Whos getting down and dirty?

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Juniper- what's that banging noise? It's banging agains my wall

Juniper- OH my god, who tf is getting down and dirty

Sweetpea- It's bugbead being loud af

FP- I thought they would be tired by now, it's 2:35 AM

Jughead- can you guys be quiet I'm busy

Kevin- doing?

Betty- ME! now shut the hell up
*jughead and Betty left the chat*

Veronica- ..........

Kevin- I cant even hear them in the first place and they must be pissed off because I can hear them now

Cheryl- angry sex? I sense a std

Dagwood- ahaha I actually love this gc but what I don't particularly like is that my auntie is probably making baby at least number 5 in the room next to me

Fp- I feel like going and knocking on the door but then won't hear me over BETTY MOANING

Archie- guys stop complaining they haven't done anything since she was pregnant which was more than a year ago because 7+8= 15 So that's a year and 3 months, and Betty is hot so I don't know how he lasted that long

Fangs- did you just call Betty hot when your in the same bed as her BFF? And how would you know when or if they have done it

Veronica- you lil man whore, leave NOW

Archie- she just stormed out the room and said she's sleeping in the living room

Cheryl- And you better leave, go call a cab and go back to riverdale

Juliet- Archie! Back off get away you bitch

Fp- Juliet! Your mom said she took your phone before bedtime, how in gods name do you have it, also get to sleep

Juliet- she doesn't seem bothered? And can someone please stop them, my Christian ears are scared, and if they wake up a one of the little ones or worse one of the babies, I will flip

Toni- Juliet please go to sleep, it's not healthy for you to be awake or hearing your mom getting fkn seduced

Sweetpea- Toni!!

Juliet- what does seduced mean? And Brooklyn just got outa bed probably going to the bathroom

Fp- doesn't matter what it means, and I'm checking right now, sounds like she's saying mommy

Fp- fuck shes crying and she's walking towards her parents room, I'm away to run after her before it's too late
*fangs calls gc*
*everyone joins*

"Brooklyn come here" fp whisper shouts
"Mommy daddy" Brooklyn wines
"Mommy and daddy are busy, get here right now"fp says
"Mommy and daddy" she replies
"What's That pitter patter sound" fangs asks
"Fuck she bolted it and she's away to open the door" fp says followed by Betty scream
"Sounds like she got there before you" sweets laughs

Betty pov
It felt so good to finally do this, we were making out and once in a while he wound make hickeys down my neck, his hands around my waist , my arms around his neck, I was siting on his lap he was inside me, I was bouncing up and down too, I was a moaning mess until. The door friken opens
"Ahhhhhh" I screamed and quickly jumped off jug and covered us
"Mommy daddy nimare" Brooklyn stands at the door crying with her dummy and bun bun
"Emmm can you wait two minuets baby" I say
"Brooklyn I told you to leave them alone" fp comes
"Dad it's okay, just give us two minutes and she can come through" jug says reaching down to get his boxers
"Brooklyn can just come with me" he says and tries to take her hand but she crosses her arms
"Mommy and daddy, no papa fp" she raises her voice
"Brooklyn Jones stop shouting please everyone are sleeping" I say almost loosing my voice
"Actually basically everyone is awake because of you two and Betty is your voice sore?sounds like it,but you can take Brooklyn if it means you stop" he says and leaves and closes the door then me and Betty both chuckle
"Can you turn around for a minute please baby" I ask and she turn around while jug gets his boxers on and I get highs shirt on
"Okay,come on and tell us about the scary dream then straight to bed" jug says and she comes over and places herself right in the middle and snuggles into me
"Not nimare" she says
"What's wrong then"I say kissing her head
"Hungry" she wines and looks at me with puppy eyes and her bottom lip stick out
"You can't get food right now, it's bad for you" jug says rubbing her back
"Baba" she cries
"Okay then I will go get you one" I say and stand up
"You gonna put at least underwear on?" Jughead asks
"No the shirt covers mostly" I reply
"Just in case, here's your dressing gown" he says and throws it at me
"Thanks jug, I will be back" I say and quietly make my way downstairs into the kitchen
"Dagwood what the hell, get back to your bed" I say sternly as I see him eating fries on the counter
"Your really bad at being scary, I think I might stay her for a while" he teases
"Dagwood Jason Cooper get upstairs right now or your grounded, no phone, no tv only babysitting" I say making the bottle
"Ugh I though you were fun, but nah I'm gonna finish my fries" he says not giving up
"Why are teenagers so hard" I sigh and start to make my way upstairs
"You will have 3 teenage girls,Brooklyn and the twins" he laughs I flip him off and quietly walked back to my room to see Brooklyn and jug passed out on the bed, Brooklyn on top of jugs bare chest
"So much for milk" I whisper to myself and climb back into bed
"EVERYBODY WAKE UP,GET OUTSIDE NOW!!" Cheryl shouts at the top of her lungs and everyone raves outside even I had to grab the babies quickly we all thought it was an emergency
"WHATS HAPPENED!" Veronica says stressed
"I just thought we could all use a early morning run" Cheryl says
"Fuck running, I'm putting these babies down and going to bed myself" I say trying to calm down a fussy baby in my arms
"That's a whole load of effort" fangs says going inside
"Agreed" sweetpea says following him
"I will go for a run, what about you Sophia?" Juliet says
"I would rather sit and paint my nails beside the pool" she says and goes inside
I follow them all inside

Cheryl pov
"Guess it's just you and me kiddo, some niece and auntie bonding we used to do before everyone else came into the picture" I said
"Yep just let me get into my sports clothes" Juliet says before running inside she comes back in the same clothes as me but different colours, sports leggings,sports bra with a loose strapping top over it
"Ready to go, I have a water bottle and a granola bar for each of us" she says and we head off
"This is nice, just like old times" I say
"Yea I missed this" Juliet sighs
"On our way back why don't we go to this new healthy breakfast cafe I seen, it's only like 20 mins jogging distance" I say
"Yasss, in my house breakfast is never healthy, unless we are late I grab a banana before school" Juliet laughs
"Your like 9 and you are so into fitness like you want to go on early morning jogs and eat healthy food" I giggle
"What can I say healthy if a better life style" she says smiling
We get to the restaurant 20 mins later and I ordered avocado toast and a berry smoothie and Juliet ordered a fruit and granola bowl with a glass of water, we re just talking about memories and what we have been up to lately
"Are you and Toni wanting another kid?" Juliet asks
"We haven't really spoke about it, I'm kinda wanting to Wait until all this G&G stiff is gone" I answer she just looks down
"It's all my fault if I absent called JB grandma would have never brought back the drugs which brought the game back" she says rubbing her fore head
"Hey it's okay, things happen and we are all okay, nothing has happened everyone is safe" I say reassuring her saying what I thought was the truth but turns out when we got back to the villa i had told a complete lie....

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