from us will sit and listen as we will tell them the plan and hopefully this attitude stops" Cheryl says
"It not all of them who have attitude, Brooklyn is the only one but it's not her fault she can't help getting angry"Toni says and we all giggle
"Why was it me who has to have the troubled one" I say and we laugh

We are all sitting comfortably on couches,the three young ones are having their milk so after this they fall asleep. Me,toni,Cheryl and Veronica are standing up in the middle of the room
"Okay so we have thought of some discipline for the kids because sometimes their behaviour is not to be tolerated" Cheryl says
"Okay so if you guys are doing something bad, we will start counting
1= telling you to stop and not getting into trouble
2= warning and a telling off
Do we all understand" I say clearly
"What's a consequence" Juliet asks
"Like getting sent to your room or if it's really bad maybe get grounded" Veronica says
"This seems like a good plan" fangs says
"Wait this means no more sibling scraps?" Kevin says
"Stupid" Ethan says
"Ethan don't start" Archie says
"Kevvy stupid" Ethan continues
"1..." Veronica starts counting
"Sorry" Ethan gives up
"We don't say that kinda stuff" Archie says
"I can't call sissy names no more?" Brooklyn says
"Nope you can't because it's not nice" I say sitting in the middle of Cheryl and Veronica
"No fun" she says going in a mood
"Someone's getting tired" fangs teases
"No" she says
"I think your tired"jughead says teases aswell
"No!" Brooklyn shouts
"Oii we don't shout, don't make me start counting" I say
She stops and just stares me down
"You got a staring problem hun?" Juliet says
"Don't get involved juls" Sweetpea says
"No I dont, you have being a bitch problems" Brooklyn says and we are all shocked
"Thats not a 1 or a 2 that's a consequence we do not say or call people those words" I say and she lets me pick her up because she thinks she's going to her bed but when I leave her on the naughty step she starts having a complete meltdown and lyes face down on the floor screaming
"Pass me a pillow please" jughead says and Archie passes gonna pillow, jug then throws it at Brooklyn and it hits her in the head
"Jug!" I say
"Wait a minute" he says and fangs quickly catches on me and everyone else is confused, Brooklyn then puts her head on the pillow and screams into it
"It's a bit quieter now" Sweetpea says
"You could of just gave her the pillow instead of throwing it at her" Toni laughs
"Juggle go in corner, 3" Cody says
"Yep, Jug go in the corner that was a number 3, good job Cody" Cheryl says
"Go in ten corner then" I say giggling, he walks over and sits there
"Bad juggle" Ethan says
We all aww
"Right it's 11 o'clock, it's the big girls bedtimes that means you little ones should of been sleeping ages ago" Veronica says as she put the twins on her hips
"Think Brooklyn screamed herself to sleep" I says gently carrying her bridal style trying to not wake her up
" ahhhh the life with no kids" Kevin sighs as him and the boys chill
"Archie you know I would like some help" Veronica says
"But jughead doesn't help" he wines
"1-Because he's in the naughty corner 2- get off your ass and take Ethan to bed" Veronica says sternly
"Yea ma'am" he says and take Ethan upstairs
"No I don't want to" Brooklyn cries while I'm trying to put her to bed
"Shh baby, it's all okay I'm just downstairs" I say rubbing flushed cheeks with my thumb
"Juliet and Sophia and the twins are here" there's two kids rooms a boys and a girls each kids room has two bunk beds but since there's only two boys and three girls they are all sharing a room and Sophia offered to sleep in the blow up bed to Brooklyn can get a bed
"I want to sleep with you and daddy" she continues to cry
"You need to be a big girls and sleep in your own bed tonight" I say trying to get her to stop crying
"But I'm not a big girl I'm a little girl and that means I can sleep in your bed" she says in between cries
"Brooklyn listen to me, sissy, Sophia and the twins are trying to sleep and your keeping them awake, will it help if you come down and say goodnight to everyone?" I ask her she just nods and I put her on my hip and I go downstairs and see everything looking at us
"Why isn't she sleeping?" Jug asks me
"She wants to say something before her bed" I say
"Night ronnica, night chee chee, night kevy, night Fangie, night tt, night Cher, night pea" she says quietly
"Good night baby" Veronica says
"Okay then let's go and be a big girl and go to bed by yourself" I say and she immediately cries and buries her head in my neck. I go through to the kitchen, heat up a bottle of milk,sit on the couch mext to Jug and she chooses to sit on my lap while she drinks her milk, I slowly cradle her to get her to sleep
"Why is she having trouble sleeping? Wasn't she sleeping on her own before" sweet pea asks worried
"Yea she was but then she started acting up and wanting to sleep in our bed, she has complete meltdowns every night" jug says moving the hair out of her face as she kinda falls asleep
"I sometimes feel like she gets treated like a baby, for example right now I literally have to cradle her in my arms for her to sleep, but it's the only thing that will work" I say
"No your not babying her, I would do it if it helped my boys sleep and did you know some people breastfeed their kids until the age of six of that isn't getting treated like a baby I don't know what is " Veronica exclaims
"Six years ? Their boobs must be pancakes by now" Cheryl says and we all laugh
"You thinking about breastfeeding the new baby?" Toni asks
"Nope Jug doesn't want me to" i say looking at him
"Why?" Kevin asks
"Because i don't want to share" he says smirking
"Kinky little shits" sweet pea shouts and makes Brooklyn wake up
"You woke her up your putting her to sleep" I say and past her to him and then I snuggled into jug
"Sorry that I shouted but your parents are kinky shits" he says and cradles her
"Bun bun" Brooklyn says
"You have you dummy, you you really need them both?" He says she nods
"Im going upstairs to sleep with Brooklyn" I say and wink so the other know I have a plan.

I have lay with Brooklyn and now she's fast asleep so I go back downstairs
"Got her sleep" I yawn and wiggle into Jug and drift to sleep

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