This girl got an attitude

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Alice POV
me and fp arrived at the jones house and rang the doorbell because the door was locked for some reason, we heard people speaking but there was one person who screamed the loudest
"I WANT TO GO TO THE BAR,, NOWW!!" We heard Juliet scream
"Well you can't because your grandparents are coming round and you can't get everything your way, get to your room so you can calm down" we also heard jughead say slightly raising his voice. I ring the doorbell again because it was cold outside and Betty opens it
"Hey guys, sorry about that hopefully you weren't outside for to long" she says
"Oh no We weren't outside for that long, it's okay but what was all that about?" Fp says as we all sit down
"That was one of Juliet's temper tantrums, she wanted to go to the worm really bad so she ran out the door multiple times so we eventually just locked it" jughead says
"Wow she has changed, boyfriends, fights, not doing school work, misbehaving, tantrums and trying to run away, maybe she should go to the sisters" I say sipping my coffee
"MOM!, I thought you were going to shut the sifters down and I will certainly not let you send juls away" Betty says
"I agree with Betty, Juliet it just going through a faze, she doesn't need to go to a home for troubled youth" fp says
"Well, want do you think jughead, jughead!! Hello"I say trying to get his attention but jughead has fallen asleep
"I guess little Brooklyn doesn't sleep at night" fp says slightly laughing
"She doesn't sleep through the night, it's either she isn't tired, hungry, just wants attention or she loves to literally wake up the whole neighbourhood" Betty says
"Just leave Her at the trailer if you guys need sleep" fp says and as soon as I was away to answer we hear Brooklyn start screaming from upstairs
"Here we go again, she screams all day because she hates being alone" jughead says as he wakes up
"She is probably missing her grandma, I will go get her" I say and go upstairs
Brooklyn is really starting to stress me out and along with Juliet acting like she is way older it's just so much
"What's that banging ?" Fp asks
"It's Juliet jumping on her bed, she is trying to test our patience, she knows not meant to do that" I say and soon enough we hear
"Grandma!! Let go of my hand!!! Let gooo" Juliet screams and cries. We all look at the stairs and see my mom gipping on to Juliet's wrist and setting her on the bottom stair
"Look missy, you know you are not allowed to jump on your bed and you have to stop with the attitude or you will never become a serpent and everyone will start to think you are a spoiled brat.. do you want that?? NO! So I advise you listen to me now stay on the naughty step for 10 minutes and when that timer is done you better be ready to apologise and if your not you will be there until you are"
My mom says and point her finger at Juliet
"Go away" Juliet replies with and we all see my mom start to turn and walk back to the living room so we run and sit back down
"Brooklyn Just spat her dummie (some people call it a binkie,pacifier) that all nothing big" my mum says calming down
"Okay that's good but wow you really put juls in her place"fp says
"Yea that was pretty impressive, she never listens to us" jughead says rolling his eyes
"Just make sure she doesn't get away with anything bad and plus she listens to me because she knows if she doesn't she won't get any sweets,sodas ice cream when she comes to visit" my mom says
"See I told you,bribing her with food is the best option"jughead turns to me and crosses his arms
"Oh yea and what happens when she gets a sugar rush ?? She goes crazy and it's my job to put her to bed or she get a sore tummy then she moans every two seconds" I say
"Doesn't have to be sugary if could just be a price of fruit or something" he replied
"Like she wants fruit" I say
"Okay you two, do you wan to join juls on the step?? No so stop the arguing"my mom says
"Ugh okay mom, love you jug"I say
"Love you to" he says
** minutes pass by**
"Okay juls the timer is done, are you ready to say sorry?"my mom says. Juliet walks through to the living room and stands beside the door
"I'm sorry that you guys don't understand how much I want to go to the bar so I'm going on my own" Juliet says and runs out the door
"JULIET!!" We all shout and race to the door
"She has really outdone herself this time"fp says and chases after her
"What has gotten into her?" Jug says
"I don't know, I want the sweet Juliet back" I say and cry into jughead's chest
"You guys go sit down I will put the kettle on" my mom says then me and jug sit down and I cry some more
It's hard to see Betts in a state because the way Juliet is acting but I want the sweet and innocent little juls back again, I think this whole serpent stuff has gotten to her head so I think if she becomes a serpent she might realise she can't really do much for the gang because she is only little
"Jug.. do you think the way she is acting is just who she is now, maybe she has my darkness in her" Betty says sitting up
"This isn't who she is, she is just going through a faze, and so what is she has some darkness in her? She will learn how to control it just like you did so don't worry" I said comforting her but before she could answer all you could hear is Juliet shouting and screaming once again. My dad was holding her in front of him holding her by her hips and she was screaming and kicking doing anything to get out of his arms but my dad was to strong
"I will sit in her room with her until she stops having a fit" I say and follow my dad upstairs
"I'm going to get Brooklyn and bring her downstairs it's time for her bottle"Betty says
"Okay I guess I'm going to make a bottle then"  I hear Alice say
Wile my dad,Alice and Betty all obsess over Brooklyn downstairs is sitting in Juliet's room trying to talk to her
"I WANT TO BE A SERPENT!" Juliet screams
"You can be one but you gotta stop his behaviour, why are you acting like this ?" I say patting a space beside me in her bed so she can sit beside me
"Because everyone in the gang is so cool and I wan to be like them and I want to be a good big sister so I can protect MY little sister from danger, I'm sorry for being mean and making mommy cry" Juliet says slurring her words because she has been crying and she is like 5  but she is intelligent
"It's okay, and you are the coolest 5 year old there is and I already know you will be the best big sister ever" I says pulling her into a hug
"Was I to bad that Santa won't bring me presents tomorrow?" Juliet asked pouting
"I think Santa knows that you are sorry and he will still leave you gifts"I say smiling
"Okay I'm going to say sorry to everyone now" Juliet says. I take her hand and we walk into the living room holding hands
"Someone has something very important to say to everyone " I say looking down and Juliet
"I'm sorry grandma for being mean , I'm sorry papa fp for kicking you and I'm  sorry mommy for running away and making you upset" Juliet apologises
"Thank you for saying sorry and wow you have a strong kick" my dad says holding his stomach
"I just hope you don't act like this again or I will be having words with Santa" Alice says
"Come her juls, I forgive you for making me upset but please don't run away again, you hear me"Juliet runs up to Betty and jumps in her arms
"Here you go jughead, she wet her diaper" Alice says and hands the baby to me
"Oh.... thanks" I say sarcastically

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