Girl sleepover

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"We are here!!" Cheryl shouted
"We are I'm the living room" Juliet said
"So.. we heard that little Juliet has some gossip about boys" Toni said as they sit down and get comfy
"Yep, so as you all know I have a boyfriend named Cole and he has a twin called Toby which I beat up so Toby  told me he likes me" Juliet says and all the girls gasped
"So you go out with a boy but his twin also likes you? Girl you are in a big mess" Toni said
" I don't know what to do because Cole gives me hugs and kisses"Juliet said  but before she could finish
"What......he kisses you?? Betty did you know this?" Cheryl says shocked
"I knew he kissed her on the cheek once that's all I know"
"I'm gonna keep Cole because Toby still doesn't forgive me for giving him a black eye" Juliet says laughing
"* snorts* you gave him a black eye" Cheryl said
"Yea on my first day, I got send home because I beat him up" Juliet said
" got the appetite and the temper from your dad" Betty says rolling her eyes
They talk for ages about life and different stuff until it was 11 o'clock and Juliet fell asleep so Betty took her up to her bed and came downstairs again
"Right let's phone the boys and see how they are doing" Veronica said
"Put it on speaker so we can hear" Toni said
It only took mili seconds for Archie to pick up
"Hey baby, hope your girls night is going well because this little day care session is going horribly wrong!" Archie says shouting over the noise
"How what happened" Betty asked
"Let's just say Brooklyn doesn't like uncle  Archie as much as Juliet does" Archie says
"It can't be just one tiny baby making that noise" Cheryl says
"No, the boys dont like it when jughead leaves go get food,oh and Betty I would talk to him when he gets home, he is pretty shaken up about the prison call, oh god gotta go Cody just had a explosion in his diaper" Archie says then hangs up
"Oh my Cody" Veronica says laughing
"Betty, you never told us anything about a call from prison" Cheryl said
"I didn't want to put stress on anyone but..I got a call from the prison saying... my dad is getting released in January" Betty says crying
"Omg, and it's literally December, this isn't right they should of have told you long time ago so you could emotionally be ready for what to come but don't worry the serpents will protect you and your family" Veronica says and starts a group Hug

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