You guys actually came?

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Jughead pov
I was making lunch with my two girls while the doorbell rang
"Jus can you go get the door?" I hear Betty shout from upstairs
"Sure honey" I shout back
"Now girl don't touch the food it's hot" I tell them before walking to the door I see two figures
I open the door to see one is the worst people and one not so bad person
"Mom? JB?" I ask
"Hey jug thought we would stop by since we are staying in town for a little while" my mom says
"Ehh sure I'm making lunch but a lot has changed since you called, 4 years ago almost" I say letting them in
"What sort of changes?" JB asks squinting her eyes at me
"Well first of all when you called I only and two little girls but about 9 months ago two more little girls came into our home" I say walking to the kitchen
"Girls this is your so called grandma and auntie" I say introducing them
"Nice to meet you guys I'm Juliet" Juliet smiles and goes in for hugs but Brooklyn just puts her hands up for me to lift her because she's scared
"And this is Brooklyn, she's a little shy when she first meets people" I say holding her on my hip
"I say you two are so pretty" my grandma says fiddling with Juliet's long hair
"Where's Betty? You two are still together right?" JB asks me
"Yep she's upstairs getting our other sisters from their naps, yes that's right I Have more sisters" Juliet smiles sarcastically
"Sit down guys would you like some tea coffee or we have juice boxes?" I ask
"I will have a coffee please" my mom asks, I put Brooklyn down but she till stays close just staring my mom and sister down like dogs
"There's no need to be scared little one, I'm nice just like grandma Alice" my mom says i feel Brooklyn hold my leg tighter and start to breath heavily, I pick her up as she starts to cry
"It's okay go see mommy upstairs" I say and she quickly runs
"Alice is not nice, things happened now she's gone and Brooklyn is scared of her" Juliet explains before I could
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I never knew, now she is probably terrified of me, great first impression" my mom says sighing
"She gets scared VERY easily she will come round to you, also here is my mom she looks great doesn't she" Juliet says as Betty walks through the door in her pj shorts and my hoodie and her hair in a messy bun
"Oh my jug why didn't you tell me we were having your mom and sister at our house today, I would have made an effort" she says carrying the twins but Brooklyn with a tear stained face hanging off her legs
"It's fine you still look good, awwww these girls are so cuteeeee" JB gushes over the smiling babies as Betty put them in high chairs and gives them each a toy
"How do you two cope with 4 girls? Isn't Juliet only like 7 and Brooklyn 3? They must be work" My mom asks gasping
"Actually Juliet is 9 and Brooklyn is 4, Juliet can get ready herself and takes the bus to school so that helps a lot and we get help by Betty's niece also dad lives not to far" I explain putting soup in 6 bowls and setting them at the table
"Oooo didn't know we would get lunch at the Jones house" JB says
"We always make extra because we have visitors often also we would just sit here eating and leaving you guys starving" Betty says
"You guys don't feed the babies?" My mom asks a question again
"Yea mother we do feed our kids, just not burning hot soup when they are only 9 months old" I say slights mean
" changing the subject, how have you two been" Betty says sipping her juice
"Well we lived in New York-" Gladys starts
"New York? I soooo want to go there" Juliet gasps
"Please don't interrupt people juls" I tell her and she shuts her mouth
"As I was saying we moved onto a pent house in New York, I got a job at a garage, since jelly belly is an adult now I let her boyfriend josh move in with us since I decided they are finally old enough to stay their lives" My mom continues I can feel my blood boiling and Betty senses it and puts her hand on my thigh and I automatically calm down
"Grandma bad?" Brooklyn asks kinda scared
"No no grandma isn't bad, she's good" Betty reassures her but she's still cautious of her
"So mom you never explained why you came to riverdale" I ask knowing the answer Juliet's eyes go wide as my mom looks at her
"Hmm this girl is great at keeping secrets huh? Well sweet little Juliet gave jelly a call but I answered it, she was begging g for JB to come to riverdale so her family could be closer, so I decided we should pack our bags and come visit" my mom says
"Juliet could you please take your sister to eat in the living room, Us adults need some talk I think" my mom adds and they leave
"Don't act smart with us Gladys, we all know you brought the drug trade back to riverdale thats the whole reason you came, not to bring the family closer, JUST DRUGS, in fact your own fucking granddaughter took them, she knows that you aren't the perfect women your pretending to be,but she's trying to go along with it FOR YOUR SAKE" I say getting really angry
"Okay first of all don't shout or swear in front of your kids" my mom says pointing to the twins while they giggle
"Don't act like you care, it's only gonna make the situation worse" Betty says quietly
