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Betty pov
Everyone came round with their cars and a their stuff and came inside, the kids are watching some cartoons
"So Brooklyn will need to go through surgery to get the tracker out so penny can't capture us?" Veronica says
"Yea kinda" Jug says
"Do you guys already have an appointment?" Archie asks
"Yea at 6pm, she doesn't know yet and I don't know how to tell her" I sigh
"What if you two stay here with Brooklyn and the rest of us go to the lodge lodge" Veronica says
"Me and Toni can take Juliet in our car so her a Sophia can be together" Cheryl says
"Thank you guys, I just wish penny would leave us alone" I say kinda stressing out
"It will all be okay in the end" Archie says and we all group hug
"BIG HUGS!" Brooklyn shouts and the kids all come and join in aswell
"Okay kids, let all go in the car, but Brooklyn ,Betty and jug are staying here for a little longer for reasons we don't need to speak of" Kevin says and the kids all run out but the adults stay
"Juliet, your in our car!" Cheryl shouts
"Mommy, why we staying here and not going away" Brooklyn asks with puppy eyes
"Well a little bird told me that a big girl was giving you gummy bears and told you not to tell me or something bad will happen, well inside those gummies were little trackers so she knows where you are and that is really bad isn't it?, so now you have to go to the doctors so they can take the tracker out and we will all be safe" I explain and try not to scare her
"Can uncle pea and mommy and daddy come, to make me happier?" She says pouting
"I guess he can come if he wants to" Jug says and sweet pea agrees
" it's 5 o'clock and we have to be there in half and hour, so you guys better get going" jughead says and everything says bye and good luck
"Bye bye Brooklyn, it will all be okay, good luck" Veronica says and leaves
Sweetpea pov
Since reggie is now a surgeon he got Brooklyn the first available appointment, he knows everything about the tracker but he hasn't done anything like this before.
"Come on brooky, let's get you bag packed" Betty says and they go upstairs to pack her hospital bag
"I'm not gonna lie I am actually really worried about this, what if she doesn't survive or something" jughead says and puts his head in his hands
"Bro I can't imagine what you feel right now, your 3 year old it going into surgery but all I know is that she won't go down without a fight, it's Brooklyn rose jones for god sake, she's the most fierce and scariest toddler I have ever encountered, she will survive I'm  sure of it" I say comforting him
"I'm ready, I got my pens, colouring book, paper and bun bun ( her stuffed bunny)" she says
"Okay let's go" Betty says kinda sad
**at the hospital**
"Brooklyn Jones?" Reggie called
"Come on brooky let's go get ready" Betty placed her on her hip
We get to this room and Brooklyn her weighed and they check her height and we sign some papers. Brooklyn starts to get a bit scared and weary
"It's okay baby, it will all be over before you know" Betty says and kisses her head
"Your moms right, it will all be done and then you can eat food and colour until you are allowed to go home" I say
"But the doctor is scary" she replies
"Please don't be scared of me, I'm your mommy and daddy's friend, I went to school with them, my name is dr mantle but you can call me reggie, I will make sure to take good care of you" reggie says and hands Betty a gown
"Let's go get you changed into your hospital outfit" Betty says and they go into the bathroom
We wait for a couple minutes and they come out
"Reggie will it hurt?" She asks scared
"Nope you won't feel a thing, you will be dreaming"  I say
"Yep, bubblegum flavoured air comes out this magical mask and it makes you dream happy things so it doesn't hurt" reggie explains while Betty lays Brooklyn down on the surgery table
"I'm gonna dream about all the types of food I want" Brooklyn says and we all laugh
"Okay are we all ready?" Reggie helper asks
" Brooklyn you gotta be a big girl for us, its all gotta be okay" Betty kisses her head as she starts to fall asleep.
Jughead Pov
We are in the waiting room, me and sweets are doing some serpent paperwork and Betty is texting the girls
"Jug, the bar is getting an inspection in a week" Sweetpea says concerned
"Ughh, why can't the inspectors get that no one gives two shits of the hygiene and what kinda state is of that place, people have been killed there and they still want to come back" I say ripping it up
"Veronica says Juliet has been good and they are all eating pizza in the hot tub"Betty says smiling
"Sounds like they are having fun"
I say reading a social services letter

Dear mr jones, Mrs cooper
It has came to out attention that your kids aren't getting taken care of properly, we will be coming to check in on 31st may

                         Yours faithfully
Social services

"Betts, look at this, it can't be true" I say astonished
"Social services?" Sweetpea says weirded out
"This is ridiculous, our kids aren't getting neglected, they have a safe place to sleep, food, friends,family, education and they do after school activities" Betty says screwing up her face
"Well we have two weeks to worry about that, meanwhile we gotta be here for Brooklyn and get this paper work done" I say
Cheryl pov
Me,Veronica,Toni,Juliet and sophia are in the hot tub eating our pizza while the boys are inside teaching the twins how to play video games
"Okay Juliet, never have I ever kissed a boy" Sophia asks giggling
"Of course I have, I'm Juliet jones what do you expect" she replies laughing
"Okay my turn, Sophia never have I ever been in a relationship" Toni asked
" nopE, because I don't know if I like girls or boys yet" she replied easily

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