Waiting on news

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Betty Pov

We are now sitting in silence waiting for a doctor to tell us something, anything, I don't care I just want to know if my baby is gonna be okay or not, Im sitting on a chair, my head is on jugheads shoulder but Brooklyn is on my lap curled up watching her iPad, lily is babbling away to her self on jugs lap,Juliet is beside juniper watching her play a game, Dagwood looks terrified, fp is just shocked
"We have been here for a hour, why can't they just tell us if she's okay or not" I say with a groggy voice
"I know I know, we just gotta be patient" Jug says sighing
"I can't take it anymore" fp says then walks up to the desk and screaming
"My granddaughter has a seizure and almost died, we are all worried sick! Just tell us if shes okay for god sake!" He screams crying
"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down and I can check for you" the young women says
"Calm down? Your telling me to calm down? My baby girl was fighting for her life, all i want to know if she's bloody alive or not" she screams again
"I'm gonna call everyone on the group chat to let them know we are here" I say setting Brooklyn on a chair because lily is on jugheads lap, I can barely speak without my voice cracking or going high

On the group chat
*betty is calling*
*everyone going the call*
Betty-hey guys just calling to let you's know we are at the hospital again, but don't bother coming until we get to know if she's okay or not
*everyone else gasps*

Veronica- omg what happened, We are on our way I don't care what you say I'm coming

Cheryl- I hope everything goes well, what happened?

Betty- we were having supper at fp's, fp was Interrogating me and Jug I'm the kitchen, All the kids were in the living room, the babies were on their playmat and Riley rolled from her stomach to her back and... and... sh-She has a seizure and it didn't stop after 3-5 minutes so she gat rushed to hospital *betty bursts into tears*

Kevin- I'm actually so sorry B, wish I could come....in fact I can I'm gonna bail on my cousins wedding, I'm coming B

Sweetpea- FANGS! We are going to the hospital I will explain in the way

Cheryl- even tho Betty said No one come we are all coming, me,TT and Sophia are In the car now

Betty- o-okay bye

Off phone
I walk back inside and get back in my spot with Brooklyn in my lap, fp is still trying to get something out of the nurses
"Grandpa was shouting bad words at the girl" Brooklyn says looking at me
"I know but yes just trying to see if your sister is gonna be okay or not" I tell her playing with her hair
"Uncle jug, if Riley dies and you don't forgive juniper will we have the move out" Dagwood says
"Riley won't die and it wasn't junipers fault so it's fine" jughead says
We sit in silence and you can hear the faint talking of fp talking, he walks over
"She's not gonna die! That's all I know" fp says happily
I let out a breath I never knew I was holding. 10 minutes later everyone rushes in hugging us "she's not gonna die!" I cheer and everyone cheers with me
"Thats all we know" Juliet says
15 mins later the nurse comes up to us
"Riley is stable we stopped the seizure and we are giving her medication right now" she says
"What caused the seizure?" Jughead asks
"She has a viral infection caused by the flue, she hasn't had her flue vaccines yet" the nurse told us
"The nurses in the NICU said they didn't need her vaccines until they are 1 years old" I said
"It's suitable for babies over 6 months" the nurse says
"If we knew she was allowed to get it I would of taken them in for the stupid shot the second I found out they weren't vaccinated, so its the hospitals fault she caught flue which made her get and infection which led to a seizure! I want to speak to the manager right now" fp says getting angry
"Yea it's that doctors fault she almost ducking died, where is your manager because we are wanting to talk to him" Sweetpea says as him and fangs stand up
"Guys sit down, we know that they can get it now and we will get them vaccinated as soon as possible and Riley is gonna be okay so everything is good, no need to talk to the boss" I say calming them down
"If the flu causes any complications is can lead to death, just letting you guys know so don't get your hopes up" the nurse added
"Forget what i said, get the manager right now" I say all the boys go but the girls and Kevin stay to help with all the kids.
"Riley sick" Cody says
"Yea baby, she's sick but she won't be sick for long" Veronica says
"Bad things have happened since we came I think me and juniper should go to a foster home Tomorrow and wait until someone wants to take us home" Dagwood says
"no no you can stay in Riverdale, bad things have been happening to us since we were teenagers, we all have had traumatising events happen, this can be added to my list" I say holding Brooklyn closer
"Mommy hold me tighter, I don't want to fall" Brooklyn says
"I won't let you fall don't worry" I say back
"I hope the boys are going light on the manager" Veronica says
"Light? Pshht those serpents don't know how to go light" Toni says and we all giggle
"Ahahahah........ I don't get it" Brooklyn stops giggling and says sweetly, which makes us laugh even more
"Something you don't have to know about until your 4" Cheryl says
"Why not just tell her now, it will pass time"Juliet exclaims
"Okay so the serpents are a gang that your uncles and aunties are in but me and you dad are serpent king and queen and Juliet is the princess but your not a princess yet because you aren't a serpent but you will be soon, the bar we always go to, daddy's work, that's the serpent headquarters, where all the serpent stuff happens, the serpents are the good gang but the goulies are the bad hand they are really mean, they really hurt daddy and Juliet and they put all of us in danger but their leader isn't here anymore so it's okay, and we said go light on the manager which means don't be to mean and don't ruff but they will be because they are very angry" I try to explain
"So everyone in our gang are good but bad gang dead?" She says
"Yea exact that" Toni says
"We never knew anything about the serpents, we are completely oblivious of anything Riverdale has" juniper
"You go to pops" Ethan ask
"What is a pops?" Dagwood says as we all gasp
"Pops is tasty" Cody says
"Pops is the best diner Riverdale has to offer, I own in and I have a secret casino" Veronica says
"Cool is fp in the gang?" Juniper asks
"He was, he sstill pops in and out but he isn't king anymore" Toni says
"I want to be a serpent" Dagwood says
"Me too" juniper says
"Me" Cody replies looking at Veronica
"Me me" Ethan says looking at her
"Mommy and mommy will I be a serpent one day" Sophia says just awake from her nap
"Yea baby you will" Cheryl replies
"Now boys Betty forgot to mention that me and your dad aren't serpents" Veronica says and they pout
"You guys can be even your older tho, you can't going yet because your mom or dad aren't in the gang" she adds
"Uncle kevvy you have been quiet and that isn't okay" Juliet says hugging him
"Yea you haven't said a word" I say
"Your wearing your rainbow jumper and you are not showing us the rainbow jumper mood, what's wrong" Veronica says
"You guys didn't hear?" Kevin says
"Hear what?" I ask scared
"G&G is back" Kevin says
And with those 3 words my life came crumbling down

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