"Exactly mom, I told you riverdale wasn't a good place for us, we should just pack up and leave like we always do" jellybean sighs
"Wait mom goes to a town or city sells drugs but when things get hard she lacks ups ms moves away and does the same thing again" I ask
"Yea but we always end up going back to New York that's our 'safe' place where she doesn't sell drugs because that's our home"JB explains
"Mom Why are you doing this your like 58 you should stop you won't survive prison and also drugs is DEFINITELY NOT A GOOD JOB TO BE DOING FOR A LIVING!" I say shouting and the babies get startled and start to cry
"Oh no girls it's okay, let's go see your sisters for now" Betty says and takes them through
"I'm only in the drug business so I can provide for my children also my grandchildren" my mom says
"What grandchildren? Also I'm sure JB can provide for herself"  I explain
"What do you mean 'what grandchildren' the ones through in the other room!" jb says
"Hardly grandchildren, you haven't been there for 9 years! And me and Betty are doing just fine for providing for them!" I say furious
"Well ever since I found out about them two like 4 years ago I opened a bank account for them two because I was hoping to be apart of their lives one day, I knew I said I would come ages ago but stuff came up and I couldn't manage and I thought you guys would be better off without us but when Juliet called asking for help because her family wasn't working I felt like it's time" my mom says
"So all along you were selling drugs to but money in a bank account? But why? No offence but we hated you" Betty comes in saying
"Non taken I was a horrible person, but I have changed I'm begging you guys, let me have a chance, I can show you I have changed, I only continued to sell fizzle rocks so I could get money for presents for your kids and to be the best grandma I can be" My mom pleads
"And?" I ask smirking
"And.... I will drop out the business and get a real job" she replies smiling
"I think we should give her a chance jug" Betty whispers smiling at me
"Okay, we will give you one chance and ONE chance only, if you start doing shady stuff you will be gone for good" I say getting the point across
"Welcome..... back? To the Jones family" Juliet says hugging her
"Feels good to be back" JB says smiling uncontrollably
"One more thing to do" betty says sighing
"What?" Gladys asks
"Get Brooklyn to not be scared of you" she laughs
"Oh yea about that..... she ran to grandpas house" Juliet says realising that she only told us now
"She did what! Grandpas is like a ten minute walk also there's a main road!" Betty freaks I just run out the door with them not far behind me
"Brooklyn!" We are all shouting
"DADDY! MOMMY" we hear her scream cry
"It came from that way!" My mom says and we follow her now, we come to a dead end in a gloomy ally way, A MAN HAS GOT HER!
"Who are you and put that little girl now right now!" My mom shouts angrily
"And why would I do that, she's a precious little s a" he spits, I would know that evil voice es, Betty, Juliet and Jb are shocked and I tell them to go wait around the corner
"Help me daddy" she cries
"No can do, princess" he chuckles
"Kurts put her down and nothing will happen" I try s reason with him
"Not gonna happen...... halcaster" he replies
He suddenly groans and drops to the floor, he lands on top of Brooklyn she cries harder, my mom quickly swoops her up as I lift kurts off her
"It's okay sweetie.... shhhh,,,,, grandma got rid of the evil man.... I'm pretty sure he's dead.... let go see mommy aye?" My mom cradles her as she cries on her shoulder
"Is the man hurt?" Brooklyn asks
"N-no he's dead" I say quietly, she just cries harder and harder
"Shhhh honey, be quiet it's okay, we don't want to attract the cops, go to daddy okay, it will be fine" my mum is trying so hard to calm her down, she passes her to me still sobbing so much she starts coughing
"I want uncle pea" she manages to choke out
"You can't have him right now, he isn't here, let's go see mommy and sissy" I say she nodds
"What are we gonna do about this man?" My mom asks cover Brooklyn's ears and say
"We wait until it's dark, we take the body and burry it? It's the best option" I say as we walk out the ally way to see Betty, Juliet and JB sitting in a bench eating snacks, they hear Brooke crying and immediately come over to us
"Shit! We left the twins at home themselves!" JB says
"Oh my god, you guys run ahead I will walk slowly trying to get her calm again" Betty says taking Brooklyn from my arms
Me, Juliet and jb race back to the house
Gladys pov
"She's the actual sweetest" I say as me and Betty slowly walk being accompanied by sobs
"She is when she wants to, buy you can be a little bit bad sometimes can you" she says putting her finger on Brooklyn's chest and she nods
"So now that I'm back in town I'm gonna need all the details about everything that has happened" I say
"Yea it's a bit confusing, I mean really confusing" Betty says giggling
Me and jb ended up staying in the guest room that night. We both got caught up on everything and wow everyone has grown up so much like they all have kids it's scary

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