Betty git a busy life

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Me and Brooklyn slept over at the Andrews household. I walk into my house and go straight to the living  room and see that the room has been taken over by pillows,blankets,food and there is girls literally sleeping in ever chair there is and on the floor
"Well Brooklyn looks like they had a good time last night" I say and immediately Toni wakes up
"Hey jug, O-M-G is that the new member of the jones family?" She says as her eyes open wide
"Yep it sure is, come to the kitchen and I will put the kettle on" I say gesturing for her to follow
"Can I hold her ?" Toni asks me
"Sure, just take her out her carrier" I say and sit down
"Hiya precious, I'm auntie Toni"Toni starts But Brooklyn starts to cry
"She's just hungry, I will get her milk"I say as calm as I can
"Shhh is okay, your daddy is just coming, you have strong lungs for a tiny baby, there is no need to scream that loud" I hear Toni say and I hand her a bottle so she can feed Brooklyn
" see all better" Toni says then Cheryl and Veronica walk in
"I swear that baby woke up everyone in the neighbourhood except from betty, she is still passed out" Veronica says rubbing her eyes then sits down
"Sorry guys but that wasn't even close to how loud it was at Archie's yesterday"I say
"We heard it over the phone, I guess babies just like their  moms better than their dads" Veronica says smirking
"Why are you guys up?, it's like 4 in the morning" Betty says and looks tired as hell
"Actually cousin, it's 1 in the afternoon" Cheryl says
"It's Monday!, Juliet has school and she is late,like really late" Betty says taking the orange juice out of the fridge and pouring it into a glass
"Nope, your mom texted me saying that she walked in and saw that everyone sound asleep so she got Juliet ready and took her to school, what a life saver" I say taking a sip of my tea
"Brooklyn is all done"Toni says holding up a empty bottle and Betty pit it in the sink
*Brooklyn sneezes*
"Aww that was the cutest sneeze ever but there's snot coming out her nose" Toni says handing her to Betty
"Emm...Jug did you change her last night?" Betty asks me
"She didn't need changed and anyway the diapers at Archie's house are to big for her" I say
"Oh okay, well I'm sorry Toni but she may have wet herself wile you were holding her and by the way there were some in he diaper bag,just for future references" Betty says then hoes upstairs to change her
"What a great start to the day, a baby thinks I'm a toilet" Toni says crossing her arms and everyone laughs
"Right back to being serious, I actually have no clue what to get Juliet or Betty for Christmas" I say as I stop laughing
"Oh yea, I forgot you and Betty have to pretend to be "Santa"and i also have no clue what to get any of you guys" Cheryl said
"I really can't be bothered with my mom chores today" Betty said leaning against the fridge
"What kinda chores ? Because we could help" Toni said
" I need to get dressed and then Tidy,vacuum,dust the whole house,hopefully I can do this wile Brooklyn is sleeping, then pick Juliet up from school and get her ready for ballet, while she is at ballet I finally get a shower because Brooklyn is sleeping again, at this point jughead canes home from work and held me with supper but I leave half way through so I can get Juliet, then we eat supper , after that I gotta bath the kids, help juls with the homework she actually brought home and didn't throw away and then she goes to bed and I can relax" Betty says out of breath from saying everything
"I think we can all agree that Betty has the busiest life " Cheryl said and everyone agreed

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