Short lunch with a fan girl moment

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Kevin is coming over today because he rarely gets time of from the station. Juliet and jug are trying to make lunch all on there own when I sit and relax because this baby is really hurting my back.
"Where is my favourite little girl" Kevin shoots as he walks in without knocking because he don't need to
"Uncle Kevin, me and daddy are making lunch so you go sit down with mommy" Juliet said and hugged him. The next thing I see Kevin is walking in the living room
"Ooo bitch, you looking good" he says and sits down
"Thanks Kevin, but I really don't feel like it, this little one is really making me uncomfortable" I say moving trying to get comfy
"Well only 4 more months, and when is Veronica's twins due?" Kevin asks clueless
"They were born a couple months ago did you not hear?" I'm shocked he didn't hear about it
"What the hell the babies are born how the fuck did I not get told" Kevin said forgetting Juliet was home. She came through and she was surprised
"Kevin said a bad word!" She shouted
"Oops my bad sorry Juliet" Kevin said laughing
"Lunch is ready anyway" she says "it looks disgusting" she whispered
"Oi juls" I said
I got to the table and we all sit down, I think it was macaroni I'm not sure.
"Looks...nice, what is it" Kevin said sarcastically
"It's soup" jughead said
"Why does it look like that? I helped make it but I think we did something wrong" Juliet said disgusted.
We all took a bite and almost puked
"There's always left over pizza" juls said pushing her plate away
We eat left over pizza and catch up on EVERYTHING
"Guess what" Juliet asked Kevin
"You know I'm bad at guessing so, what?" He says
"I got a boyfriend and he kissed me on the cheek" she says smiling
"Erm... how did jughead react to this?" He whispered to me while Jug was at the bathroom
"Not So well so let's get this topic over before he comes back" I say
"Okay so I can fan girl now, *clears throat* oh ma gawd gal, you snatching the boys up before your second year in kindergarten you doing good" he says getting excited
"He is so cute and handsome, his name is Cole mantle" Juliet replied
"Cole mantle as in reggies son?" Kevin chokes on his drink
"I go out with Cole and on the first day I beat up his twin brother" she says away to laugh
"Wow, the things I miss but I can't help that riverdale has a lot of crimes happening,well I better get going" Kevin says then leaves. Jughead,Juliet and I are watching movies because we have nothing else to do
" I forgot to tell you two, we get to know the gender if the baby tomorrow but Veronica insisted so tomorrow I'm getting the doctors to put the gender in a envelope and Veronica and others are organising a party" I said
"I hope it a girl" Juliet says
"I don't really mind" jughead said
"Will the serpent be at the party?" Juliet asked and her eyes open wide
"Veronica is sorting out the invites but I'm pretty sure they will be but no all of them just uncle pea,fangs,Toni and Cheryl probably" I say
"Uncle pea was gonna let me try a adult drink but then something happened and I had to go to grandmas"juls said
"Yes there will be alcohol but your not allowed any it's a ADULTS drink" jughead said
"I can't have either because I have to look after you and this baby" Betty says

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