Our fort fell down

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Cheryl pov
"It's okay, but whatever you choose girls or boys I will be your best friend kinda cousin all through it, I'm not gonna judge" Juliet says and it warms my heart that she supports LGBT
"That is so kind and thoughtful juls, and me and your mom will support you aswell sweetie" I say
"It's quite quiet, somethings not right, whenever those two are quiet it's not good" Veronica says
"I'm sure its fine, Archie,Kevin and fangs are with them" Toni says
"Yea I should just stop worrying" but as soon as Veronica says that
All our heads jolt so we allow looking inside
"What the Heck!" Toni says
We all jump out and wrap our towels round us, go run into the living room and see a giant pile or blankets and chairs
"What happened, this place was clean now we will have to tidy it Because it can't stay a mess when there's heaps of us staying here!" I say furious and the boys stood in a line and put their heads down
"Our fort fell down" Archie says quietly
"Us girls are going to get dried and ready for bed while you guys are tidying the mess" Veronica says and we follow her
"Why are girls so moody" we hear Ethan mumble under his breath
"We're only moody because we gotta put up with all you boys' nonsense 24/7" Sophia says sassy
**time skip 30 mins**
Kevin pov
We are all on the couch with hot chocolate but the twins have their hot milk and we are watching the new dumbo, Veronica pays extra to get all the new movies, during the movie I got a text

Betty- hey just texting to say that's Brooklyn finally out of surgery, it all went well and she should get out around 12ish tomorrow, Reggie is letting us out early because he knows about the situation xx
"BROOKLYN IS OUT OF SURGERY, it all went well and she is coming here tomorrow" I squealed
"Oh yay, say get well soon from all of us" Archie says

Kevin- yay that's good, hope she feels better soon and good luck, how is she ? X

Betty- Thanks Me,Jug and sweets are gonna need all the luck we can get, the anesthetic has made her made her grumpy and all she does is cry and says she needs her mommy, she's all loops aswell x

Kevin- awww poor thing, tell her, her uncle Kev with give her hugs and kisses when he sees her, bye for now I gotta get back to the movie x

Betty- bye kev, see you tomorrow x

I tell everyone that Brooklyn will be a little bit moody and sensitive
"So just like herself but a little worse?" Juliet says rolling her eyes
"Not necessarily, she will probably be tired and just want her mommy" Veronica says
"So she will be quiet for once? This is the best vacation ever" fangs says
"Hey, don't talk about her like that, only I can do that, anyone else will get a punching" Juliet says sternly but still laughing
"She's my gill fwend" Cody says
"O-M-G, Cody and Brooklyn?" kevin squeals
"I never knew this, way to go boy, dont break her heart she will probably kill ya" Archie says ruffling Cody's hair
"She never told me" Kevin says astonished and pretended to faint
"Maybe just don't tease her about it tomorrow because if you do she will go mental, she's mental enough as it is but that anesthtetic will make her a whole other level or grumpy" Toni says
**next day**
Betty Pov
Brooklyn would only go to sleep if she was snuggled on my lap so I didn't get much sleep last night, we are just getting ready to leave
"Morning, how you feeling?" Reggie comes in
Brooklyn just looks at him and groans
"Oh, well here is a sticker for being so good during your visit, you guys can check out at the desk" reggie says then waves goodbye
"Uncle pea? Can you carry me" brooklyn  wines
"Sure kiddo, let's go and drive to the lodge so we can have fun with the others" sweet pea says.
We are 5 mins into driving and I have already had to swap seats with sweets so I can be in the back with Brooklyn
"Daddy how much longer, I want to have some hot milk, I couldn't eat or drink yesterday" Brooklyn says
"Just Wait 10 more minutes please" Jug replies
Brooklyn beaks into floods of tears
"Please stop this crying baby, we are just getting into the woods now, there's food at the lodge" I say calming her down
"Loves her food like her dad" Sweetpea told his eyes
"It hurts ow ow ow, when will it stop!" Brooklyn shouts throughly cries
"I don't know, just calm down and it will get better, when we get there I i will give your your medicine and some water, it's the good flavour so it should taste good" I say kissing her head
"We are here, Finally" Jug says and we go inside
"Welcome to the lodge" Veronica says as we come in Brooklyn on my hip her head tilted back still crying
"We're here, you can get food now" Sweetpea tries to say over the noise I just cover her mouth and say
"I get that your getting hangry (hungry and angry) but we are here now and you are being to loud" then she calms down
"Does she want some left over pizza?" Fangs asks
Brooklyn nods her head and runs over to tell them all about her surgery
"Brooklyn, What have I said about you talking with your dummy in, please take it out" Jug says
"Right so, I'm gonna have a shower and I will be down after, Jug you coming?, if Brooklyn cries just give her food or something" I say and we both run upstairs
*stuff happened before we had a shower😏*

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