Archie situation (last part)

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Veronica pov
My heart is beating so fast, I'm sweating uncontrollably, everyone is sitting down on couches or the floor and I'm are looking straight at me, okay here goes nothing

"So you guys are gathered here today because I have some explaining to do. As you know me and archie have been together since high school and are seen to be happy with our 3 handsome boys, but sadly that is all a lie, let's start from the beginning, before Connor was even thought about, Archie has been texting other girls and hooking up with some of them so I decided instead of confronting him like a strong women I went out and got drunk and may have slept with an old friend then after that I had found out I was pregnant, I was lost I didn't know what to do and I panicked and it ended up with me and Archie in a toxic relationship and him thinking Connor was his kid when I'm reality he isn't, now some things happened yesterday, I came over my fear and confronted him about it and it ended up with me getting...." I explain but have to take a few deep breaths
"It's okay V breath, it's all over now" Betty says in a soothing voice
"It ended up with me being sexually abused" I say and all the adults + Juliet,Sophia,Dagwood and juniper gasps
"And he left but the good thing is that, I kept in contact with connors dad since the day after that night almost two years ago, he also recently split up from his wife and we decided that him and his two sons move in with me and the boys" I explain
"5 sons woah, and who is this mystery man?"Kevin says wanting to know all the gossip
"Well you see this is gonna be harder for some people to get used too but emmmm you kids are gonna have new cousins and a new uncle, his name is reggie mantle which means..." I say but get interrupted
"His sons are Toby and Cole mantle" Juliet says biting her lip looking down
"Yea and I'm sorry juls I know you and him have had a past but his dad makes me so happy" I cry
"It's okay Veronica, I'm sure he knows all the details by now and i can find another boyfriend" she says smiling sadly which makes me burst into more tears
All the moms come give me a hug
"Okay guys why don't we all take a minuet to calm down and we can all watch a movie and chill" sweetpea says and everyone nods
"I think I need some time upstairs I will come down in like 15 mins" Juliet says sighing and goes upstairs
Reggie pov
"What! Your telling me you cheated on mom and got a girl pregnant who happens to be my girlfriends auntie! And kept it all a secret" my son Cole shouts at me fighting back tears
"I'm sorry son but Veronica makes me happier than your mom has in years and also don't forget she was the one who was going behind my back with her step brother"I say staying calm
"I say it's pretty cool, we get a whole new family with lots of people, and a new brother awesome, I also heard most of them are serpents" my other son Toby exclaims excited
"Well Yea it's a big family, and also they are serpents but you guys aren't joining until your 16 if you want to because I don't mess with hand members" I say pointing at them
"So what is Connor like?" Cole asks quietly looking down
"He's only 1 years old but he can walk not confidently yet but he can waddle, he is so cute, hes actually a spitting image of you two when you guys were babies" I say smiling
"So when do we move out and meet our 3 new brothers" Toby ask ecstatic
"Well we should be all moves in by next week but the only problem is... you two need to share a room and her two 6 year old boys will share a room" I say scared of how they react
"Oh my god and I thought this couldn't get any worse, okay then I gotta deal with it I guess, now can I go text my girlfriend well maybe ex by the end of the day" Cole says leaving
"He will come round to it don't worry dad" Toby says and I hug him
Toby has always been more of a daddy's boy while Cole wasn't really a mummy's boy or daddy's boy he was more attached to his friends more than anyone

Juliet and coles text messages

Juliet- hey has your dad talked to you yet my auntie just did:( x

Cole- Yea he did and I'm not so sure about it xx

Juliet- neither what's gonna happen to us xx

Cole- I'm sorry but if this is gonna work we have to break up :( xx

Juliet- I understand, goodbye boyfriend, hello handsome cousin I guess x

Cole- please don't make this harder than it already is, I want you to move on and be happy xx

Juliet- I want you to move on as well, goodbye I better get going downstairs I guess x

Juliet pov
Tears stream down my face, keep it together juls your only 11 it obviously wasn't true love you will find someone better, I wipe away my tears and head downstairs with a smile on my face
"Hey guys where is everyone?" I ask going into the living room and seeing only adults
"They are all outside....are you okay you have tear marks on your face, come talk to us about it" my dad says
"I'm fine It's nothing I just broke up with Cole that's all, I better get going outside bye" I say and leave and head outside
"Juliet want to help save the planet form the aliens" carter asks me as soon as I'm out the door
"I might just sit over here with Sophia and juniper for a while buddy" I say and go over to them two sitting on the chairs
"Dagwood is actually playing a game with a kid for once" juniper laughs
"Yea but where are Riley and lily?" I ask
"I'm pretty sure it's time for their nap aren't they sleeping?" Sophia Asks and I shake my head
Lieu guys do you know where Riley and lily are?" I ask and they pop their heads out from around the corner of the shed
"You two come on let's go for nap, baby connor is already sleeping like a good boy" I say holding out my hand for them to hold but they stay at the other side of the garden
"We no nap" lily laughs
"Yea you two nap now" I say
"No" Riley repeats I start walking over to them and they run but fortunately for me I can speed walk faster than they run so it was easy to catch them. I pick them up one on each hip and carry them inside, they scream and kick and try to wriggle our my arms but I reach the living room without dropping one
"Mom aren't you forgetting it's nap time" I say almost getting hit in the face
"Oh shit I forgot, looks like they are extra tired, maybe just put them on true step to calm down because I don't fancy getting hit in the face" my mom says and I sit them down on the stair but they try to get away
"Eh eh you two stay right there, I'm watching you and remember if you move of the stair the big monster comes to get you"I say, I told Brooklyn that story when she was younger and now I tell the twins it, it jsut scared them into being good ahah

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