Some babies

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Veronica POV

It hurt so bad, I felt like screaming but I didn't want to Because I would put Betty off from driving, I just kept taking deep breaths and I cried but Juliet made me feel a little better by saying
"It's okay auntie v, you can do this"
Even tho she has no idea of what I'm going through she is kinda helping. We arrive at the hospital and Betty goes up to the front desk
"My best friends is having contractions and she is pregnant with twins so can you please help, it's her first time being pregnant and she is in a lot of pain" Betty said and the nurses cane out and took me to my room and plugged me into a lot of machines, the contractions stopped, I was relieved.
"I don't like the hospital, it's to scary" Juliet says looking around worried
"I know it's scary but at least your not the one that's hurt this time, and the doctors and nurses are going to help auntie v have her babies" Betty says holding Juliet in her arms
"You guys can sit down you know" I say and they sit down. We are just chilling until I go fully into labour

Archie POV

"I can't believe this is happening, I'm on my way to the hospital to have twin boys, my kids but I just have this feeling in going to screw up their lives, what is one has something wrong with them or both" I say getting in a state
"Hey hey hey, bro, your gonna do an amazing job at parenting, I mean two boys that's cool, when Juliet was born I had no idea what to do i thought I was gonna drop her or screw up her life or lose my mind, but none of that ever happened because I had you and Ronni and now you have me, Betty and Juliet" jughead say and parks the car, we run as fast as we could to the reception
"We are looking for a Veronica lodge" I say out of breath
"She is in room 128" the reception said
We find the room and go in
"Hey guys" Betty says
"Shhhh She is sleeping, my ears are sore from her saying her tummy hurts" Juliet says
"Well, glad we are all alright and now I'm going to the vending machine, anyone want anything" jughead says
"I'm coming with you, I'm starving"juls said and they leave
"How can they be starving, they had supper 45 minuets ago?" Betty said
"I think it runs in the jones family, and how is your pregnancy going?" I ask
"It's going okay, my bump is only showing a little and my back aches but I don't really get hungry" Betty answered

3rd person POV

30 mins later Veronica was ready to have her babies, jughead and Juliet left the room because they didn't want to see that.
10 mins later
*baby crying*
"Omg v you did it, your officially a mom" Betty said with tears
Veronica and the babies got all cleaned up. Juliet and jughead came back in the room
"Welcome to the world, Ethan and Cody" Archie said
"Awww they are cute names" jughead says
"Here Betty, I need some rest so you take Cody" Veronica said and carefully hands the baby to Betty
"Hey handsome, I'm your auntie betty but you can call me B, and your uncle jug and cousin juls are over there and you have another cousin but he or she isn't born yet *Ethan cries* and that is your brother you haven't even cried or fussed yet so I think I'm your favourite person so far *betty giggles* which is pretty cool, now I better give you to the nurse so they can take you to the nursery and you can get some sleep" Betty says softly and hands Cody over to the nurse but as soon as the nurse takes Cody out of Betty's arms he screams and has a complete fit
"Oh dear, you do like your aunt Betty don't you" Archie says and hand Ethan over and he doesn't even flinch
Betty had to take Cody to the nursery because he wouldn't settle for anyone else
"Okay so I have baby fever now, I'm actually so glad I'm having a baby" Betty says as she comes back to the room
"Wow it's 9 o'clock already, we better get going" jughead says
"No I want to stay with v and Archie" Juliet refused to move
"You have to come home, Archie is tired" Betty says
"Guys, she can stay it's really no problem" Archie says
"Okay then, what do you say for him letting you stay" jughead said
"Thank you, now bye mom bye dad, you can go now" Juliet says sitting back down
"Okay okay we are going now, bye" Betty said. Juliet slept in the bed with Veronica and Archie slept on a chair. In the morning the doctor said Veronica can go home (I don't know how long you have to stay)

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